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hello new help

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I downloaded demo of arma2 OA and the demo pretty decent though it a shame there isnt more missions.

I been trying to use mission editor to create some fun missions for myself and multiplayer fun.

Problem is the mission editor quite complex if you want to do some simple actions like, a convoy entering a city then gets attcked once it enters city then reinforcements come when they get attacked ect.

the forums here are if i may say rather over complex considering how many subforums are here.

Can somone link me or tell me where i can find a quick guide to using arma2 OA mission editor as id like to make some simple missions to play with while on demo and try out,

Also how can i make AI fly better? atm they pretty bad to the point of stupid when you try get them to fly a chopper or UAV(maq9 i think it called, have no idea how that flys)


Edited by roadrunner20

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thanks for that , be good though if you could tell me where i can find a guide for more detailed turtorial like the one you posted.

i trying to atm create a convoy mission with americans entering a town and get attacked then air support comes ect ect.

so far been searching forums but cant find such a guide topic.(many subforums too makes it hard to find guide sinse so many sections )

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thanks for that , be good though if you could tell me where i can find a guide for more detailed turtorial like the one you posted.

i trying to atm create a convoy mission with americans entering a town and get attacked then air support comes ect ect.

so far been searching forums but cant find such a guide topic.(many subforums too makes it hard to find guide sinse so many sections )


Search topics for tutorials....

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Search topics for tutorials....

i have but there isnt a lot i searched and all i get is script editing and such i just want a simple guide on how to edit no fancy stuff like changing smoke or exsplosions ect.

also in game are lazers and hellfire bugged?

I been trying to use UAV and shoot its hellfire but it not working and hellfires just fire forward can somone link me to guide so i can check

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I did a search using your (roadrunner20) own words and found, one of the most important guides anyone here could want.

Seriously, do a search. People are telling you that because it is sooo obvious that you have not done a search. Google will work, too.

Also, I am sure a Mod will also tell you about reading the rules, descriptive titles, etc.

Anyway, welcome to the forum. ;) (And here is a hint... Murray.)

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ur own forum search.


As you see the only topics about mission editor basics and guides are the topics like mine asking for such a guide then being told to use search...ironic.

the guy who posted that video on youtube is what im looking for a good guide showing you how to make missions and edit, so far all the "guides " i seen are not arma2 or OA, and topics are mostly about helping with scripting special events.. that why i asking.

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rr, hi again.

Did you look through the stickies in this forum? (Not being a smarty, but, searching does not just mean typing in a text box.)

For a simple mission as you want, you first need to,

place a 'player' unit (I guess you know that),

you can choose empty 'things' only after you have a 'player' unit, be it soldier or vehicle, or air unit,

you will need to research way points and their settings,

and triggers.

Start with the above.

Also, you can download a mission from somewhere that seems like what you want, and get an idea what to do from that. (You will probably need a tool to unpack pbo files.)

I know it is not easy, and to start it will take a lot of research (if you don't know anything, like me). As you progress, make a text file to keep notes and commands, etc, to refer to again, if needed. And make a folder for links to web pages that have helped you, so you don't have to search for them again.

I managed to complete a fairly complex mission before I ever came in the forum and asked a question. For me, it was damn tuff. Hopefully, it will be easier for you.

EDIT: Just start building, and testing, and you will start to get it. Again, me, I don't know much, and I am still learning. - And find Murray's editing guide (for Arma). Most will apply to Arma 2 and OA. There may even be an updated version. - One more thing... if you are in the demo, and trying to make missions, how are you going to save them?

Edited by CyOp

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in demo you can save them to documents, then if i want to make multiplayer mission i then move the document from my mission folder into MP mission folder:)

so far i been testing with triggers ect and this is what i done so far and here are the main issues i find hard.

I made a mission where americans are ment to attack a town and the enermy defends.

I used the AI in hummers to attack town using "waypoint markers, with move and search and destroy"

Question on this:

How do i tell AI to attack an area? ie assualt the town and secure it?(so far all i find is they move near town then stop and start shooting but just sit around)

I also then tried having when BOFOR gets inside town reinforcements come and i used a sync with a trigger so that enermy moves once BOFOR goes into the trigger zone.

Question on this, triggers, so far there seems so many types i have no idea what half of them do, any one quickly tell me what each one does on the drop down menu?

(there a lot like END1,2,3,4 ect and gaurded by, and i dont know exactly what this entails with AI)

Also info age i been trying to figue out as it would be good to have enermy attacking in waves rather than having to have all units crowding one area while they wait for a trigger to be set off.(rather have a timer for them to appear then start attacking than having them sitting there waiting for special trigger)

Lastly ..:) how do i end the game, with end conditions, i know END is a triger but have no idea how i can end game with a simple "area been secured you win, ie you captured the town , game ends" ( i have tried but keeps saying error)

cheers those were the main issues

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You will find alot of useful stuff in the BIKI

thanks though rather complex reading"if fale is active then this is true other wise it will be known as true" :eek:

been searching youtube for a while looking for more guide videos sadly only found 2 inclu the one posted

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