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About .TNT.DoubleX

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  1. Did you redirect to the ports? 2344 TCP+UDP 2345 TCP 2302-2305 UDP 2303 UDP 2304 UDP
  2. My configuration. working here. //start.bat start argoserver.exe -config=conf\config.cfg -port=2302 -profiles=conf -cfg=conf\basic.cfg -name=conf -autoInit -loadMissionToMemory -BEpath=battleye //config.cfg // GENERAL SETTINGS hostname = "((+N+))Tiro Na Testa - Argo"; // Name of the server displayed in the public server list //password = "ServerPassword"; // Password required to join the server (remove // at start of line to enable) passwordAdmin = "adminpassowrd"; // Password to login as admin. Open the chat and type: #login password maxPlayers = 10; // Maximum amount of players, including headless clients. Anybody who joins the server is considered a player, regardless of their role or team. persistent = 1; // If set to 1, missions will continue to run after all players have disconnected; required if you want to use the -autoInit startup parameter // VOICE CHAT disableVoN = 0; // If set to 1, voice chat will be disabled vonCodecQuality = 30; // Supports range 1-30; 1-10 is 8kHz (narrowband), 11-20 is 16kHz (wideband), 21-30 is 32kHz (ultrawideband); higher = better sound quality, more bandwidth consumption autoSelectMission = true; // reports mission inside mission cycle even before first player join the server // VOTING voteMissionPlayers = 1; // Minimum number of players required before displaying the mission selection screen, if you have not already selected a mission in this config voteThreshold = 0.33; // Percentage (0.00 to 1.00) of players needed to vote something into effect, for example an admin or a new mission. Set to 9999 to disable voting. allowedVoteCmds[] = // Voting commands allowed to players votingTimeOut = 30; roleTimeOut = 45; briefingTimeOut = 20; debriefingTimeOut = 30; // WELCOME MESSAGE ("message of the day") // It can be several lines, separated by comma // Empty messages "" will not be displayed, but can be used to increase the delay before other messages motd[] = { "Welcome to My Arma 3 Server", "Teamspeak: ts.somewhere.com", "Website: www.example.com" }; motdInterval = 5; // Number of seconds between each message // MISSIONS CYCLE class Missions { class ProjectArgoMission01 { template = "MP_ARGO_Raid_Airfield.Abel"; //actual missions //template = "MP_ARGO_Raid_La_Trinite.Abel"; //previous missions //template = "MP_ARGO_Raid_MOUT.Abel"; //aprevious missions //template = "MP_ARGO_Raid_Radio_Station.Abel"; //previous missions //template = "MP_ARGO_Raid_Le_Port.Abel"; //previous missions //template = "MP_ARGO_Raid_AA_Site.Abel"; //previous missions }; class ProjectArgoMission02 { template = "MP_ARGO_Conf_Larche.Abel"; //actual missions //template = "MP_ARGO_Conf_La_Trinite.Abel"; //previous missions //template = "MP_ARGO_Conf_Cancon.Abel"; //previous missions //template = "MP_ARGO_Conf_Sainte_Marie.Abel"; //previous missions //template = "MP_ARGO_Conf_Le_Port.Abel"; //previous missions //template = "MP_ARGO_Conf_La_Riviere.Abel"; //previous missions }; class ProjectArgoMission03 { template = "MP_ARGO_Link_Le_Port.Abel"; //actual missions //template = "MP_ARGO_Link_Sainte_Marie.Abel"; //previous missions //template = "MP_ARGO_Link_Cancon.Abel"; //previous missions //template = "MP_ARGO_Link_Arudy"; //previous missions //template = "MP_ARGO_Link_Airfield.Abel"; //previous missions }; }; ARGOMissionVoteType = "MissionType"; //Either Clash or Raid depends on the gamemode you want to run ARGOMissionVote = true; // allows people to vote for next map after game ends //For Raid And Clash both of these settings need to be present in server.cfg. For mixed you only need to use ARGOMissionVote = true; // LOGGING timeStampFormat = "short"; // Timestamp format used in the server RPT logs. Possible values are "none" (default), "short", "full" logFile = "server_console.log"; // Server console output filename
  3. Delete this line allowedVoteCmds[] =