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About Ridden

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  1. Yes i was trying to do something like that DeadedEntity but don't get it working thanks too. But i think the Champ-1's code is easier understandable. Thanks again
  2. Perfectly like this !! Thanks dude :)
  3. Hello. I'm new in arma 3 editing and was trying to practice a little on the loops. I had a little problem immediatly, i don't see how to make a countdown in my loop. I can't see how to make it. test4 = { removeallactions player; player addAction ["Several Suv around", { for "_i" from 1 to 20 do { _vehic = "C_SUV_01_F"; _vehic createVehicle position player; } }]; player addAction ["Delete all target in 100m", { _cible = cursorTarget; _position_cible = getPos _cible; _classecible = typeOf cursorTarget; for "_i" from 1 to 5 do { playsound "Alarm"; cutText [format ["Vehicle Type : %1 deleted in XXXX seconds", _classecible], "PLAIN DOWN"]; sleep 1; }; { deleteVehicle _x; } forEach nearestObjects [ _position_cible,[_classecible],100] } ]; }; call test4; So my code is taking the classname of the targeted vehicle and is deleting it on a radius of 100m. This is working but I made a "XXXX" on the line where my problem is. How to make a countdown here please. Maybe there is some errors in my english sorry ;) PS : i searched something around this problem without success.
  4. Okay so that's that. he wanted to delete these textures objects on the 2d editor maybe.
  5. Hello i can't understand the main problem. Okay there is a "question mark" on your object but that's not a problem don't worry about that. You can use createVehicle [type, position, markers, placement, special] and call it at the starting instead, you'll don't get these objects in your mission editor anymore. You can use http://www.antihelios.de/EK/Arma/pages/ArrowMarker_L_F.htm to find easily the classname you are searching for. Maybe my answer was not concerning your problem
  6. Maybe you mean something like that => EDIT : Can't post any link for one day because i'm just registered :butbut: Search on armaholic LIFTER for ArmA 3 by RAVEN