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Helicopter insertion

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I would like to create a mission where the player and his aI squad members start the game flying in a helicopter to an insertion point where they will be dropped off and the player will be the group leader.

I'm able to get the player and units in the helicopter flying by grouping them with a flying helicopter and having all the units formations set to in cargo but when the player and his aI team are dropped off the helicopter is still grouped with them.

Basically what I'm trying to do is start the mission like on the combined arms showcase but with the player as the group leader.

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Ungroup the helicopter from the squad.

Name the chopper "chopper1" (can be anything)

Put this code into the init for all the units you want in the cargo

this moveInCargo chopper1

Now the units are in the chopper but not not grouped to it. Is this what you wanted?

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In the player's init:

playerTeam = group this; 
{_x assignAsCargo ghosthawk; _x moveInCargo ghosthawk} forEach units playerTeam;

For the helo (named ghosthawk) place a MOVE waypoint right in front of a TRANSPORT UNLOAD waypoint. In the MOVE waypoint onAct put this:

{unassignVehicle _x;} forEach units playerTeam; 
commandGetOut units PlayerTeam

The first part "teleports" the the player's group into the helicopter. The second part tells the group to auto-disembark when the helo lands.

To clean up the help after the transport unload give them a far away move waypoint. Put this in it's onAct:

{deleteVehicle _x} forEach crew ghosthawk + [ghosthawk];

That'll delete it and it's crew.

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Thanks for the help. Both ways accomplish what I was trying to do. The first way is very simple yet effective method, but the second way keeps everything nice and clean by forcing the whole team out, and then has the helo disappear so it doesn't start engaging units or something at random lol

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