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International Security Assault Force(realism unit)

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International Security Assault Force

In service of peace and freedom

Who Are we:

Were a group of Ex millitary and Dedicated Gamers looking to bring realism and expierence to the A2(OA) community as well as being fun and bringing multi nationalal unit gaming to Arma.

What were looking for:

Easy were looking for people who want to play as a team and are mature enough to understand the need for organised play, also we like a laugh so a sense of humour is required as were renowned practiclal jokers.

What we expect:

Teamplay and input from our members

Player type:

At the moment were recruiting the following Infantrymen/Special forces/Mechanised/Air crews/Mission makers/Mod Makers and Admins for our site/Vent and Game


We currently run a 20 slot OA server based in the UK with a very good ping all round.


We use TS3 info as follow IP: ts3.alpha-networks.co.uk

Port: 10017 you can get this info via our game server as well(check the map)/forum and or msn.

Our site is at:


In the multiplayer lobby set your filter to I.S.A.F and you will find us


We have 3 stages of training:

stage 1: Basic training or how not to shoot yourelf in the foot (This is only two weeks and takes you to private)

Stage 2(advanced): This is taught by ex members of the UK armed forces and long time gamers (This is held over 3 weeks and takes you to private first class)

Stage 3: This is section Training each section has specific training that we look foward to importing to our members. (This is continual and can include anything from formations, role specific training & war games as its always fun to shoot the HQ lol)


Yes we have ranks and ther based on the British millitary as its a nice easy structure for all players from casuall to Pro players to follow.

Also a good understanding of English typed and spoken will be required as this makes it generally easier for all concerned.

We have 2 mission nights per week which are locked sessions for members and 1 public open mission night which is a re-run of our locked sessions to let potential new members see what and who we are.

do we run Domi yes we do but not all the time and it is edited to our style of game play. We run other maps some community made some made by our in house team so we aim at covering the whole nine yards catering to everyones taste.

Will you be using the BAF DLC(silly question of course we will)

Please feel free to Pm me or email us a isaf@btconnect.com

Edited by Rogue_Trooper
Info update

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Hi just a quick update Weve now changed our Server to a A.C.E for OA server and are welcoming new recruits or caual players of all types. Also we have had to update our TS3 to a bigger size due to membership TS3 info below if your on the server your welcome to join.




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