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About silentius

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  1. silentius

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    Well epoch is based on DayZ. The MedBox0 on Epoch comes from DayZ. Both of us do not think it is an epoch problem. As samatra mentioned, the attributes for ReammoBox did not change either. This makes me thinking it is a bug in the engine which causes the inheritance logic to not work properly anymore!
  2. silentius

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    Does not look like it. Look at the config https://github.com/DayZMod/DayZ/blob/Development/SQF/dayz_equip/configs/CardboardBox.hpp It inherits the max values from the base class which seems to be ReammoBox. One thing I could imagine is that the information gets lost somewhere in the tree. Unfortunately I cannot do tests on my own since cfgVehicle is not supported by mission pbo. You can be sure that neither DayZ nor Epoch was changed recently. So the issue is either the reammobox which do not have any storage anymore (which you already confirmed to be not true) or there is a side effect of bugfixes which has an impact on the inheritance logic which sounds to me like a nightmare and which could also explain some of the weapon issues people experience!
  3. silentius

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    Hopefully this helps: class CardboardBox : ReammoBox { }; class MedBox0 : CardboardBox { }; So obviously the origin with the actual max slots is ReammoBox. Regards, Silentius
  4. silentius

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    It is... MedBox0 does not have any space. No weapons, no magazines and no backpack :-S Mystery solved, thanks :-) Regarding addons: - DayZ Epoch 1501 - Arma 2 OA - British Armed Forces - Private Military Company - Army of the Czech Repubilc
  5. silentius

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    Morning everybody, first of all thanks for patching an old game. This means for me that Arma 2 is not dead yet which is good :-) Appart from the reported issues with zeroing on DMR and Sniper weapons, I did not read about the PKP so far. Also the PKP lost zeroing and since it was my favorite weapon, it is kind of sad :-S There is also another issue I saw so far. Previously the Arma 2 client was tight to Steam so starting Arma 2 caused starting steam as well. This is not the fact anymore. If you now start Arma 2 but steam is not running, you simply get kicked from all servers when you try to connect. One more issue... I am running a DayZ Epoch 1501 Server and have a lot of customized stuff on it. I run a modified version of DZMS which is the mission system. It was configured to collect all weapons from dead enemies and add them to a box. // find nearest box _objects = nearestObjects [_unit, ["MedBox0"], 250]; _object = objNull; if (count _objects == 0) then { _object = createVehicle ["MedBox0", _unit, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _object addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}]; clearweaponcargoGlobal _object; clearmagazinecargoGlobal _object; _objectID = str(round(random 999999)); _object setVariable ["ObjectID", _objectID, true]; _object setVariable ["ObjectUID", _objectID, true]; _object setVariable ["permaLoot",true]; _object setVariable ["DZMSCleanup",true]; } else { _object = _objects select 0; }; if (!isNil "_object") then { { // toolbelt and weapons if (!(_x in ["NVGoggles","RPG7V"])) then { _object addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x, 1]; }; } forEach (weapons _unit); { // ammo and other items if (!(_x in ["PG7V"])) then { _object addmagazineCargoGlobal [_x,1]; }; } forEach (magazines _unit); }; Well, this happens server side. After the patch, the players did not see the weapons anymore in the box. My client was not updated when this issue occured and I saw the weapons. Now they are invisible for me as well! Finally... All this complains about the changed weapons and vehicles have only one single reason: We are not able to change them back to fit our needs. cfgVehicles, cfgWeapons, cfgMagazines and cfgAmmo cannot be modified via mission config, which is really something I would wish for christmas :-) You have this cool inheritance concept which would allow us to modifiy the needed attributes with a few lines of code. But as mentioned, it is not supported in the mission file. I am probably not the only one who wants this from Santa Clause :-) Thanks, Merry Christmas and hohoho!