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Operation Arrowhead hellicopter spawn ?

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I apologise if this is posted in the wrong place, not sure what category this problem should be posted in.

My problem is and I am sure its just a regular noob mistake is that when I start a game (Warfare BE lite) I will start putting the stuff in my base, barracks etc etc.

I would like to know how I can specify the spawn point of vehicles and soldiers when I purchase them.

For example, when I put the airbase thing and spawn a chopper it will often be sitting on top of something or decide to spawn in the middle of a bunch of trees or something.

Can someone please explain to me how I can specify where I want my chopper (for instance) to spawn or if I cannot do that can someone tell me how I can tell where the chopper will spawn so I can then place the aircraft construction building accordingly.

Is there a guide or something regarding building placement when setting up your base ?

many thanks and apologies as I suspect this is just a noob mistake by myself.

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I think you cannot unfortunetally change the point they spawn into. Best advice I can give you is build a VERY open base. wtih good distance between factories and HQ :)

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thanks, think I worked out that they always spawn on a certain side when I put it down, working fine for now but I would like a bit more control over this if possible.

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