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MP JIP players spawning mid air above LHD

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I'm trying to construct a mission that involves the players starting on-board the LHD. The initial spawning isn't a problem using the below command in the initialisation field of the playable characters.

this setPos [getPos this select 0,getPos this select 1,15.9]; 

However, any player that joins whilst the game is in progress, for whatever reason, spawns around 30ft in the air above where they're supposed to, generally resulting in broken legs or death.

The mission uses ArMaTeC's LDH spawner and norrin's revive scripts.

Has anyone experienced similar issues or would know how to get around this problem?

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Quoted from another forum I answered this same question at:

Vehicles need the SetPos command to put them on equal height with the LHD, infantry units do not. For some reason they spawn on deck regardless. So if you put a SetPos command in their init field, that means that they're spawning 19 metres up in their air... counting from the deck of the LHD! Which results in lots of ouch.

OK, please note: I THINK this is it. I little experience with having an LHD as starting/spawning point and I hardly ever use the setpos command, but I think this is what is happening. I seem to remember that infantry units will always spawn on the deck of the LHD while vehicles will spawn under it on the bottom of the sea (yarr). Just take out the init line in the infantry's init fields and see what happens. Even if it doesn't work, you'll at least have eliminated an option ;)

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You can now respawn on the carrier or in a chopper using the following method:

1. Copy the respawnSpecial folder into your mission file

2. In the revive_init.sqf on the line NORRNCustomExec3 put

 NORRNCustomExec3 ="[_name,'USS Khe Sanh','chopper']execVm 'respawnSpecial\respawnSpecial.sqf'";

where: 'USS Khe Sanh' and 'chopper' are the names of the respawn points.

3. Create an APC on the USS Khe Sanh, name it Respawn_Carrier in the editor. In the init line of the APC put:

this setPosASL [(getposASL this select 0), (getposASL this select 1), 15.90]

. Also create a marker near the Khe Sanh and call it “USS Khe Sanhâ€.

4. Create a chopper with cargo positions on the map and name it Respawn_Chopper in the editor. In the init line of the chopper put

 nul = [this] execVM "respawnSpecial\Spawn_chopperInit.sqf";

5. Underneath the chopper create a marker called “Chopperâ€;

The chopper is placed at 1000 metres above the land. AI units will automatically eject and use standard parachutes. This way the AI units will land near the marker and I thought this was preferable to them ending up thousands of metres away or in the ocean. Players will HALO when they eject.

When players respawn at the boat they will need to eject/get out of the APC to gain access to the deck. Playable AI units auto eject the APC but unfortunately they cannot move across the deck of the carrier so its probably best to only use this option for playable units.

NB:[/] These scripts can be adapted for extra chopper spawn points etc.


This is from the documentation included. Just posting it to be helpfull.

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