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Posts posted by John87

  1. Is there a way to hop in a AI controlled helo or plane, and get the pilot to fly to other maps? Or is this just strictly player pilots?

    Current version only for player pilot. AI pilot is planned and more details at the page 8.

    Was curious if there was a smaller version possible?

    Since next patch will be small variant too (only with earth and without music).

  2. in your new and fascinating enviroment we can have multiple maps , will ai be able to navigate for example when ordered to move from continent A to B ?

    It will be able in my open world campaign exactly. main AI persons and vehicles will without cheats and will save their properties and coord after change map. CosmosEngine contain his properties in seperate RAM area than arma, these data are not lost when map changing and AI units can be reproduced by CE after new map loaded.

    When map changing, unit arma coord translating to global space coords. And when new map loaded, global space coord translating back to new arma map coords (or continue processing in global space coords if the new map too far).

    For Custom campaigns may be something like this:

    1) If need save AI unit after change map, add script "[this] call initUnitCE;" to Init line of the unit

    * can be simple added in Editor or by script command.

    * so not necessarily know arma script for using it.

    2) after map will changed, the unit(s) can

    * if the unit in air, space, sea - be translated to new map with right coord

    * if unit on land - be saved on last position but with freezed arma AI. When player will return to previous map unit AI will unblocked.

    AI Unit (which was init "[this] call initUnitCE;") can be in

    1) ArmaWorld

    * if unit have (height <50km) and (distance from current loaded map < 1000km)

    * means that unit fully controled by arma (physics, ai), like without CosmosEngine

    2) CosmosWorld

    * if unit have (height >50km) or (distance from current loaded map > 1000km)

    * means that unit don't exist physically in usual arma world now. Control of his AI and physics take CosmosEngine.

    * use CE commands(functions) instead arma script commands.

    Example commands for moving unit in arma world:

    domove[100,1000,15000]; flyinheight 15000; //default Arma script command - start flying to 15km over land

    [100,1000,15000] call movetoLandCE; //the same action but CE command - start flying to 15km over land

    Example commands for moving unit in cosmos world:

    [100,1000,100000] call movetoLandCE; //start flying to 100km over land, coord center from current map

    ["Altis",100,1000,100000] call movetoLCE; //start flying to 100km over land, coord center from Altis

    ["Chernarus",100,1000,100000] call movetoLCE; //start flying to 100km over land, coord center from Chernarus

    ["Chernarus"] call movetoLLCE; //start flying from any current position to Chernarus map

    ["Moon"] call movetoPlanetCE; //start flying from any current position to the Moon

    ["MoonLand1",0,0,1000] call movetoLCE; //start flying from any current position to the Moon Land area

    [200000,300000,1000000] call movetoCE; //start flying from any current position to place in Space, coord center from global Space coord

    It's not all planned commands. Also could be getposCE, velocityCE, attackCE, [unit2, ship1] call dockingCE, ...

  3. What about a module to allow other "spacecraft" addons to be used as the spaceplane?


    This module is planed, can't say when.

    Send me link of needed plane and I'll add it to CE.

    - It works fine in A3 as long as you spawn the plane and pilot seperately.

    what means spawn the plane and pilot seperately?

  4. Is this just a patch? I deleted the old files before installing the new ones :confused:

    Yes, it requires installed 0.42.

    But if 0.45 installed without 0.42 you can just will copy "@Cosmos/Addons/cosmos.pbo", "@Cosmos/Addons/cemusic.pbo" from 0.41 or 0.42 archive to Arma3.

  5. CosmosEngine 0.45 link


    Unpack content of "cosmosengine045.rar" to arma3 folder with replace files.

    Restart PC if v0.42 was run in current Windows session.

    Require: CosmosEngine 0.42 installed.

    This patch only for demonstration that walking inside vehicle works in space. It can works not only with this Space Plane but with any future space vehicle or a space station.

    I spent all time to make earlier but could not upload with unexpected bugs. There are unexpected problems when made walking inside on low height and parachute jumping. And I disable these features in current version, walking inside works only when Space Plane in open space, temporary. Need more time to make it work correctly. When I wil fix all it, improve Space Plane model, and test it, I will upload new patch.

    For MANW I had uploaded last working version on the day early, before the deadline came.


    0.45 (can be unstable, experemental version)

    Added - walking inside vehicle when player in space (experemental version).

    Added - space plane 0.3 (without textures and rvmats, with some geometry bugs and low cockpit details. Cockpit will redesigned, it's temporary solution.)


    Select action "Get Out" when SpacePlane far in space (~ 100 - 200km from Stratis).


    - when walking inside sometimes lost control and unit animation changed to "fly animation". Can help press U or Reload Magazine.

    - walls cause little damage.

    it will fixed until next patch

  6. I apologize for delay, patch with space plane will be tommorow morning or in the afternoon. And it will only 0.3 version. Some design features, textures, details, model bugs need in improvements and redesign. Main reason to download it will see walking inside and parachute jumping features but for great impression better wait for more later version.

  7. I just want to make sure that I got to right Idea of this mod: You already added the ability to travel between maps (and that even in real time) and you are planning to include user made maps too? (If so I hope it will be real maps only, right now a "Real" Kandahar and a Jalalabad Map are in the works.

    Some of user maps are planned too. Also will ability to add other real user maps (using manual). Originally planned only space, but then logically follow idea to make plane flights and travel between maps, and now it's also one of the main features.

    when you say travel between maps in real time you mean with every vehicles, also boats, or just planes and helicopters ?

    yes, by any vehicle (in v1.0).

    There is full real time when flying from Land to Space, but when going to new terrain, it's not in full real time - there is loading screen, how it's made now when flying from Stratis to Altis.

    Who intrested in custom islands will take it in next patches. When it will completed it will noted in changelog. At first should be completed more priority things.

    Also in plans ability for users to add any custom land using short manual and using it immediately. And also this load zone could be added to default base of load zones in next CE updates. Number of possible load zones are unlimited. Thus any real island could be added if it needed for somebody.

    Thanks for supporting.

  8. Is it possible to have higher resolution of earth when in orbit or in space?

    Current global resolution of the Earth (23424 x 11720) for land and same for clouds.

    I think this is not enough too and have plan to increase it. For example lack of resolution visible already at height 500km. I have idea how increase it to 46800 x 23400 (possibly it will be included in v1.0). Need improve some models and dynamic textures code. Theoretically it's possible to enlarge to 80000 x 40000 max - size of the original raw texture.

    When player far from Earth (12000km for example) used 4096*4096 texture. It should be enough for fullHD monitor if distance 12000km or higher.

  9. 0.42 patch (link) fixed some critical bugs:

    Fixed - some parts of the Earth is not drawed sometimes

    Fixed - out of memory on some PC when height > 30km

    Fixed - CE doesn't work (hint is not displayed) and requires restart mission sometimes

    Added - campaign "Cosmos Engine Demo Space" with ability start mission directly in Space

    Space plane will released after 2 weeks.

    Is is actually possible to land on the moon ?

    Yes, in future patch when terrain for Moon will be completed.

    CE allows to land on any planet which has land zones (arma terrains). In current moment terrain for Moon is not completed.

    Note: there is loading screen when arma terrain is changing (for Moon too), like loading screen when changing Stratis to Altis.

  10. I am searching solution for it. This problem happens not only in CosmosEngine:


    also can help something from it:

    start arma3.exe -malloc=system -mod=@Cosmos -maxMem=5120 -maxVRAM=2047

    start arma3.exe -malloc=tbb3malloc_bi -mod=@Cosmos

    start arma3.exe -malloc=tbb4malloc_bi -mod=@Cosmos

    start arma3.exe -malloc=jemalloc_bi -mod=@Cosmos

    start arma3.exe -malloc=tcmalloc_bi -mod=@Cosmos

    start arma3.exe -malloc=nedmalloc_bi -mod=@Cosmos

  11. Yes, a friend recommended to disable pagefiles because I run the game and win on same SSD.

    Probably the problem is in it and need enable pagefiles. Seems 8Gb RAM is not enough to full disable pagefile for Win7.

    ---------- Post added at 18:48 ---------- Previous post was at 18:43 ----------

    Dos this work with custom islands, ei can i fly from bornholm to altis?

    You can flying from/to any island if it added in CE.

    Current version has added 2 islands: Altis Stratis. There is ability to add any island but it takes some time. In future versions will be more default islands (Chernarus, Moon, ...) and ability to add custom islands (+instructions).

  12. I'm getting an out of memory error every time I reach about 29-30 000 meters up, like some engine transition is failing. I have 8 gig ram and ~33% used before launching Arma 3. It's dissapointing.


    Fixed using -malloc

    Nikiforos, froggyluv, try to add in ce_run.bat: "-malloc=system"



    start celoader.exe

    start arma3.exe -malloc=system -mod=@Cosmos



  13. Looks fantastic but I get memory errors after turning space engine on and after 1 or 2 minutes and CTD. Anyone knows why?

    This is the error message :

    Out of memory (requested 0KB).

    Footprint 3423731712 KB

    Pages 16384 KB

    Do you have last version of arma3?

    How much RAM and VideoMemory you have ?

    It's peak of memory usage on height 100-200km height.

    I want to optimise memory usage in this moment.

    Also I will add settings menu with texture qulity settings, for VideoCard with lower 890MB Memory.

    Temporary solution - close hard background programs before start arma or change arma setting texture to "High".

  14. -------------------------------------- current version 0.42 --------------------------------------------

    • Real scales of space (diameter of the Earth = 12 742 000m , distance from the Earth to the Moon = 384 467 000m and etc.).
    • Any space object and planet have position in space with an precision 0.1mm.
    • Unlimited view distance of planets
    • Ability to fly into space from current land (for example stratis) or to landing, in real time without loading
    • Ability to fly from one land (for exmplae Stratis) and landing to another land (for example Altis), with loading screen.
    • Land zones: Earth (Stratis, Altis)
    • Earth, Moon, Sun
    • Dynamically texture loading for planets
    • Fast c++ code


    MakeArmaNotWar link

    0.42 Download:

    Armaholic download link

    0.41 Download:

    ModDm download link part1.rar

    ModDm download link part2.rar

    0.42patch download link (required 0.41)


    Unpack 0.42 archive to Arma3 folder.


    Unpack 0.41 archive(s) to Arma3 folder.

    Unpack 0.42patch archive to Arma3 folder with replace files.

    ----------------------------- Change log ---------------------------------


    First public release


    Fixed - freeze after start mission on Some PC (requred some not used addons)

    Fixed - some other little bugs and tweaks


    Fixed - Out of memory on some PC when height > 30km

    Fixed - Part of the Earth is not drawed sometimes

    Fixed - CE doesn't work (hint is not displayed) and requires restart mission sometimes

    Added - Campaign "Cosmos Engine Demo Space" with ability start mission directly from Space


    --------------------------------------------- Future Plans -----------------------------------------------


    This section and features are estimated and not final (can be changing and/or added).

    ----------------------------- Closest tasks ---------------------------------

    • space plane (walking inside supported)
    • physics (gravitation, seperate engines power)
    • add space objects (small asteroids)

    ----------------------------- Main Features ---------------------------------

    1. Physics
      • inertia
      • gravity
      • burning in the atmosphere
      • different power engines in front/back/right/left (for any maneurous include strafes)
      • destruction of the ship by space junk at high speeds
      • time slowdown at speeds close to the speed of light (optional)
      • scale time (fantastic feature)
      • artificial gravity on space plane/ship/station (fantastic feature)
      • power space engines (fantastic feature)

    [*]Sol system

    • about 10 planets of the solar system
    • real orbits and rotations of the planets
    • asteroids
    • radiation, temperature


    • ability to fly into space from current land (for example Stratis) or to landing, in real time without loading
    • ability to fly from one land (for exmplae Stratis) and landing to another land (for example Altis), with loading screen.
    • land zones on the Earth (Stratis, Altis, Chernarus and some other)
    • land zone on the Moon
    • compatible with Armas clouds

    [*]Space plane

    • walking inside (when height of the space plane above 50km from the planet)
    • improved space physics


    • it's trying to be real
    • there are some fantastic features for more intresting gameplay


    • improve stars
    • improve colors and contrast of the Earth, also decrease bright at some places (v0.41 too bright)
    • improve textures of the Moon

    --------------------------------- Additions ------------------------------------

    Custom script commands, like:

    • plane1 setposC[230454555,2000000000,3400000];
    • plane1 movetoC[230454555,2000000000,3400000];
    • plane1 movetoPlanetC("Earth","Stratis");
    • pos1 = getposC("Earth");
    • setScaleTimeC(1000);
    • ...

    Custom config.

    Ability to add custom land zones and may be planets (+ manual).

    Ability to add custom addons of space ships, space planes, space stations (+ manual).

    Manual how add CE to custom campaigns.

    ------------------------------- Multiplayer -----------------------------------

    I don't know how multiplayer work yet and can't say exactly about posibility of it now.

    Previously I dont see why it can't be, but may be with some restrictions compared to singplayer.

    -------------------- Total modification and campaign --------------------

    Will be announced after release v1.0.

    • Like 2

  15. Is it possible that there will be multiplayer compatibility in the future so we may fly to Islands as you have it now?

    I don't know how work multiplayer yet and can't say exactly now.

    ---------- Post added at 19:59 ---------- Previous post was at 19:39 ----------

    How realistic it is? Is there proper orbital mechanics, Inertia And reentry efects?

    Old Orbiter and KSP fan here!!

    I will create CosmosEngine thread and decribed more details after some days.



    - orbital mechanics, reentry efects

    No, in current version.

    ---------- Post added at 20:13 ---------- Previous post was at 19:59 ----------


    I'm getting an out of memory error every time I reach about 29-30 000 meters up, like some engine transition is failing. I have 8 gig ram and ~33% used before launching Arma 3. It's dissapointing.


    Fixed using -malloc

    I have 4gig ram and 890mb videoMem and haven't this error (with max texture settings), except several times when many hard programs were opened. CE use much memory when landout from land on height ~ 100km. I think I will implement user's settings with texture settings quality and will make optimisation of texture usage.

  16. the space stuff doesn't appeal to me very much

    for me too. Most of the time I spent at the code and arma script, I had to solve a lot of problems with the arma engine. I had a little time for stars and it turned out bad and spoil all impression from space. I hope that will rework it.

    ---------- Post added at 01:37 ---------- Previous post was at 01:23 ----------

    Oh, is it working now, had an issue with some fighter that was needed (required), can't remember which one. Should I just remove that from the mission config and go with any plane..?

    if fa18 required you need download part2.rar (with fix included) and unpack content of the archive to Arma3 folder with Replace.


    If you want other planes, not only default, Tell me list of planes what needed and I will add support it to the game. I disabled any other plane specially as temporary solution. Arma has bug (some scripts work with errors) when plane hasn't in config (simulation = "airplane"). I need make new config with small fix (simulation = "airplane").

    Also later I'll write a tutorial on how to change the config to make any plane supported.

  17. I'm happy this got into the competition. I see the similarities to Space Engine too. But there again there are soo many space games coming forward, its not hard to get some that look similar. But it is striking the look of Cosmos to Space Engine.

    I think I and author of space engine trying to really show space and using the same raw textures (from NASA in public domain). But I am not trying to be like space engine (I not very like his design). I have my own style and want to make the most like real photos but with higher contrast and saturated colors. I'm trying to be like real photos and not trying to be like Space Engine. Photo is better them Space Engine and I take as example photo. And I have my own method for postprocessing of textures. When I make Earth I see many photos and videos and searching more beautiful version and trying to make it in-game. While that turned out not very much, but I have spent a not much time for design as I would like.

  18. I don't know but I'm having issues with this mod currently and would definitely like to hear from the creator.

    It looks awful close to this :


    Which dwarden is listed among the developers. Hopefully john can come in here and clear the air.

    What issue you have?

    I don't know autors of SpaceEngine and don't using anything from SpaceEngine. CosmosEngine and SpaceEngine fully different things. I saw video of SpaceEngine and it all. The list of developer are from SpaceEngine, but not from CosmosEngine.

    ---------- Post added at 23:48 ---------- Previous post was at 23:34 ----------

    Would also recommend defining the vehicles altitude and space engine abilities with a linkable module. That way people could use other aircraft like the OA Macross Plane or the Star Trek shuttle.

    it will be

    ---------- Post added at 00:05 ---------- Previous post was at 23:48 ----------

    Anyone have any clue what addon grodnoalpha is?

    grodnoalpha is my addon, terrain and alpha version.
