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Enhanced Movement & Exile

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Hi I wonder if someone can help, I have installed @EM (enhanced movement) addon, it works great when in editor .


- I am able to press esc and bind my keys to jump/climb.

- I am able to jump and climb.


However when I try joining my local exile server, none of the above works, @EM is client side only but I have also tried it with it added server side, key added , check for signature disabled .


I have also noticed this error in my client .rpt file which brought me to hear in the hope that someone can help me, I know few exile servers out there have got it working on their servers.. here is the client .rpt errors i am seeing:



8:39:06 Error in expression {
profilenamespace setvariable [[_keyinfo, 0], 0];

if (>
8:39:06 Error position: };

if (>
8:39:06 Error Type Array, expected String
8:39:06 File babe_core\func\ui\fn_settings.sqf, line 43
8:39:06 Error in expression };

if (typeName((_bx select 0) select 1) != "ARRAY") then>
8:39:06 Error position: <_bx select 0) select 1) != "ARRAY") then>
8:39:06 Error Undefined variable in expression: _bx
8:39:06 File babe_core\func\ui\fn_settings.sqf, line 46
8:39:06 Error in expression {
profilenamespace setvariable [[_keyinfo, 0], 0];

if (>
8:39:06 Error position: };

if (>
8:39:06 Error Type Array, expected String
8:39:06 File babe_core\func\ui\fn_settings.sqf, line 43
8:39:06 Error in expression };

if (typeName((_bx select 0) select 1) != "ARRAY") then>
8:39:06 Error position: <_bx select 0) select 1) != "ARRAY") then>
8:39:06 Error Undefined variable in expression: _bx
8:39:06 File babe_core\func\ui\fn_settings.sqf, line 46
8:39:06 Error in expression {
profilenamespace setvariable [[_keyinfo, 0], 0];

if (>
8:39:06 Error position: };

if (>
8:39:06 Error Type Array, expected String
8:39:06 File babe_core\func\ui\fn_settings.sqf, line 43
8:39:06 Error in expression };

if (typeName((_bx select 0) select 1) != "ARRAY") then>
8:39:06 Error position: <_bx select 0) select 1) != "ARRAY") then>
8:39:06 Error Undefined variable in expression: _bx
8:39:06 File babe_core\func\ui\fn_settings.sqf, line 46
8:39:06 Error in expression < true;
_double2 ctrlSetText (_nameLines select 1);
_double2 ctrlShow true;
8:39:06 Error position: _double2 ctrlShow true;};Ex> 8:39:06 Error Zero divisor



8:42:07 "Joey/BIS_fnc_log: [bIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler] Stack as been updated with ID (BABE_MAINLOOP) for Event (onEachFrame) executing Function ({
private ["_i"];

for "_i" from 0 to (count babe_core_EHs)-1 do
_EH = babe_core_EHs select _i;
_id = _EH select 0;
_cond = _EH select 1;
_condpars = _EH select 2;
_fnc = _EH select 3;
_pars = _EH select 4;
_switch = _EH select 5;
_switchfnc = _EH select 6;
_switchpars = _EH select 7;
_delay = _EH select 8;

if (_delay == -1 or diag_tickTime - (call compile (_id+"_timer")) >= _delay) then
call compile (_id + "_timer = diag_tickTime;");

missionNameSpace setvariable ["babe_mainloop_pars", nil];

if (_switch) then
_var = missionNameSpace getvariable _id;
if (IsNil "_var") then
missionNameSpace setvariable [_id, false];
_var = missionNameSpace getvariable _id;

if !(_var) then

missionNameSpace setvariable ["babe_mainloop_pars", _pars];
call compile (format ["if (%1) then {(missionNameSpace getvariable toString %2) call %3; missionNameSpace setvariable [
8:42:07 "Joey/BIS_fnc_log: [bIS_fnc_selectRespawnTemplate] onPlayerRespawn template 'Exile' executed from function 'ExileClient_object_player_event_onPlayerRespawn'"
8:42:07 "Playing..."

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