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About Asieslav

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  1. Asieslav

    Make player not drown

    Great! This works perfectly Thank you very much!!!
  2. Asieslav

    Make player not drown

    Hey! Thanks a lot for your quick response guys. I forgot to say something.... I do not have much script knowledge, So, could you explain me where do i have to put these lines? In the player's init? or have to do a script with it?
  3. Hi guys! First of all, sorry for my english, is not my mother tongue I was searching information about this, and just found one post from 2013. But don't work for me. I just want to do my player not drown. I use revive in my misión, and if a player is "killed" on a boat moving , the player falls to the water (don't know why this happens), to the botton of the river . I swim to the teammate to revive him, but because of the slow swimming, the oxygen time of his body is out and dies. So, is there a way to make player not vulnerable to underwater? or a way to increase the time of the oxygen underwater? I expect an answer, thanks in advance.