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  1. blazinone

    Arma 3 ported to Mac?

    I loaded it up last night on a MacBook Pro - with pretty good specs too - but yeah it quickly pushed my poor thing to the limit. No post-processing effects were enabled by default, but I didn't try to change anything. After only a minute or two just making sure it loaded without issue, I got the impression that it would run on Medium settings at 1440 without too many problems. I'm mostly using it for testing Coop maps though so I don't need spot on performance.
  2. blazinone

    Arma 3 ported to Mac?

    This had me so confused! At first, I saw that with Steam installed on my Mac, I could click Play on Arma 3. Wow! That's amazing. So I downloaded it. Tried to play, but it said the game wasn't in my library. Frustrating. So then I realized that the reason it let me install the game was so that it could also install some of the Digital Bonuses (eg Digital Strategy Guide and Music). It needs the whole game installed in order to install these things I guess. So I had given up hope that it was a port and was going to look into dual-booting my Macbook. But now I may not have to!!
  3. blazinone

    This game is too hard :(

    I've been building SP scenarios and missions recently and for at least a few of them, I've never beaten them without dying. I die A LOT. But each time I learn from my mistakes. I appreciate that a game can be challenging and not just hand everything to you. You (the player) must train hard and get better to survive. After grinding away a ton while play-testing, I'm noticeably better in combat than I was just a few months ago. It gets better with time, but it's a heck of an investment.
  4. Wow, I'm blown away with how well all of those worked! I didn't realize the 'test code' would actually be functional code! It is very handy to see them in action. It took me a while to decipher what was going on exactly with the code but I managed to get it down to this: //Creates a menu and a menu item on for High Command missionNamespace setVariable [ "HC_Custom_0", [ ["My Menu Name", true], ["My Menu Item", [12], "", -5, [["expression", "hint 'test'"]], "1", "1"] ] ]; Cheers!
  5. That's a very impressive response. Thank you very much! My somewhat naive brain tells me that adding items to that Custom Menu would be the FIRST thing they/BIS would support. I have looked and looked and not seen anything related to it however. The info you have provided is a great leg up on giving me some options to leverage. Thanks again!
  6. This is very tricky thing to find info on and I have exhausted all of my resources. I have found information on the Communications Menu (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Communication_Menu), but that is NOT what I'm looking for. I have also researched "addAction" but that is also not what I want (at least not the way I got it to work). Problem: When you are in High Command and you select a single unit and press '9', you get a menu that has 'Supports' and 'Custom' on it. Supports can be added via script, I've done that before. But how do you add an item to the 'Custom' menu? My goal: I'd like to be able to attach custom commands to specific units (e.g. squads) that can be initiated by the commander only. The command will be something like "Go Dark" which will add night vision and suppressors to everyone (the code is trivial). But I want to be able to do it remotely (e.g. via radio command). Please note: That setting Waypoints controlled via Radio Alpha, Bravo,etc) are NOT what I want. Triggers are a possibility but seem very hacky (e.g. I need an option for "Go Dark" and "Go Light" - so that would mean having multiple triggers - and having the unit move to specific spots in order to gear up the way I want them. Hack city. Another example would be commanding a vehicle unit to turn lights on or off. Or open a particular door. Or to land. Or to tell a unit to fire smoke to signal his location. So many uses... I just need to know how to add something to that menu and I'm good (I know how to do all the other stuff). More details: I generally do my scenario building with the 2D editor and use as little scripting as possible. I'm not afraid of scripting though. I am working on a SP scenario but if something works for MP too it would be nice. Any helpful hints would be appreciated. Thank you. And here's a gift. A github repo with my better shared scenarios: https://github.com/smillwith?tab=repositories