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Everything posted by crotin

  1. Some news for you guys. Thanks to two mates (Spam_One & Louttratitude ), the UVs unwrap are in a good way to be done. The textures for the exterior parts are coming soon! Here, some screenshots of the UVs layouts :
  2. It's not really that hard, the VAB's config is almost done in fact. The only issue is I'm such a lazy dude... My mate who I work with (ElTyranos) is desesparate. All I have to do to achieve the project is to unwrap these fuck*** UVs and do the paint job (also finish the high poly version and configure the differents LODs models in O2). But after a day work in 3D, I want do to something else for my evenings. If anyone wants to help us with the UVs work, be my guest :D It can really improve the release and my lack of motivation. To the others : Thanks for your support, it's nice too read your comments and I'm so confused for the waiting. I'm ashamed... @SovietPanda : I will not be there to the Ofcra evening this week but ElTyranos and BG21 members will do.
  3. It's still on track, but I hate so much unwrap UVs... I do nothing these days except trying to find a mate who like this UVs part.
  4. Here a last material test for today about the "wreck version". It's really a WIP and mesh deformation is missing off course, I have to do it among other things, so many things... Please don't hurt me. EDIT : A quickie Daguet camo test with new color tweak.
  5. Hi! Some news for you guys. The project is still alive, don't worry. I know you can't wait for play with it, but as I said before, I'm such a lazy dude... Anyway, after a long work break (I worked in oyster farming for few months), I'm onto 3D again and these days I discovered a new software, Substance. So this is my first attempt with the VAB after doing some tutorials. It's pretty crappy, cause of a lack of UVs on the mesh and no baking to generate the normal map. The details are blurry and too large but you've got an idea of what I’m aiming to do. These ones are prop mesh with good UVs and high poly projection (CE & Daguet camo versions). The result is closer of what I'm trying to attempt for the hull. I have to refine details yet, but, for my first trying I'm pretty glad. Substance you rocks! Probably some news will be coming soon. And as always, no release date :)
  6. Hi all ! 'Cause I'm too lazy, I took some time off on the VAB... But don't worry, I'm working again on it. Today I completed the NBC ventilation system and resolved some adjustements into the mesh. Otherwise, I started the UV's for the exterior. NBC vent system Some classic vents (pipes missing yet)
  7. Yep, we have planned that and it's a major feature for both of us. Tyra is working on it these days but actually, it's a little bit complicated to achieve. He will explain this better than me. Likewise, the central hatche will be usable too as a commander role. On my side, the cockpit modeling is 60% done. I have some details to add (wires, vents modules, pedals) and I will able to start the UVs and the texturing part soon. I'm already thinking and testing some workflow to do this. (I work as a real time 3D computer graphist, but in architecure. It's my first game ready vehicle and I'm using it to improve my skill.)
  8. Hi ! Thanks mate, it's nice to read all your comments. Today, a new WIP of the cockpit.
  9. Hey guys ! Today, a WIP render of the gunner's spot, with RCWS console and radio. I have to create a joystick and some wires now to complete these devices.
  10. Thanks for your comments :) Stay tuned, some stuff are coming next week about the gunner's console.
  11. Hi all ! Two WIP renders of the inside. I still have a lot of work to complete the cockpit, but it's 90% done for the rear cargo (some details missing yet, like an AT4). Enjoy :)
  12. @Cleggy : Ah ah no worries :) @Slatts : The very basic shell's polycount is about 800 triangles. It's quiet low, but we didn't know the average polycount for a vehicle in ArmA 3 since we started this project with Tyra. With hatches & doors added to the hull, the polycount turns up to 7000 tris (no fear !). Here is a screenshot of the basic mesh : (By the way, I would like to apologize for my bad english...)
  13. Why's that :D ? The gunner stay inside the cockpit, fully protected from shrapnels and bullets, chilling in his seat and firing IAs with the remote device. So better than the hatche's positions...
  14. Thanks for your comments guys, stay tuned for updates. I'm working on the inside right now and we should be able to present you more very soon. For the MkIII version, it isn't planned for the moment, our first objective is to finish this one properly.