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SecOp problem.

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Okay, so Im trying to call in an airstrike using SOM.

I followed these instructions;

In the editor hit F7 and add the SecOp Manager. Synchronise it to yourself. Then create a trigger with Zero "A" and "B" range.

Set "Activation" to "Radio Alpha " and "Repeatedly."

Then, in "On Activation" copy and paste --

[["transport", "aerial_reconnaissance", "supply_drop", "tactical_airstrike", "artillery_barrage"], player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

Make sure the axis "A" and "B" ranges are zero so it can affect you anywhere on the map. Now you have an Airstrike (takes time to hit) an Artillery Barrage (9 of them) a Huey to transport you anywhere, a supply drop and the UAV to overfly areas and report hostiles to you.

Once you use one, just hit 0-0-1 (radio alpha) to refresh your options.

The Secop acts like a secondary quest manager, so if you've got the Ambient Combat Module going you will get missions periodically from Command. You can ignore or reject them at will and still have unlimited support.

Just more replay value!

So, then I get out a lazer marker, aim at the target and call in the strike. The planes fly in, but they wont attack the target. They just keep flying over, and not bombing. Could anyone tell me why this might be?

I have tried doing this at multiple locations.

Im testing this out in the Single Player Editor.

When I use the supply drop command, that works fine for me, so i really dont know what it could be. I tried following the instructions listed here, http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Secondary_Operations_Manager, but still the planes would not attack. Perhaps it is something to do with my character? I am using the FAC OP as he is the only guy with an Lazerdes.

Any Help?



Edited by Leving

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Those are some pretty interesting instructions. :)

The SecOps module will give you missions regardless if the ACM is on the map or not. If you want to stop the missions and keep only the support, put this in your SecOps Module init:

this setVariable ["settings", [[], true, nil, nil, false]];

As for the laser marker and the air strike not working, it depends if they can see the laser marker target or not. You mark a target location by "looking" at something AS you call in the attack. You'll see your cursor change to a (><) type thing, whatever you're clicking on as you call in support becomes their target.

If you than paint something with a laser marker they'll attack that instead, if they can see it. In tests open field targets the LM target was always attacked. However if the target vehicle was difficult to see, in woods or a building or something, sometimes only one of the planes saw it and the other attacked the default location.

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It just seems as though the AS for SecOps is really tame. I got them to Attack a tank in a town.

I was expecting them to attack on their first run, but instead they fly around for ages, and finally on one pass they fired their machine guns, instead of dropping bombs.

Eventually, the tank actually killed one of them. This was also a similar case when I tested it in an open field.

I wanted them to fly over drop a shit load of HE blow up the tank, and fly away.

Is this how its supposed to be? If so I'll find a decent script instead, as the arty strikes seem far more effective.

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Every time I've used it it was 2 Harriers. They did 2 passes, dropping 1 bomb each on each pass, then they disappeared.

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