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About grillstern

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  1. Hi, unfortunately I'm unable to set/mod Tags for my missions. Even if I set them in EDEN to COOP...it will always stay at "SCENARIO, MULTIPLAYER, ALTIS" after saving
  2. Hi, I was editing/previewing my map without any problems within TerrainBuilder/Buldozer since today. When i imported my map/mod into Arma 3, steam was loading the latest update for Arma 3. The mod was running without any problems. But when i switched back to terrain builder, now Buldozer will crash every time when i try to start it up within Terrain Builder... Any idea? My Settings (within TerrainBuilder): .exe file path: =========== D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe Launch parameters: ================= -buldozer -name=Buldozer -window -exThreads=0 -noLogs -noAsserts -cfg=p:\buldozer.cfg Data directory: =========== P:\ buldozer.cfg ========== language="English"; forcedAdapterId=-1; displayMode=1; winX=2004; winY=559; winWidth=1836; winHeight=988; winDefWidth=2883; winDefHeight=1551; refresh=0; renderWidth=1836; renderHeight=988; multiSampleCount=8; multiSampleQuality=0; particlesQuality=2; HDRPrecision=16; vsync=0; AToC=15; cloudsQuality=4; pipQuality=3; dynamicLightsQuality=4; PPAA=4; ppSSAO=6; tripleBuffering=0; ppCaustics=1; detectedAdapterId=0; detectedAdapterVendorId=4318; detectedAdapterDeviceId=5056; detectedAdapterSubSysId=331355497; detectedAdapterRevision=161; detectedAdapterBenchmark=29; fullScreenWidth=3840; fullScreenHeight=2160; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=0; ppBloom=0; ppRotBlur=0; ppRadialBlur=0; ppDOF=0; ppSharpen=0;
  3. First of all thx for the content. I want to use this vegetation in TerrainBuilder/Arma 3. I put all the extracted files/folders into my P:\a3\ Drive where all the other objects of A3 are. I can import them into my LibraryManager of Terrainbuilder and place the A2 Vegetation in 2D Editor but when i start bulldozer I can't see them in 3D. Anything i missed? Thx.