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HI. Maybe someone can find this usable. This script add possibility to automatically turn back vehicle on wheels once flipped. To event take place vehicle needs to be side/up flipped and empty and no units in 10m around. /* file: autoflip.sqf by DaVidoSS add possibility to automatically turn back vehicle on wheels once flipped to event take place vehicle needs to be side/up flipped and empty and no units in 10m around parameters: 0: OBJECT return VOID usage: if (isServer) then { 0 = [_vehicle] execVM "autoflip.sqf"; }; */ params [["_vehicle",objNull,[objNull]]]; if (!isServer) exitWith {}; if (!((getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle >> "hasDriver")) isEqualTo 1)) exitWith {}; _vehicle addEventHandler ["GetOut", { private _vehicle = param [0, objNull, [objNull]]; if !((crew _vehicle) isEqualTo []) exitWith {}; (_vehicle call BIS_fnc_getPitchBank) params ["_vx","_vy"]; if (([_vx,_vy] findIf {_x > 80 || _x < -80}) != -1) then { 0 = [_vehicle] spawn { private _vehicle = param [0, objNull, [objNull]]; waitUntil {(_vehicle nearEntities ["Man", 10]) isEqualTo [] || !alive _vehicle}; if (!alive _vehicle) exitWith {}; _vehicle allowDamage false; _vehicle setVectorUp [0,0,1]; _vehicle setPosATL [(getPosATL _vehicle) select 0, (getPosATL _vehicle) select 1, 0]; _vehicle allowDamage true; }; }; }];