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Guest Titanium

Timing wp or using triggers to activate wp's

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Guest Titanium

When i set a WAypoint, i set the min/max/mid thing to 10 just as a test. The guy doesnt wait the 10 seconds, he just runs. In the mission im making, Im having trucks come in w/ troops after you enter the town. But i want it so that you have a little bit of time. I would set it to like 5-7 minutes (enoguh time to take the town and set up defensive positions).

Basically this is my question:

How do i make a trigger that will activate the waypoint after the given time.

help, and please keep it simple, and also dont just say to go to some web site. Just a simple answer to a simplequestion please.

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Well, you have to understand the waypoints logic

in your case. You can use the condition field, the onactivation

field and the time-delay, and the effects menu of a waypint

as soon as the unit has reached the waypoint, while the

combat-mode, behaviour, formation, speed and waypoint-type

becomes active as soon as the unit is moving to this waypoint. :note - wow a 5 line sentence

If you want to use a time-delay for a unit, do it in this way:

place a waypoint near to the unit (as first waypoint)

and use the time-delay max/min/avg there.

The unit will move there, and wait for the time of delay you set. Then add another waypoint to where the unit should move after that time-delay.

hope this helps

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or you can place a trigger in the town and sync it with the way point so when ya get to the town it activates the enemy waypoint make sure ya set trigger as a switch hope that helps ya biggrin.gif


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Guest Titanium

Thx chris that works very nice. But russinim a little new to mapping (this is only my second map). and could you elaborate on how to do that? I mean when you enter the town, then the enemies move in?

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assuming your west make trigger as follows

detected bye west

make it a switch

then sync the trigger with the waypoint to do this just hit the sync key on top in editor and drag a line from the trigger to the waypoint in the town smile.gif

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russin: no offence, but what r u talkin about?

I mean, if you give hints to an editing newbie, why

giving only half hints or wrong ones?

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">assuming your west make trigger as follows

     detected bye west

     make it a switch

then sync the trigger with the waypoint to do this just hit the sync key on top in editor and drag a line from the trigger to the waypoint in the town <span id='postcolor'>

OK let's look what you've suggested here:

expecting he's west isn't wrong, but why you want the trigger

set to detected by west? Why make it switch?, and why don't

you tell him, which waypoint he should sync with the trigger.

If i would be a newbie, i wouldn't understand what you say.

btw - i'm not a newbie, and i understand what you wanna say

here, but it won't work.

The switch type, you need to continue a neverending waypoint (e.g: hold, support, guard, sentry), you don't need

to use switch triggers on normal "move" waypoints.

Then, why "detected by west"? - who you want to detect

(he never said, that there is another west unit in this town

which could detect him).

Sorry if this all is a bit below the belt, i didn't want to flame here.

Well Titanium, let's get back to your question;

The way, russin means is also a solution for ya:

Place a trigger onto that town (specify the range as big as

your unit is in the trigger area, when you want the trigger

to become active). Set the trigger activation to:


in the condition field must be: this

:note, the two main settings in the cond-field are: "this" or

"true", while this expects the condition of the trigger activation menu (above) to become true, and true means

that the trigger becomes active, once the mission starts.

There are also other types of settings for the condition field,

but this is another story, and you'd better watch some tut's

for those conditions (hint: variables, boolean conditions etc.)

Then press "F5", and drag a line from that trigger to the

waypoint mentioned above (the one where we used the time-delay before), change the time-delay back to 0/0/0 and whoop it should work.

What will happen?

You (west) enter the trigger area, the trigger becomes active,

and unlocks the waypoint syncronized to it (this means, the

unit waiting at this waypoint can move on)

Again sorry Russin, i don't wanna be "the smartass", but the way you suggested, would only confuse Titanium a bit more

hope this helps ~S~ CD wink.gif

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