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Radio Trigger with local effect in MP

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Hi all,

Just as the thread title says: I need to raise a dialog screen that is only invoked on the player who is calling it. I'd go with ADDACTION but it's pretty wonky when entering vehicles. A RADIO ALPHA trigger would do the trick, but the problem is in multiplayer where player 1 calls the radio trigger and player 2 will get to see the dialog screen as well.

Any thoughts?

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Specify condition only for chosen unit like:

player == a1

In Init.sqs hide radio for other players:

? player != a1 : 0 setRadioMsg "null"

This works well assuming you don't have many players and many actions.

If you do then there is a different way: keyboard hotkey. Using manual cam to detect keyboard output. There is a script on OFPEC. Not a good one but it's enough for beginners.


Edited by Faguss

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Thanks for your quick reply! The solution you have provided me however is controlling the availibility of the radio command, which is not exactly what I'm looking for. Neither will keyboard output checking help me; I believe that's only applicable to the standard movement keys. But I must say that I'm being vague on the subject so I'll supply some details.



To illustrate my problem; I want certain individual players to have the ability to invoke this dialog. ADDACTION won't help me that great because it requires players to be outside of a vehicle mostly. (It acts kinda random actually; perhaps I'm using ADDACTION wrong?)

Radio triggers would be a great solution; it actually is in single player since a radio trigger can be called universally. The problem however is when player X uses a radio trigger to invoke the dialog, so will player Y and Z because the execution of radio triggers are broadcasted publicly. :(

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radio triggers are broadcasted publicly

Nothing you can do about it. Get it over with.

When player entered vehicle you can remove the action from player and add to vehicle he is inside. Since addAction is local it shouldn't be a problem in MP.

But still the best choice is keyboard hotkey. Using manual cam (or Fwatch) you can make combinations like: E+C.


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Nothing you can do about it. Get it over with.

When player entered vehicle you can remove the action from player and add to vehicle he is inside. Since addAction is local it shouldn't be a problem in MP.

Yeah, I decided to go for that. Thanks for pointing out that addAction is local, I always thought it went global. The code below solved my problem.

cmd_action_object = player
if (vehicle player != player) then { cmd_action_object = vehicle player; } else { cmd_action_object = player }
cmd_action = cmd_action_object addAction ["Command System", "cmd_commandscript.sqs"]
cmd_action_object removeAction cmd_action

But still the best choice is keyboard hotkey. Using manual cam (or Fwatch) you can make combinations like: E+C.


That might be worth investigating if I proceed with the satellite script. Thanks for your help!

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