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About SmartMan132

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  1. The title pretty much explains it really, but what I'm seeking assistance with is texturing a vehicle that was made in 3DS Max. I'm just really wondering how could I get a file that would show me where to texture for the car? Since I am kinda new to the whole modeling side of things I'm really not sure and I've asked around but couldn't find anything. If you need clarification just ask.
  2. SmartMan132

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    You might want to add this profile to your list of people eggbeast: http://forums.bistudio.com/member.php?212110-TheMrZoo He is one of three Head Administrators over at A3L
  3. I'll look into it more and see if I can fix this.
  4. SmartMan132

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    Good job guys, WE ARE MAKING PROGRESS!
  5. So this is what I've put together from my scripting knowledge. I'm not going to explain it in detail mainly because I'm tired and about to go to sleep. But here is a dropbox link to the file that I changed around that you can inspect to see what I changed. Here you go: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4tnzvwjmif163gj/JSHK_firstAddon.rar?dl=0