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Everything posted by tartar1102

  1. tartar1102

    XENO - Taru Pod Mod

    hello Get the following errors message showscripterrors Taru_Pod_Mod \Fontions \ taru.sqf, in line 118 ´|#|#|[_this, `keydown´] call cba_events_fnc_k...´ Error Typ Zeichenfolge,erwartet Bool _cables = |#|ropes _helicoptere; Error ropes: Typ Zeichenfolge, erwartet Objekt File XENO_Taru_Pod_Mod\Fonctions\taru.sqf , line 118 server addon : @Cba_A3 ;@ACE3;@XENO_Taru_Pod_Mod;@TFAR;@BWmod;@ASRAI3 The error message is in German sorry
  2. tartar1102

    (Co30) Evolution-A3

    First of all thanks for the v.1.1, unfortunately I had to realize that there are several script error messages more than in version 1.0? Will today times the error document and post you and hope you can fix it.
  3. tartar1102

    (Co30) Evolution-A3

    I mean OPFOR enemy Ki ---------- Post added at 23:31 ---------- Previous post was at 23:26 ---------- In the EVO/fn_onUnitKilled.sqf have you made a mistake with the veriable etc. In line 15 private ["_killed","_killer","_scoreToAdd","_score","_notify","_vis","_displayName","_fLetter","_pre","_string"]; _killed = _this select 0; _killer = _this select 1; _scoreToAdd = 0; _score = 0; _notify = true; _vis = lineIntersects [eyePos _killer, eyePos _killed, _killer, _killed]; if (("killNotificationParam " call BIS_fnc_getParamValue) == 0) then { _notify = false; } else { _notify = true; }; if (isPlayer _killer || isPlayer (leader group _killer)) then { if (!isPlayer _killer) then {_killer == leader group _killer}; // _score = _killer getVariable "EVO_score"; error _score = _killer getVariable ["EVO_score", 0]; if (true) then { if ((side _killed) != (side _killer)) then { if (_killed isKindOf "Man" && toLower(typeOf _killed) != toLower("O_officer_F")) then { //npc kill _score = _score + 1; _scoreToAdd = 1; _killer setVariable ["EVO_score", _score, true]; if(!_vis) then { _displayName = (getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _killed) >> "displayName")); _fLetter = str(_displayName select [0,1]); _pre = "a"; _fLetter = toUpper(_fLetter); if (_fLetter == "A" || _fLetter == "E" || _fLetter == "I" || _fLetter == "O" || _fLetter == "U") then { _pre = "an"; }; _string = format["You killed %1 %2.", _pre, _displayName]; if (_notify) then { [[[_string, _scoreToAdd, _killer], { if (player == _this select 2) then {["PointsAdded",[(_this select 0), (_this select 1)]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification}; }], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; }; }; }; if (_killed isKindOf "Car") then { //support car _scoreToAdd = 5; _score = _score + 5; _killer setVariable ["EVO_score", _score, true]; if(!_vis) then { _displayName = (getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _killed) >> "displayName")); _fLetter = str(_displayName select [0,1]); _pre = "a"; _fLetter = toUpper(_fLetter); if (_fLetter == "A" || _fLetter == "E" || _fLetter == "I" || _fLetter == "O" || _fLetter == "U") then { _pre = "an"; }; _string = format["You killed %1 %2.", _pre, _displayName]; if (_notify) then { [[[_string, _scoreToAdd, _killer], { if (player == _this select 2) then {["PointsAdded",[(_this select 0), (_this select 1)]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification}; }], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; }; }; }; if (_killed isKindOf "Tank") then { //support car _scoreToAdd = 7; _score = _score + 7; _killer setVariable ["EVO_score", _score, true]; if(!_vis) then { _displayName = (getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _killed) >> "displayName")); _fLetter = str(_displayName select [0,1]); _pre = "a"; _fLetter = toUpper(_fLetter); if (_fLetter == "A" || _fLetter == "E" || _fLetter == "I" || _fLetter == "O" || _fLetter == "U") then { _pre = "an"; }; _string = format["You killed %1 %2.", _pre, _displayName]; if (_notify) then { [[[_string, _scoreToAdd, _killer], { if (player == _this select 2) then {["PointsAdded",[(_this select 0), (_this select 1)]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification}; }], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; }; }; }; if (_killed isKindOf "Helicopter") then { //transport kill _scoreToAdd = 7; _score = _score + 7; _killer setVariable ["EVO_score", _score, true]; if(!_vis) then { _displayName = (getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _killed) >> "displayName")); _fLetter = str(_displayName select [0,1]); _pre = "a"; if (_fLetter == "A" || _fLetter == "E" || _fLetter == "I" || _fLetter == "O" || _fLetter == "U") then { _pre = "an"; }; _string = format["You killed %1 %2.", _pre, _displayName]; if (_notify) then { [[[_string, _scoreToAdd, _killer], { if (player == _this select 2) then {["PointsAdded",[(_this select 0), (_this select 1)]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification}; }], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; }; }; }; if (_killed isKindOf "Plane") then { //support car _scoreToAdd = 8; _score = _score + 8; _killer setVariable ["EVO_score", _score, true]; if(!_vis) then { _displayName = (getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _killed) >> "displayName")); _fLetter = str(_displayName select [0,1]); _pre = "a"; _fLetter = toUpper(_fLetter); if (_fLetter == "A" || _fLetter == "E" || _fLetter == "I" || _fLetter == "O" || _fLetter == "U") then { _pre = "an"; }; _string = format["You killed %1 %2.", _pre, _displayName]; if (_notify) then { [[[_string, _scoreToAdd, _killer], { if (player == _this select 2) then {["PointsAdded",[(_this select 0), (_this select 1)]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification}; }], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; }; }; }; if (toLower(typeOf _killed) == toLower("O_officer_F")) then { //support car _scoreToAdd = -5; _score = _score - 5; _killer setVariable ["EVO_score", _score, true]; [[[], { if (player == _killer) then {["PointsRemoved",["You killed the OPFOR Officer.", 5]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification}; }], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; }; if (toLower(typeOf _killed) == toLower("Land_Communication_F")) then { //support car _scoreToAdd = 8; _score = _score + 8; _killer setVariable ["EVO_score", _score, true]; _string = format["You destroyed the %1.", (getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _killed) >> "displayName"))]; [[[_string, _scoreToAdd, _killer], { if (player == _this select 2) then {["PointsAdded",[(_this select 0), (_this select 1)]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification}; }], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; }; } else { [[[_string, _scoreToAdd, _killer], { if (player == _killer) then {["PointsRemoved",["Friendly Fire Kill", 7]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification}; }], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; _score = _score - 7; _scoreToAdd = -7; if (_score < 0) then { _subScore = 0 - _score; _scoreToAdd = _scoreToAdd + _subScore; _score = 0; }; _killer setVariable ["EVO_score", _score, true]; }; } ; }; [_killer, _scoreToAdd] call BIS_fnc_addScore; false
  4. tartar1102

    (Co30) Evolution-A3

    Hy in your evolution you have in the EVO/fn_capture.sqf a clerical error, etc. in the line 7 Line 7 # [[[], {_pow swtichMove ""}], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; and would be spelled correctly, [[[], {_pow switchMove ""}], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; Then I have a question, the cities are sometimes not resolved in your version, because some groups to run outside and they are not found. Have it edited so that at least when you have gone beyond the Tower, the mission appears done. here the script to! New: fn_initTarget.sqf private ["_currentTarget","_targetType","_currentTargetMarker","_aoSize","_x1","_y1","_towerClass","_center","_spawnPos","_max_distance","_dir","_comp","_grp","_mortarGunner","_loop2","_obj","_newComp","_mortar","_officer","_pos","_pass","_msg","_null","_ret","_heli","_heliGrp","_class","_tank","_sound","_tskName","_locationType","_type","_nearUnits","_unit","_score"]; currentTargetRT = nil; currentTargetOF = nil; if (isNil "currentAOunits") then { currentAOunits = []; publicVariable "currentAOunits"; }; lastAOunits = currentAOunits; publicVariable "lastAOunits"; currentAOunits = []; publicVariable "currentAOunits"; RTonline = true; officerAlive = true; currentTargetName = text currentTarget; publicVariable "currentTargetName"; _currentTarget = currentTarget; currentTargetType = type currentTarget; publicVariable "currentTargetType"; currentTargetMarkerName = format ["%1_ao", currentTargetName]; publicVariable "currentTargetMarkerName"; _currentTargetMarker = createMarker [currentTargetMarkerName, position _currentTarget]; currentTargetMarkerName setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; currentTargetMarkerName setMarkerBrush "Border"; currentTargetMarkerName setMarkerDir direction currentTarget; _aoSize = [(((size currentTarget) select 0) + 200), (((size currentTarget) select 1) + 200)]; currentTargetMarkerName setMarkerSize _aoSize; currentTargetMarkerName setMarkerColor "ColorEAST"; currentTargetMarkerName setMarkerPos (position currentTarget); _x1 = ((size currentTarget) select 0) / 1000; _y1 = ((size currentTarget) select 1) / 1000; currentTargetSqkm = (_x1 * _y1); publicVariable "currentTargetSqkm"; "opforair" setMarkerPos (getMarkerPos currentTargetMarkerName); _nextTargetMarker = createMarker [nextTargetMarkerName, position _currentTarget]; nextTargetMarkerName setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; nextTargetMarkerName setMarkerBrush "FDiagonal"; nextTargetMarkerName setMarkerDir direction (targetLocations select (targetCounter + 1)); _aoSize = [(((size (targetLocations select (targetCounter + 1))) select 0) + 200), (((size (targetLocations select (targetCounter + 1))) select 1) + 200)]; nextTargetMarkerName setMarkerSize _aoSize; nextTargetMarkerName setMarkerColor "ColorEAST"; nextTargetMarkerName setMarkerPos (position (targetLocations select (targetCounter + 1))); _pos = (position (targetLocations select (targetCounter + 1))); _array = nearestObjects [_pos, ["house"], 500]; _obj = _array select 0; "opforArrow" setMarkerPos (getPos _obj); "opforArrow" setMarkerDir (([_obj, getMarkerPos currentTargetMarkerName] call bis_fnc_relativeDirTo) + 90); _towerClass = "Land_Communication_F"; //_towerClass = ["Land_Communication_F", "Land_TTowerBig_2_F", "Land_TTowerBig_1_F"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; /* _center = [ getMarkerPos currentTargetMarkerName, random 80 , random 360 ] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _spawnPos = []; _max_distance = 100; while{ count _spawnPos < 1 } do { _spawnPos = _center findEmptyPosition[ 30 , _max_distance , _towerClass ]; _max_distance = _max_distance + 50; }; */ _spawnPos = [position currentTarget , 50, 300, 10, 0, 0.3, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; currentTargetRT = _towerClass createVehicle _spawnPos; publicVariable "currentTargetRT"; handle = [currentTargetRT] spawn EVO_fnc_demoOnly; currentTargetRT addEventHandler ["Killed", {_this spawn EVO_fnc_onUnitKilled}]; currentTargetRT addEventHandler ["Killed", {_this call EVO_fnc_RToffline}]; RTonline = true; publicVariable "RTonline"; _center = [ getMarkerPos currentTargetMarkerName, (600 + random 500) , random 360 ] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _spawnPos = []; _max_distance = 100; while{ count _spawnPos < 1 } do { _spawnPos = _center findEmptyPosition[ 30 , _max_distance , "Land_Cargo_Patrol_V3_F" ]; _max_distance = _max_distance + 50; }; _dir = [_spawnPos, position currentTarget] call BIS_fnc_dirTo; _comp = ["comps\mortar.sqf", "comps\mortar_50.sqf", "comps\mortar_50_2.sqf", "comps\mortar_50_tower.sqf"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _grp = createGroup EAST; _mortarGunner = _grp createUnit ["O_crew_F", _spawnPos, [], 0, "FORM"]; _newComp = [_spawnPos, _dir, _comp, false] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\otl7_Mapper.sqf")); _mortar = nearestObject [_spawnPos, "O_Mortar_01_F"]; _mortarGunner assignAsGunner _mortar; _mortarGunner moveInGunner _mortar; nul = [_mortar] execVM "scripts\UPSMON\MON_artillery_add.sqf"; _grp = [_spawnPos, EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfTeam_AA")] call EVO_fnc_spawnGroup; { if (HCconnected) then { handle = [_x] call EVO_fnc_sendToHC; }; } forEach units _grp; [_grp, _spawnPos] call bis_fnc_taskDefend; [_newComp, _grp, _mortarGunner, currentTarget] spawn { waitUntil {; sleep 10; _this select 3 != currentTarget}; { [_x] call EVO_fnc_wrapUp; } forEach _this select 0; { [_x] call EVO_fnc_wrapUp; } forEach units _this select 1; [_this select 2] call EVO_fnc_wrapUp; }; /* _center = [ getMarkerPos currentTargetMarkerName, random 150 , random 360 ] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _spawnPos = []; _max_distance = 100; while{ count _spawnPos < 1 } do { _spawnPos = _center findEmptyPosition[ 30 , _max_distance , _towerClass ]; _max_distance = _max_distance + 50; }; */ _spawnPos = [position currentTarget , 50, 300, 10, 0, 0.3, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _grp = createGroup east; currentTargetOF = _grp createUnit ["O_officer_F", _spawnPos, [], 0, "FORM"]; publicVariable "currentTargetOF"; currentTargetOF addEventHandler ["Killed", {officerAlive = false; publicVariable "officerAlive";}]; _officer = currentTargetOF; _pos = (getPos _officer); _spawnPos = []; _max_distance = 100; while{ count _spawnPos < 1 } do { _spawnPos = _pos findEmptyPosition[ 30 , _max_distance , (typeOf _officer)]; _max_distance = _max_distance + 50; }; _officer setPosASL _spawnPos; removeAllWeapons _officer; _officer setCaptive true; doStop _officer; [[[], { currentTargetOF addAction [format["<t color='#CCCC00'>Capture COLONEL %1</t>", name currentTargetOF],"_this spawn EVO_fnc_capture",nil,1,false,true,"","true"]; }], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; handle = [currentTargetOF, currentTarget] spawn { _OF = _this select 0; _currentTarget = _this select 1; _loop = true; while {_loop} do { if (_currentTarget != currentTarget) exitWith {_loop = false}; if (!alive _OF) then { [officerTask, "Failed", false] call bis_fnc_taskSetState; [[[_OF], { _msg = format ["Colonel %1 has been killed.", name (_this select 0)]; ["TaskFailed",["OFFICER KIA", _msg]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification; }], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; _loop = false; }; sleep 10; }; }; _grp = [getPos currentTargetRT, EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad")] call EVO_fnc_spawnGroup; { if (HCconnected) then { handle = [_x] call EVO_fnc_sendToHC; }; currentAOunits pushBack _x; publicVariable "currentAOunits"; _x AddMPEventHandler ["mpkilled", {currentAOunits = currentAOunits - [_this select 1]}]; } forEach units _grp; [_grp, getPos currentTargetRT] call bis_fnc_taskDefend; _grp = [getPos currentTargetOF, EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad")] call EVO_fnc_spawnGroup; { if (HCconnected) then { handle = [_x] call EVO_fnc_sendToHC; }; currentAOunits pushBack _x; publicVariable "currentAOunits"; _x AddMPEventHandler ["mpkilled", {currentAOunits = currentAOunits - [_this select 1]}]; } forEach units _grp; [_grp, getPos currentTargetOF] call bis_fnc_taskDefend; for "_i" from 1 to infSquads do { _null = [_currentTarget] spawn { _grp = [_this select 0, "infantry", true] call EVO_fnc_sendToAO; waitUntil {({alive _x} count units _grp) < 5}; while {RTonline} do { _grp = [_this select 0, "infantry"] call EVO_fnc_sendToAO; waitUntil {({alive _x} count units _grp) < 5}; }; }; }; for "_i" from 1 to armorSquads do { _null = [_currentTarget] spawn { _grp = [_this select 0, "armor", true] call EVO_fnc_sendToAO; _tank = vehicle leader _grp; waitUntil {({alive _x} count units _grp) < 1 || !canMove _tank || !alive _tank}; while {RTonline} do { _grp = [_this select 0, "armor"] call EVO_fnc_sendToAO; _tank = vehicle leader _grp; waitUntil {({alive _x} count units _grp) < 1 || !canMove _tank || !alive _tank}; }; }; }; sleep 1; [CROSSROADS, format ["We've received our next target, all forces converge on %1!", currentTargetName]] call EVO_fnc_globalSideChat; [[[], { if (!isDedicated) then { _sound = ["opforCaptured_2", "opforCaptured_1", "opforCaptured_0"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; playSound _sound; }; }], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; [] call EVO_fnc_newTargetTasks; waitUntil {!RTonline}; [[[], { if (!isDedicated) then { _tskName = format ["Radio Tower Destroyed at %1", currentTargetName]; ["TaskSucceeded",["",_tskName]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification; playsound "goodjob"; }; }], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; [towerTask, "Succeeded", false] call bis_fnc_taskSetState; sleep (random 15); [CROSSROADS, format ["We've received confirmation that the OPFOR communications tower has been destroyed, %1 will no longer be reinforced by OPFOR.", currentTargetName]] call EVO_fnc_globalSideChat; _sound = ["capturing_2", "capturing_1", "capturing_0"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; playSound _sound; waitUntil { sleep 10; _EVO_var_EnemyCountInCity = 0; if ((alive _x) && {(_x distance _currentTarget) < 1000}) then { _EVO_var_EnemyCountInCity = _EVO_var_EnemyCountInCity + 1; }; _EVO_var_EnemyCountInCity < 7 }; { deleteVehicle _x; } forEach currentAOunits; _sound = ["sectorCaptured_2", "sectorCaptured_1", "sectorCaptured_0"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; playSound _sound; [CROSSROADS, format ["OPFOR are retreating from %1. Nice job men!", currentTargetName]] call EVO_fnc_globalSideChat; [attackTask, "Succeeded", false] call bis_fnc_taskSetState; if (alive currentTargetOF) then { [officerTask, "Failed", false] call bis_fnc_taskSetState; _tskName = format ["Colonel %1 Escaped.", name currentTargetOF]; ["TaskFailed",["",_tskName]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification; }; [[[], { if (!isDedicated) then { _tskName = format ["%1 Secured.", currentTargetName]; _score = player getVariable "EVO_score"; _score = _score + 5; player setVariable ["EVO_score", _score, true]; ["PointsAdded",["BLUFOR completed a mission objective.", 5]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification; ["TaskSucceeded",["",_tskName]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification; playsound "goodjob"; }; }], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; _finishedMarkerName = format ["%1_ao_done", currentTargetName]; _finishedMarker = createMarker [_finishedMarkerName, position _currentTarget]; _finishedMarkerName setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _finishedMarkerName setMarkerBrush "SOLID"; _finishedMarkerName setMarkerDir direction currentTarget; _aoSize = [(((size currentTarget) select 0) + 200), (((size currentTarget) select 1) + 200)]; _finishedMarkerName setMarkerSize _aoSize; _finishedMarkerName setMarkerColor "ColorWEST"; _finishedMarkerName setMarkerPos (position currentTarget); //deleteMarker currentTargetMarkerName; currentTargetMarkerName setMarkerAlpha 0; sleep random 30; deleteVehicle currentTargetOF; targetCounter = targetCounter + 1; publicVariable "targetCounter"; currentTarget = targetLocations select targetCounter; publicVariable "currentTarget"; currentTargetName = text currentTarget; publicVariable "currentTargetName"; RTonline = true; publicVariable "RTonline"; handle = [] spawn EVO_fnc_initTarget; Old: private ["_currentTarget","_targetType","_currentTargetMarker","_aoSize","_x1","_y1","_towerClass","_center","_spawnPos","_max_distance","_dir","_comp","_grp","_mortarGunner","_loop2","_obj","_newComp","_mortar","_officer","_pos","_pass","_msg","_null","_ret","_heli","_heliGrp","_class","_tank","_sound","_tskName","_locationType","_type","_nearUnits","_unit","_score"]; currentTargetRT = nil; currentTargetOF = nil; if (isNil "currentAOunits") then { currentAOunits = []; publicVariable "currentAOunits"; }; lastAOunits = currentAOunits; publicVariable "lastAOunits"; currentAOunits = []; publicVariable "currentAOunits"; RTonline = true; officerAlive = true; currentTargetName = text currentTarget; publicVariable "currentTargetName"; _currentTarget = currentTarget; currentTargetType = type currentTarget; publicVariable "currentTargetType"; currentTargetMarkerName = format ["%1_ao", currentTargetName]; publicVariable "currentTargetMarkerName"; _currentTargetMarker = createMarker [currentTargetMarkerName, position _currentTarget]; currentTargetMarkerName setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; currentTargetMarkerName setMarkerBrush "Border"; currentTargetMarkerName setMarkerDir direction currentTarget; _aoSize = [(((size currentTarget) select 0) + 200), (((size currentTarget) select 1) + 200)]; currentTargetMarkerName setMarkerSize _aoSize; currentTargetMarkerName setMarkerColor "ColorEAST"; currentTargetMarkerName setMarkerPos (position currentTarget); _x1 = ((size currentTarget) select 0) / 1000; _y1 = ((size currentTarget) select 1) / 1000; currentTargetSqkm = (_x1 * _y1); publicVariable "currentTargetSqkm"; "opforair" setMarkerPos (getMarkerPos currentTargetMarkerName); _nextTargetMarker = createMarker [nextTargetMarkerName, position _currentTarget]; nextTargetMarkerName setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; nextTargetMarkerName setMarkerBrush "FDiagonal"; nextTargetMarkerName setMarkerDir direction (targetLocations select (targetCounter + 1)); _aoSize = [(((size (targetLocations select (targetCounter + 1))) select 0) + 200), (((size (targetLocations select (targetCounter + 1))) select 1) + 200)]; nextTargetMarkerName setMarkerSize _aoSize; nextTargetMarkerName setMarkerColor "ColorEAST"; nextTargetMarkerName setMarkerPos (position (targetLocations select (targetCounter + 1))); _pos = (position (targetLocations select (targetCounter + 1))); _array = nearestObjects [_pos, ["house"], 500]; _obj = _array select 0; "opforArrow" setMarkerPos (getPos _obj); "opforArrow" setMarkerDir (([_obj, getMarkerPos currentTargetMarkerName] call bis_fnc_relativeDirTo) + 90); _towerClass = "Land_Communication_F"; //_towerClass = ["Land_Communication_F", "Land_TTowerBig_2_F", "Land_TTowerBig_1_F"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; /* _center = [ getMarkerPos currentTargetMarkerName, random 80 , random 360 ] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _spawnPos = []; _max_distance = 100; while{ count _spawnPos < 1 } do { _spawnPos = _center findEmptyPosition[ 30 , _max_distance , _towerClass ]; _max_distance = _max_distance + 50; }; */ _spawnPos = [position currentTarget , 50, 300, 10, 0, 0.3, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; currentTargetRT = _towerClass createVehicle _spawnPos; publicVariable "currentTargetRT"; handle = [currentTargetRT] spawn EVO_fnc_demoOnly; currentTargetRT addEventHandler ["Killed", {_this spawn EVO_fnc_onUnitKilled}]; currentTargetRT addEventHandler ["Killed", {_this call EVO_fnc_RToffline}]; RTonline = true; publicVariable "RTonline"; _center = [ getMarkerPos currentTargetMarkerName, (600 + random 500) , random 360 ] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _spawnPos = []; _max_distance = 100; while{ count _spawnPos < 1 } do { _spawnPos = _center findEmptyPosition[ 30 , _max_distance , "Land_Cargo_Patrol_V3_F" ]; _max_distance = _max_distance + 50; }; _dir = [_spawnPos, position currentTarget] call BIS_fnc_dirTo; _comp = ["comps\mortar.sqf", "comps\mortar_50.sqf", "comps\mortar_50_2.sqf", "comps\mortar_50_tower.sqf"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _grp = createGroup EAST; _mortarGunner = _grp createUnit ["O_crew_F", _spawnPos, [], 0, "FORM"]; _newComp = [_spawnPos, _dir, _comp, false] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\otl7_Mapper.sqf")); _mortar = nearestObject [_spawnPos, "O_Mortar_01_F"]; _mortarGunner assignAsGunner _mortar; _mortarGunner moveInGunner _mortar; nul = [_mortar] execVM "scripts\UPSMON\MON_artillery_add.sqf"; _grp = [_spawnPos, EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfTeam_AA")] call EVO_fnc_spawnGroup; { if (HCconnected) then { handle = [_x] call EVO_fnc_sendToHC; }; } forEach units _grp; [_grp, _spawnPos] call bis_fnc_taskDefend; [_newComp, _grp, _mortarGunner, currentTarget] spawn { waitUntil {; sleep 10; _this select 3 != currentTarget}; { [_x] call EVO_fnc_wrapUp; } forEach _this select 0; { [_x] call EVO_fnc_wrapUp; } forEach units _this select 1; [_this select 2] call EVO_fnc_wrapUp; }; /* _center = [ getMarkerPos currentTargetMarkerName, random 150 , random 360 ] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _spawnPos = []; _max_distance = 100; while{ count _spawnPos < 1 } do { _spawnPos = _center findEmptyPosition[ 30 , _max_distance , _towerClass ]; _max_distance = _max_distance + 50; }; */ _spawnPos = [position currentTarget , 50, 300, 10, 0, 0.3, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _grp = createGroup east; currentTargetOF = _grp createUnit ["O_officer_F", _spawnPos, [], 0, "FORM"]; publicVariable "currentTargetOF"; currentTargetOF addEventHandler ["Killed", {officerAlive = false; publicVariable "officerAlive";}]; _officer = currentTargetOF; _pos = (getPos _officer); _spawnPos = []; _max_distance = 100; while{ count _spawnPos < 1 } do { _spawnPos = _pos findEmptyPosition[ 30 , _max_distance , (typeOf _officer)]; _max_distance = _max_distance + 50; }; _officer setPosASL _spawnPos; removeAllWeapons _officer; _officer setCaptive true; doStop _officer; [[[], { currentTargetOF addAction [format["<t color='#CCCC00'>Capture COLONEL %1</t>", name currentTargetOF],"_this spawn EVO_fnc_capture",nil,1,false,true,"","true"]; }], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; handle = [currentTargetOF, currentTarget] spawn { _OF = _this select 0; _currentTarget = _this select 1; _loop = true; while {_loop} do { if (_currentTarget != currentTarget) exitWith {_loop = false}; if (!alive _OF) then { [officerTask, "Failed", false] call bis_fnc_taskSetState; [[[_OF], { _msg = format ["Colonel %1 has been killed.", name (_this select 0)]; ["TaskFailed",["OFFICER KIA", _msg]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification; }], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; _loop = false; }; sleep 10; }; }; _grp = [getPos currentTargetRT, EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad")] call EVO_fnc_spawnGroup; { if (HCconnected) then { handle = [_x] call EVO_fnc_sendToHC; }; currentAOunits pushBack _x; publicVariable "currentAOunits"; _x AddMPEventHandler ["mpkilled", {currentAOunits = currentAOunits - [_this select 1]}]; } forEach units _grp; [_grp, getPos currentTargetRT] call bis_fnc_taskDefend; _grp = [getPos currentTargetOF, EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad")] call EVO_fnc_spawnGroup; { if (HCconnected) then { handle = [_x] call EVO_fnc_sendToHC; }; currentAOunits pushBack _x; publicVariable "currentAOunits"; _x AddMPEventHandler ["mpkilled", {currentAOunits = currentAOunits - [_this select 1]}]; } forEach units _grp; [_grp, getPos currentTargetOF] call bis_fnc_taskDefend; for "_i" from 1 to infSquads do { _null = [_currentTarget] spawn { _grp = [_this select 0, "infantry", true] call EVO_fnc_sendToAO; waitUntil {({alive _x} count units _grp) < 5}; while {RTonline} do { _grp = [_this select 0, "infantry"] call EVO_fnc_sendToAO; waitUntil {({alive _x} count units _grp) < 5}; }; }; }; for "_i" from 1 to armorSquads do { _null = [_currentTarget] spawn { _grp = [_this select 0, "armor", true] call EVO_fnc_sendToAO; _tank = vehicle leader _grp; waitUntil {({alive _x} count units _grp) < 1 || !canMove _tank || !alive _tank}; while {RTonline} do { _grp = [_this select 0, "armor"] call EVO_fnc_sendToAO; _tank = vehicle leader _grp; waitUntil {({alive _x} count units _grp) < 1 || !canMove _tank || !alive _tank}; }; }; }; sleep 1; [CROSSROADS, format ["We've received our next target, all forces converge on %1!", currentTargetName]] call EVO_fnc_globalSideChat; [[[], { if (!isDedicated) then { _sound = ["opforCaptured_2", "opforCaptured_1", "opforCaptured_0"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; playSound _sound; }; }], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; [] call EVO_fnc_newTargetTasks; waitUntil {!RTonline}; [[[], { if (!isDedicated) then { _tskName = format ["Radio Tower Destroyed at %1", currentTargetName]; ["TaskSucceeded",["",_tskName]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification; playsound "goodjob"; }; }], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; [towerTask, "Succeeded", false] call bis_fnc_taskSetState; sleep (random 15); [CROSSROADS, format ["We've received confirmation that the OPFOR communications tower has been destroyed, %1 will no longer be reinforced by OPFOR.", currentTargetName]] call EVO_fnc_globalSideChat; _sound = ["capturing_2", "capturing_1", "capturing_0"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; playSound _sound; _loop = true; _count = 0; while {_loop} do { _count = 0; sleep 10; { if (alive _x) then { _count = _count + 1; }; } forEach currentAOunits; if (_count < 9) then { _loop = false; }; }; if (_count > 0) then { { if ([true, false] call bis_fnc_selectRandom) then { [_x] spawn EVO_fnc_surrender; } else { [_x] spawn { _unit = _this select 0; _loop = true; while {_loop} do { _players = [_unit, 1000] call EVO_fnc_playersNearby; if (!_players || !alive _unit) then { _loop = false; }; }; deleteVehicle _unit; }; }; } forEach currentAOunits; }; _sound = ["sectorCaptured_2", "sectorCaptured_1", "sectorCaptured_0"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; playSound _sound; [CROSSROADS, format ["OPFOR are retreating from %1. Nice job men!", currentTargetName]] call EVO_fnc_globalSideChat; [attackTask, "Succeeded", false] call bis_fnc_taskSetState; if (alive currentTargetOF) then { [officerTask, "Failed", false] call bis_fnc_taskSetState; _tskName = format ["Colonel %1 Escaped.", name currentTargetOF]; ["TaskFailed",["",_tskName]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification; }; [[[], { if (!isDedicated) then { _tskName = format ["%1 Secured.", currentTargetName]; _score = player getVariable "EVO_score"; _score = _score + 5; player setVariable ["EVO_score", _score, true]; ["PointsAdded",["BLUFOR completed a mission objective.", 5]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification; ["TaskSucceeded",["",_tskName]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification; playsound "goodjob"; }; }], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; _finishedMarkerName = format ["%1_ao_done", currentTargetName]; _finishedMarker = createMarker [_finishedMarkerName, position _currentTarget]; _finishedMarkerName setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _finishedMarkerName setMarkerBrush "SOLID"; _finishedMarkerName setMarkerDir direction currentTarget; _aoSize = [(((size currentTarget) select 0) + 200), (((size currentTarget) select 1) + 200)]; _finishedMarkerName setMarkerSize _aoSize; _finishedMarkerName setMarkerColor "ColorWEST"; _finishedMarkerName setMarkerPos (position currentTarget); //deleteMarker currentTargetMarkerName; currentTargetMarkerName setMarkerAlpha 0; sleep random 30; deleteVehicle currentTargetOF; targetCounter = targetCounter + 1; publicVariable "targetCounter"; currentTarget = targetLocations select targetCounter; publicVariable "currentTarget"; currentTargetName = text currentTarget; publicVariable "currentTargetName"; RTonline = true; publicVariable "RTonline"; handle = [] spawn EVO_fnc_initTarget; and sorry my english is to poorly ;-) German : in deiner Evolution hast du in der fn_capture.sqf einen schreib Fehler usw. in der line 7 [[[], {_pow swtichMove ""}], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; und richtig geschrieben wäre , [[[], {_pow switchMove ""}], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; Dann hätte ich noch eine frage , die Städte werden in deiner Version manchmal nicht gelöst , weil manche Gruppen außerhalb laufen und man sie nicht findet . Habe es bearbeitet damit wenigstens wenn man den Tower gesprengt hat , die Mission geschafft angezeigt wird . hier das Script dazu ! LG tartar1102 (BierAigTartar)