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200 rounds for rpg?

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Here is story.

Was playing desert ambush. Killed a squad near town with M21-grabbed RPG from dead AT soldier. T72 attacked ,bagged it with 2 rounds. Grabbed more rpg's off dead guy nearby.

Saw a couple guys in town running in bushes so fired rpg round into bush but 2 57mm rockets came out(yep-not rpg round) at same time-had correct sound and explosion for 57mm rocket-not rpg. So i hit reload and am amazed that my ammo count with rpg still selected shows 200 rounds! Thought"thats weird" so hit enter to select m21 again and it showed i had M21,AK74 and RPG! So stayed with RPG and fired all 200 rounds into town-leveling it(they all came out as double missiles). 5 other guys playing online all saw the same thing so it wasnt limited to my pc. Any ideas??? wow.gif

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