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Out of Memory and CTD...

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Im running Win 7 64bit and after about 30 mins of playing i get a CTD and a out of memory error msg. I have taken all the advice as far as settings go and have had no success in getting it to stop. Can anyone add some insight to this issue. Btw, i never happened with ARMA 2 just OA. At the rate im sending planes and choppers into the ground im lucky to not have been kicked out of my clan. Please help me Bohemia.

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i really would like to troll here but.....


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i really would like to troll here but.....


Oh wow..thanks so much for that information. Ive spent hours reading other post like mine and nothing has helped. Just adding to someone elses post does nothing in the way of raising awareness to BI.

So, if anyone has some contructive help for stopping CTD with an OOM error please do.

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