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Differences between OPF and Arma 2 editing?

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I just ordered OPF and am wondering what the differences are between Arma 2 editing and OPF editing. ie, does the briefing get made with briefing.sqf file same way, same question goes for description.ext, briefing.html, overview.html, init.sqf and the stringtable.csv.

Will I have to learn all over for OPF or is it morealess the same deal?

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I don't have Arma 2 sadly, but pretty much everything you've just summed up sounds familiar from OFP. Overview and briefing in HTML. Init.sqs as the first script file to be executed.

OFP uses scripting with SQS syntax, which is a bit limited from compared to SQF. (I believe SQF looks more like 'traditional' languages) You also might bump into a few scripting commands that you are used to in Arma but aren't available in OFP. Bottom line; you might have to make a few slight adjustments.

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Alright, so pretty much the big thing is sqs instead of things being sqf? Shouldn't be too hard, thanks.

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