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About warbo201

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  1. I don't think that is the crash the majority of us are getting. Many of us simply do not get any error messages, we just have to close the game via TaskMgr. I managed to play this morning for about an hour but i just played a game then for 10 mins and crashed. Please up vote my error -> http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=24376 You guys should post yours so we can up vote yours as well and get this game braking bug fixed!
  2. Many of people think the same as you and me being one of them. I DID like the regular KOH servers but with the poor optimization that carry's with Arma3 or more so the KOH server, the jets constant bombardment and the blackfoots hide and seek missile game made the game un-enjoyable to say the least. MAny of us took to the hostiletakeover forums and requested something be done and low and behold they released an infantry server :)
  3. Everyone that has this problem needs to make a ticket and also upload their .rpt file (users/appdata/local/arma3) and add that to the ticket.
  4. I have just updated the game today and have managed to play around 10 mins one game and then 5 mins the next one. Intel I5 processor, GTX 680