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Disable the landing autopilot.

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Im sorry if this was asked but I did run searches and found nothing of relevance.

Could someone tell me how to disable the landing autopilot via script.

In the mission we can purchase planes

What I would like to do is have the landing autopilot removed as an option for players.



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Well it is already an option. If you don't want it, don't click it :P

It is an action added for the vehicle by BIS, so if you want it cleanly removed you would need to use an AddOn. To script it, you'd have to remove the action and make sure it stays removed, but I'm pretty sure you can't do that.

Now what you MIGHT be able to do (this is a total guess), if the command exists, is detect when the autopilot is enabled, then disable it on enable.

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there is probably some way to detect when autolanding is enabled, but until then, just place this in init of vehicle you wish to not have autolanding.

_null = this execVM "noAland.sqf";

save this as noAland.sqf

while {(getDammage _this) < 1} do {
waitUntil {sleep 1; !isNull (driver _this)};
(driver _this) action ["cancelLand", _this];

it will wait until there is a pilot inside and then cansel the auto pilot landing each second, and script will exit if vehicle is destroyed.

you can add vehicleChat with hints etc to add to the script.

Remember to run the script on vehicle again when respawned if thats the case when destroyed.

this in execVM line is the name of the vehicle.

Edited by Demonized

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Thanks Demonized ill try that out

and thanks again

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On 7/28/2011 at 5:38 PM, BL1P said:

Im sorry if this was asked but I did run searches and found nothing of relevance.

Could someone tell me how to disable the landing autopilot via script.

In the mission we can purchase planes

What I would like to do is have the landing autopilot removed as an option for players.




if (!isServer) then {
inGameUISetEventHandler ["Action", " 
 if (_this select 3 == 'Land') then { 
  hint 'TEXT IF NEEDED';  



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