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Helicopter rudder not working when using joystick

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I can not use the 'x' and 'c' buttons for rudder when flying an aeoroplane or a helicopter using my Joystick. When using the mouse the rudder control works fine. This is the problem, at take off with the helicopter the rudder control works fine, even when using a joystick. But after i have moved the joystick handle (even the smallest little push) the rudder controls cease to function. The only way to be able to use the rudder from there on is to give the mouse a little push and then the rudder control works again, but as soon as i move the joystick handle the rudder control cease to function yet again.

Now, is this a known bug, or am i the only one with this problem?

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Do you mean you want to control x,y axis with the joystick and the rudder with c,x keys? If so, you can't.. The control is always locked, to either the joystick or keyboard. As soon as you start moving the joystick, it get's "focus" and keyboard rudder will be ignored.

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yes..thats sad then. :-(

..so without two extra buttons on my joystick i dont have rudder control?

but what kind of joystick got so many buttons to take account for all the movements of an aeroplane and chopper?

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I am running a microsoft sidewinder joystick and have no trouble with rudders.

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Oh i though this topic is about A10's, the rudder does'nt work after you reach a certain speed.I have no trouble with the helicopter's rudder my self.

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So you need a joystick with rudder control to play with ruddercontrol, like Microsofts Sidewinder. thats bad. i guess thats the way directplay is developed: pro microsoft products, for microsoft superiority. mad.gif

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Calm down. btw, many companies have joysticks with rudders, gee man.

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doesnt help me though, does it? no, need a new joystick in that case.

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Just stick with the mouse and keyboard.When your basiclly doing 0 knots and you move the mouse left(or right), your using the rudder.I perfer using the mouse an keyoard.Or ou can use the x or c key.

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