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Run game as administrator

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I bought the Arma 2 Combined Operations pack on Steam about a month ago. For the past week every time I try to join a server the game kicks me and says, "run game as administrator." I am running the game as the administrator. Steam automatically updates the game so I know I have the latest version. I also have the latest driver updates for my computer. (if that makes a difference) There is only one server that I can play on that I know of. (The Grunts Clan Server) I don't know why thats the only one. I don't know if this makes a difference but I only play the Benny Edition game modes.

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Try making a shortcut to the OA executeable, and selecting run as administrator in the properties and running from the desktop, for some reason it never worked when I either ran steam as admin or tried right clicking the executable and running as admin.

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I can't find the run game as administrator for OA. I can see it with other icons but not for OA.

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Run as administrator check box should be in properties under the compatibility tab like normal. Have you found the icon in the

C:Program Files/Steam/Bohemia Interactive/ Arma2 or Arma2OA folder? (Or something similar to this.)

I don't have the Steam version, but I do have to run game as administrator to play the Benny Warfare modes.

Also have a look in here for the latest on Steam stuff's http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1704280#post1704280

Edited by Goodboys

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my problem is that there is no combatibility tab. Any game that i didn't purchase from steam has it but all my steam games don't have it

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the only tabs i have are general, Web Document, Security, Details and Previous Versions

im using windows 7 if that makes a difference

Edited by koalasalad

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If you made a shortcut, it is there. I have steam and I had the same problem. I looked around until I saw the button you have to check. Just keep looking for it.

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Since this is a required update BIS really should push out a steam update that somehow fixes this for people.

KS: Browse into your steamapps/common folder in windows file explorer, find the Arma2 or Arma2OA binary and mark it as run as administrator in the windows filesystem compat menu (right click on the file). then you can launch through steam as usual.

Edited by Polar Bear

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