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About DeltaSierraDS

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  1. DeltaSierraDS


    Hi, Is anyone having issues launching Arma after downloading the latest update for Synapse? Ever since the update was finished, I need to completely close Razer synapse otherwise I get the "STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION" error upon clicking "PLAY" from the launcher
  2. DeltaSierraDS

    "Error loading mission." after converting to Eden Editor

    That's exactly what I did, loaded it into the 2D editor and made sure a unit was set to player, then loaded it into 3D editor and saved it in there which automatically changed the format of the SQM. Just not quite sure why it's erroring when trying to join the mission. There's no errors in the RPT either =\
  3. After converting my mission file to use the Eden Editors SQM format (By opening the mission in 2D, creating a playable character, then moving to 3D editor) and putting it back inside my mission file, after selecting a slot, regardless of side, it proceeds to the loading screen then loops back to "Error loading mission." with no RPT errors either client, or server side. New to the Eden Editor, only used it since it came out in Stable today. Am I forgetting to do something?
  4. Thank you! Works perfectly. Thank you to everyone else who helped !
  5. Yeah after I save and reload the mission to go into the GUI editor the rscpicture class automatically changes itself to rscframe for some reason.
  6. Unfortunately I do need the text to change, all the text that is displayed on the dialog is handled through scripts. I also need to put other controls on there such as comboboxes etc, I'll keep trying and see if I can figure out a way to do it. Thanks for your help.
  7. Unfortunately changing the UI Element order didn't seem to do anything, but thanks for the suggestion. This is a great idea, but when I change it to a invisible frame, I can no longer actually see the picture so I'm back at square one with trying to make everything fit nicely.
  8. Yeah I've tried using Ctrl + X and V to change the order of it, but still no luck.. Not quite sure what I'm doing wrong, there has to be a way to do it.
  9. Hi there, Just a quick question. Been working with some GUI's, I am creating a new one from scratch, and I have run into a bit of a wall that I can't seem to get past.. I'm using the in-built Arma III GUI editor. I have a picture as a background, using the RscPicture class, no issues with it at all, however I need to put some text on top of the picture, and that's where everything goes wrong, while I'm inside the editor and I can visibly see the picture, buttons and a few other controls get put over the top of the rscpicture class (well it would seem so), however certain controls such as structuredtext doesn't, therefore as soon as I place the text field inside the picture, I can't see exactly where I'm putting it.. Is there an easier way to do this? I have read through the tutorials on the forums and can't seem to see anything relating to it..