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KC Grimes

Need help on simple revive script

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I am working on a revive system, and am wondering if anybody can answer a question to get me unstuck. Thanks!

I have played with BTC and Norrin's revive scripts in ArmA 3 and A2, but still am not interested with all of the extra components (mobile respawn, wound system, etc) especially with all that is available in stock ArmA 3. What I am looking to do is create a revive script that is just that... a revive script. No wound system (A3's stock FAK system is perfectly fine with me), no mobile spawns (can add/remove spawns easily anyway), and any other not so needed features.

My work here is being complicated however as I am trying to incorporate the MenuPosition respawn template (this thing is AMAZING). I do not want to have a script so simple that upon actual death (not revived), the player merely respawns at respawn_west. I want the player to then see the MenuPosition dialog and continue that way. However, I am unsure of how to "delay" the respawn template (onplayerkilled/onplayerrespawned) in order to allow for a revive timer & script. If I delay the map coming up, player respawns as if it were set to SIDE.

Here's where I am at (only relevant lines shown)


Respawn = 3;
respawnDelay = 5;
RespawnDialog = false;

enableDebugConsole = true;

class CfgRespawnTemplates
class G_revive_respawn

	onPlayerKilled = "G_revive.sqf";
	onPlayerRespawn = "G_respawn.sqf";

respawnTemplates[] = {"G_revive_respawn"};

G_revive.sqf (this is the OnPlayerKilled portion of the BIS function of MenuPosition)

player globalChat "G_revive";


_unit = [_this,0,objnull,[objnull]] call bis_fnc_param;
_respawnDelay = [_this,3,0,[0]] call bis_fnc_param;

if (!alive _unit) then {
if (playerrespawntime < 1 || !isplayer _unit) exitwith {};
if (simulationenabled _unit) then {
	if (playerrespawntime < 3) then {setplayerrespawntime (playerrespawntime + 3);};

	sleep 1.9;
	cutText ["","black out",0.5];
	sleep 1;
	cutText ["","black in"];

BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_draw = {
	_ctrlMap = _this select 0;
	_display = ctrlparent _ctrlMap;

	if (shownmap) then {
		_ctrlList = _display displayctrl BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_ctrlList;
		_selected = _ctrlList lbvalue lbcursel _ctrlList;

		//--- Draw icons on respawn positions
		_color = (player call bis_fnc_objectSide) call bis_fnc_sidecolor;
		_icon = "selector_selectedFriendly" call bis_fnc_textureMarker;
		_iconSelected = "selector_selectedMission" call bis_fnc_textureMarker;
			_colorLocal = if (_foreachindex == BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_selected) then {[1,1,1,1]} else {_color};
			_iconLocal = if (_foreachindex == _selected) then {_iconSelected} else {_icon};
			_ctrlMap drawicon [
				_x call bis_fnc_position,
				time * 16,
		} foreach BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_positions;
	} else {
		_ctrlMap drawrectangle [[0,0],1e5,1e5,0,[0.1,0.1,0.1,1],"#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)"];

BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_mouseMoving = {
	_ctrlMap = _this select 0;
	_mX = _this select 1;
	_mY = _this select 2;
	_dis = 0.048;
	_selected = -1;
		_pos = _ctrlMap ctrlmapworldtoscreen (_x call bis_fnc_position);
		if (_pos distance [_mX,_mY] < _dis) then {
			_selected = _foreachindex;
	} foreach BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_positions;
	BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_selected = _selected;

BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_mouseButtonClick = {
	_ctrlMap = _this select 0;
	_button = _this select 1;
	if (_button == 0 && BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_selected >= 0) then {
		_display = ctrlparent _ctrlMap;
		_ctrlList = _display displayctrl BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_ctrlList;
		for "_i" from 0 to (lbsize _ctrlList - 1) do {
			_value = _ctrlList lbvalue _i;
			if (_value == BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_selected) then {
				BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_systemSelect = true;
				BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_respawn = BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_positions select _value;
				_ctrlList lbsetcursel _i;

	"Select Respawn Point",
		scriptname "BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition";
		_fnc_scriptName = "BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition";
		_mode = _this select 0;
		_ctrlListBackground = _this select 1;
		_ctrlList = _this select 2;
		_ctrlContentBackground = _this select 3;
		_ctrlContentGroup = _this select 4;
		_ctrlContent = _this select 5;
		_ctrlMap = _this select 6;

		switch _mode do {
			case "init": {
				_ctrlContentBackground ctrlshow false;
				_ctrlContentGroup ctrlshow false;
				_ctrlContentGroup ctrlenable false;
				_ctrlMap ctrlshow true;

				BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_ctrlList = ctrlIDC _ctrlList;
				BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_selected = -1;
				BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_positions = [];
				BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_systemSelect = true;

				_ctrlMap ctrladdeventhandler ["draw","_this call BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_draw;"];
				_ctrlMap ctrladdeventhandler ["mouseMoving","_this call BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_mouseMoving;"];
				_ctrlMap ctrladdeventhandler ["mouseHolding","_this call BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_mouseMoving;"];
				_ctrlMap ctrladdeventhandler ["mouseButtonClick","_this call BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_mouseButtonClick;"];
			case "select": {
				if (lbsize _ctrlList == 0) exitwith {};
				_commitTime = 0.5;
				if (BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_systemSelect) then {
					BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_systemSelect = false;
					//_commitTime = 0;                             

				_positionID = _ctrlList lbvalue lbcursel _ctrlList;
				if (_positionID < 0) then {
					//--- Random
					_respawnPositions = ((player call bis_fnc_objectSide) call bis_fnc_getRespawnMarkers) + (player call bis_fnc_getRespawnPositions);
					_respawnPositionsCount = count _respawnPositions;
					if (_respawnPositionsCount > 0) then {
						_posXmin = 1e10;
						_posXmax = 0;
						_posYmin = 1e10;
						_posYmax = 0;
							_xPos = _x call bis_fnc_position;
							_posXmin = _posXmin min (_xPos select 0);
							_posXmax = _posXmax max (_xPos select 0);
							_posYmin = _posYmin min (_xPos select 1);
							_posYmax = _posYmax max (_xPos select 1);
						} foreach _respawnPositions;
						_posW =  _posXmax - _posXmin;
						_posH = _posYmax - _posYmin;
						_posX = _posXmin + _posW / 2;
						_posY = _posYmin + _posH / 2;

						_mapPosMax = _ctrlMap ctrlmapworldtoscreen [_posXmax,_posYmax];
						_mapPosMin = _ctrlMap ctrlmapworldtoscreen [_posXmin,_posYmin];
						_mapPosW = (_mapPosMax select 0) - (_mapPosMin select 0);
						_mapPosH = (_mapPosMin select 1) - (_mapPosMax select 1);
						_mapScale = ctrlmapscale _ctrlMap;
						_mapScaleW = _mapScale / ((ctrlposition _ctrlMap select 2) / _mapPosW);
						_mapScaleH = _mapScale / ((ctrlposition _ctrlMap select 3) / _mapPosH);

						_ctrlMap ctrlmapanimadd [_commitTime,(_mapScaleW max _mapScaleH) * 2,[_posX,_posY]];
						ctrlmapanimcommit _ctrlMap;
					BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_respawn = "";
				} else {
					//--- Specific
					_position = BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_positions select _positionID;
					_ctrlMap ctrlmapanimadd [_commitTime,ctrlmapscale _ctrlMap,_position call bis_fnc_position];
					ctrlmapanimcommit _ctrlMap;
					BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_respawn = _position;
			case "update": {
				_selected = _ctrlList lbdata lbcursel _ctrlList;
				if (_selected == "") then {_selected = missionnamespace getvariable ["BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_respawn",""];};

				//--- Preload the selected scene
				if (str _selected != """""") then {
					preloadcamera (_selected call bis_fnc_position);
					if (typename _selected == typename objnull) then {1 preloadobject _selected};

				_respawnPositions = ((player call bis_fnc_objectSide) call bis_fnc_getRespawnMarkers) + (player call bis_fnc_getRespawnPositions);
				BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_positions = _respawnPositions;

				//--- Get current items
				_currentData = [];
				_previousData = [];
				for "_i" from 0 to (lbsize _ctrlList - 1) do {_previousData set [count _previousData,_ctrlList lbdata _i];};

				//--- Add random selection
				_dataRandom = "<random>";
				if (count _respawnPositions > 1) then {
					_currentData set [count _currentData,_dataRandom];
					if !(_dataRandom in _previousData) then {
						_previousData = [];
						lbclear _ctrlList;
						_lbAdd = _ctrlList lbAdd format ["<%1>",localize "STR_A3_BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_random"];
						_ctrlList lbsetvalue [_lbAdd,-1];
						_ctrlList lbsetdata [_lbAdd,_dataRandom];

				//--- Add available positions
				_cursel = 0;
				_selectedStr = str _selected;
					_text = "";
					_picture = "";
					_canAdd = true;
					switch (typename _x) do {
						case (typename ""): {
							_text = markertext _x;
							_picture = if (markertype _x == "empty") then {""} else {(markertype _x) call bis_fnc_textureMarker};
						case (typename objnull): {
							_xVeh = vehicle _x;
							_text = name _x;
							if (isnull group _x) then {
								_text = gettext (configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> typeof _xVeh >> "displayName");
							} else {
								if !(isplayer _x) then {_text = format ["%1: %2",localize "str_player_ai",_text]};
							_picture = gettext (configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> typeof _xVeh >> "icon") call bis_fnc_textureVehicleIcon;
							_canAdd = !isnull _x;
						case (typename []): {
					if (_canAdd) then {
						if (_text == "") then {_text = format [localize "STR_A3_BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_grid",mapgridposition (_x call bis_fnc_position)]};
						if (_picture == "") then {_picture = "respawn_inf" call bis_fnc_texturemarker;};

						_xStr = str _x;
						_currentData set [count _currentData,_xStr];
						_lbAdd = if (_xStr in _previousData) then {_previousData find _xStr} else {_ctrlList lbadd _text};
						_ctrlList lbsetvalue [_lbAdd,_foreachindex];
						_ctrlList lbsetdata [_lbAdd,_xStr];
						_ctrlList lbsetpicture [_lbAdd,_picture];
						if (_xStr == _selectedStr) then {_cursel = _lbAdd;};
				} foreach _respawnPositions;
				if (BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_systemSelect && count BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_positions > 0) then {
					_positionID = _cursel;
					if (count _respawnPositions > 1) then {_positionID = (_positionID - 1) max 0;}; //--- Offset because of "<random>" item
					_position = BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_positions select _positionID;
					BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_respawn = _position;
					_ctrlList lbsetcursel _cursel;

				//--- Remove obsolete items
					_ctrlList lbdelete (_previousData find _x);
				} foreach (_previousData - _currentData);
] call bis_fnc_showRespawnMenu;

player globalChat "Complete revive";

G_respawn.sqf (this is the OnPlayerRespawn portion of the BIS function of MenuPosition)

player globalChat "G_respawn";


_unit = [_this,0,objnull,[objnull]] call bis_fnc_param;
_respawnDelay = [_this,3,0,[0]] call bis_fnc_param;

if (alive _unit) then {
if (isplayer _unit) then {
	["bis_fnc_respawnMenuPosition","RscDisplayLoadingBlack"] call bis_fnc_startloadingscreen;

	//--- Player - teleport to selected position
	[] call bis_fnc_showRespawnMenu;

	_respawn = missionnamespace getvariable ["BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_respawn",""];
	if (str _respawn == """""") then {
		_positions = ((player call bis_fnc_objectSide) call bis_fnc_getRespawnMarkers) + (player call bis_fnc_getRespawnPositions);
		_respawn = if (count _positions > 0) then {
			_positions select (count _positions - 1);
		} else {

	if (isnil "_respawn") then {
		["Cannot respawn %1, no %2 respawn position found.",_unit,_unit call bis_fnc_objectSide] call bis_fnc_error;
	} else { 
		[_unit,_respawn] call bis_fnc_moveToRespawnPosition;

	//--- Clean-up
	BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_draw = nil;
	BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_mouseMoving = nil;
	BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_mouseButtonClick = nil;
	BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_systemSelect = nil;
	BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_positions = nil;
	with uinamespace do {
		BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_ctrlList = nil;
		BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition_positions = nil

	setplayerrespawntime _respawnDelay;

	"bis_fnc_respawnMenuPosition" call bis_fnc_endloadingscreen;
} else {

	//--- AI - teleport to random position
	_respawnPositions = ((_unit call bis_fnc_objectSide) call bis_fnc_getRespawnMarkers) + (_unit call bis_fnc_getRespawnPositions);
	if (count _respawnPositions > 0) then {
		_respawn = _respawnPositions call bis_fnc_selectrandom;
		[_unit,_respawn] call bis_fnc_moveToRespawnPosition;

player globalChat "Complete respawn";

Leave it to me to return from a bit of a hiatus and come back to script in a way I have never done before! Anyway, as you can see, those .sqf s are called from description.ext, so the right waitUntils are not working (If anyone has any suggestions on how else to run them, I'd appreciate it!). Again, I am looking to either execute them later, or have it so that a "killed" player (entering reviveability) is not seen by description.ext as killed, thus executing the respawn system.

Sorry if that is a little jumbled. I am disappointed that it has taken so long for something I am sure isn't too crazy. Thanks for any help, and please let me know if I can clarify!

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