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Posts posted by livrot

  1. Hi guys and girls,

    I would like to bring to your attention this new speech recognizer with immersion staggering features like synonyms, variables and audio feedback programs.

    It is a capable speech and hotkey controlled macro tool at the same time ( mouse move / click + keyboard ).

    The freeware version might be quite sufficient with the right ARMA settings.

    Do not hesitate to ask for features or to criticize what you dislike about it.

    Looking forward to mutual support from and to the ARMA community.




    Version 1.170408 released
    • The Microsoft Speech Platform 11 can now be used, too. 26 languages are available for this recognizer.
    Read more about it here (Link:) Changing the Speech Recognizer Platform
    • 26 language specific artificial feedback voices can now be installed and used (google Microsoft Speech
    Platform 11 download to get them)
    • New installer created that takes care of the correct installation of the Microsoft Speech Platform 11 and
    one language and voice for it. Read more about it here: Installation
    • If multiple voice feedback messages are are to be spoken at the same time, they are stacked up in the
    correct order and spoken one after another (with an optional exception – read next point).
    • New option created for voice feedback: 'parallel talk (MSP 11/System)'. Enabled, voices of the MSP 11
    (Microsoft Speech Platform 11) can run in parallel to the standard voice of your system (Microsoft Anna).
    This way 'Anna' can give feedback for LMC hotkey triggering and/or command triggering at the same
    time that an artificial speech macro event uses a MSP 11 voice.
    • Profile name now shown in the title bar of the editor. The tooltip shows the complete path.
    • List of macro events - editing: delete now selects the next event when done.
    • Placeholder window: 'OK' button seen when editing a placeholder has been moved further down (next to
    • 'New Profile' function added to the file menu.
    • 'else { }' macro event created
    • 'if not equal (conditional bracket)' and 'while not equal (conditional bracket)' macro event created
    • Macro playback: green led in the logo and on the task bar icon is now blinking to indicate sync macro
    • Manual selector added in settings / preferences
    • German Manual created.
    • English Manual completely overhauled.
    • Default fontsize decreased to 14.
    • File association for LMC profiles created. Profiles are saved to .lmc files from now on. They are still .zip
    archive files (simply renamed from .zip to .lmc). File icon created for .lmc files.
    • 'Alt' key now opens the menu, 'Alt F4' now closes LMC-Windows.
    • Low-Level-Hotkey System redesigned. Hotkey recording trouble for laptop owners fixed.
    • New settings for LL-Hotkeys: 'ignore release events', 'eaten events are send to all eater hotkeys',
    'key repeat'
    • New automatic 'repair' for LL-'eater' Hotkeys: first key/button is no longer a 'lost key'/'lost button'
    • Low-Level-Hotkey Modes have been created.
    • Joystick events now always automatically respect the recorded device number for triggering
    - easier recognition and separation of multiple attached joystick devices
    • Left and Right Alt key can now be recorded in Hotkeys and macros.
    • Voice Feedback did 'freeze' LMC. Fixed.
    • Temporary macro recording: disabling the 'auto stop recording' delay in the Settings-Window / Macro
    page resulted in recordings stopping right after the first event recorded. Fixed.
    • 'save profile as' did not change the profile name in LMC. using the simple 'save profile' function
    Afterwards saved it to the old name :( . Fixed.
    • Optional phrases have not been loaded from profiles before. Fixed.
    • 'Cancel' in the Command-Editor-Window did not restore optional phrases and also not the error log of
    the edited command. Fixed.
    • Command-Editor-Window: 'Text Lines': cursor positioning in the text was off by some pixels. Fixed for all
    198 Livrot Mic Command 198
    font sizes now.
    • 'Quit without saving profile?' popped up when quitting without having changed a command (if the editor
    got opened just once). Fixed.
    • Debugging mode: a breakpoint hit was not selected/highlighted in the command editor window of the
    command. Fixed.
    • Constant data editing in the data control window didn't work. Fixed.
    • Macro testing: 'use OSD' mode didn't work. Fixed.
    • Modify-Window replacement algorithm was faulty. Fixed.
    Version V1.160221 released
    async macros (to perform multitasking and monitoring jobs macros)
    full SRGS XML grammar support (following strictly the W3.org specifications),
     the grammar used in a phrase can return semantic keys and semantic values, which are copied into local string variables of the macro by LMC.
    This way complex speech recognition logic can be achieved.
    The SRGS XML grammar standard has much more to offer like 'garbage' irtems, repeat settings, one-of-lists, weighing of each item, ...
    Advanced editor layout:
    - New command editor window - all command settings in one window. Multiple commands can be opened and edited at the same time
    - Many new columns created for the commandlist editor, each with sort up / down capability, position and width are saved with the profile
    - Separate search window - with a search box for every column in the commandlist editor
    - Separate windows and new buttons for synonyms and placeholder (was named 'variables' in earlier versions)
    - Separate window for multi command editing with new replacement option to insert content off other columns.
    - Separate window for the 'Device manager for hotkey events'.
    - Profile load, save, add, ... buttons removed (to gain more screen estate for the  commandlist / columns) - right click on the commandlist and open the context menu instead.
    Settings layout reworked.
    Command editor window created from the old 'single' edit tab and the macro editor window - now all the contents belonging to one command can be edited in one window.
    Multiple command windows can be opened at the same time to copy macro events from one command to another and for complex macro callback testing scenarios with active breakpoints set in different commands.
    New features:
    Every setting of a command can now be shown, sorted and searched for in a column of the commandlist.
    Trigger statistics (hotkey / speech / artificial (macro) / ACR (average confidence result) / last triggered) also available in columns for comparison.
    Optional phrases for commands. Reload original VAC / keyspeech / shoot! / VA profiles with this new version please - or convert synonyms into optional phrases in the synonym window.
    Synonyms can now be used to create new phrases profile wide, test them some days / weeks and finally add them to optional phrases to gain editor speed.
    Much increased macro execution speed - around 1 million simple operations (events) per second (with simple events like 'add to integer' and check a 'while' loop condition).
    Async playback switch for commands - allow playback when another macro is already running.
    A sophisticated timer system has been created to allow multi macro playback inside the LMC thread and guarantee responsiveness of the LMC user interface / windows at the same time.
    If multiple sync macros are triggered they are now stacked up (maximum 10) and no longer rejected.
    Settings have been created to permit finetuning this timer system depending on the usage scenario:
     - maximum event execution time in milliseconds without delay (maximum run-time without timer call)
     - forced timeout in milliseconds (length of forced timer delay time)
     - maximum running async macros
     - sync macro stack limit (waiting sync macros if multiple are triggered while another sync macro is still running)
    Macros can now start other macros with up to two different parameters (any data type) and optionally asking for a return value (any type) - just like a function call in standard programming languages.
    Caller and target macro can be async or sync or mixed.
    The data control window now offers local data information of running macros.
    Each running macro instance has its very own copy of local data, of course.
    Enable switch for commands.
    Many new 'event control' options ( on / off switches for event types ) for macro playback: trigger-, speech-, sound- event permission
    The information and options presented in the 'L' label in the LMC window titlebars and taskbar icon has been reworked:
      - the microphone on / off state is now easy to spot together with macro playback / recording / pause information
      - the microphone and speech recognizer can now alternatively be controled by clicking on the 'L' label directly.
      - just check the tooltip of the 'L' label in the corner of LMC windows.
    Tooltips can now be turned off.
    New checkbox created to allow automatic pop up of the 'Device manager for hotkey events' at program start if devices needed to trigger any Low Level hotkey are not connected.
    Macro 'average delay' time and 'timer busted' counter columns added.
    New grammar options in phrases created. (Wildcard, Key - Value element with useable result in the macro program)
    Placeholder usage is now possible in response programs.
    Reduced loading time for profiles.
    Increased editor responsiveness through dynamic selective undo backup in the background.
    New editor slider button - size depends on visible area vs. length of the commandlist.
    A click in the log on a recognized phrase opens the corresponding command editor window.
    Context menu (right click) created for the log.
    Improved column dragging, column show/hide, column state saving / loading to / from profile.
    Video Player added to response programs.
    Keyboard Input can now be used for 'assign' macro events. (A Window with two optional textlines opens and wairts for user input.)
    Macro event display reworked. Conditional Bracket event blocks are now indented. Macro Events are now written more or less like java / c# code.
    Placeholders reworked. Now multiple underscores can be used in the placeholder name and are finally also recognized in the speech configuration mode.
    New $placeholder created for phrases.

    The identification of commands for macro triggering / data control window -> local data selection uses the name instead off the phrase of a command from now on.
    New macro event types:
    Play response program - the old responses of your commands will be translated into this event while loading and added to the end your macro event lists of the corresponding commands (only if they were enabled!).
    Play sound file - with adjustable playback speed and supporting more filetypes.
    New 'assign return value' - event option: assign a return value of another macro.
    Issues fixed / Bug fixes:
    All log filters fixed.
    Many fixes around the device management system for hotkeys - it now uses the vendor ID (VID) and product ID (PID) instead of the offen changing registry keys.
    With enables synonyms the confidence result was not displayed in the log. Fixed.
    The Data Control Window did not use an independent deep copy of the commandlist as anounced. Fixed now.
    Colour settings were lost if not saved in a profile (due to the new multi window design). Fixed.
    OSD display usage for makro testing has been reworked.
    Hotkeys using joysticks update joystick subscription with every device change from now on - before joysticks had toto be plugged in before loading a profile.
    Keyrepeat is now ignored completely for LowLevel Hotkeys.
    Standard Window resizing by throwing them against the edges of the screen is now implemented.
    Led states reworked. Microphone state easier to spot now.

    Version V1.150503 released:

    new app design created: editor, log, settings now have their own window.

    new command structure: all commands are now macro commands

    - removed 'plain text' commands and 'open file commands'

    ( old profiles will be converted automatically upon loading )

    data system created:

    - local data (named, useable inside of one macro)

    - global data (named, useable inside all macros)

    - constant data (named, unchangeable but read / useable inside all macros)

    - fixed values

    data types created:

    - bool

    - byte

    - int

    - double

    - string

    - file

    - clipboard

    these data types are all nullable - can be assigned / unassigned

    a lot of conversion from one data type to another are possible

    all data contents are saved together with the profile

    all data can have an initial value to be used at program start

    a large range of actions upon these data types has been created, too:

    macro event builder created:

    easily manipulate the data types by building macro events.

    instructions how to build the event are always displayed.

    conditional brackets and loops (if / while) are also be easily created.

    new macro actions created:

    - open file (with argument, working directory as parameters)

    - kill process (name, machine name)

    - restart this macro

    - delay this macro

    - stop this macro

    - stop this macro and start another macro (phrase)

    - ask user (question) result bool

    - change response text for this run

    - compare and manipulate files / directories

    - get system clipboard to a clipboard variable

    - set system clipboard from a clipboard variable

    - data control window created:

    - see and manipulate data while the speech recogniser is running.

    - displays clipboard contents, too (image, text, file drop list)

    - with a simple text editor for text- / file drop list - clipboards


    - columns can now be shown / hidden

    - columns can now be moved to another position

    - columns size and position are now saved with the profile

    - more columns created (confidence / weight / category / name / variables)

    commands category created: just enter a category or choose from existing categorys in the drop down list and sort your commandlist by category

    settings / main: new option: reset data upon loading

    settings / log: save log / save log as button crashed. fixed.

    editor / single: new layout

    editor / multi edit: other columns content can now be inserted in the replacement texts (see 'WITH' questionmark)

    editor / variables: renamed to 'placeholder'

    editor / language: moved into the context menu (right click on the commandlist and choose 'convert character language')

    LMC can now be given a profile as command parameter. Example: Livrot_MicCommand.exe C:\work.xml

    more development speed achieved by dropping the freeware version.

    the app can now be used in three ways:

    - without license (freeware mode)

    - mouse macro output is ignored

    - keyboard CTRL and ALT keys are ignored

    - with a temporary license (enter your username and password from livrot.com before every use to obtain a temporary license from livrot.com)

    - after 30 minutes mouse macro output is ignored

    - after 1 hour keyboard CTRL and ALT keys are ignored

    - with a full license

    - just enter your username and password from livrot.com at first program start and instantly receive a full license for your machine.

    old changelogs:

    EDIT 2015/02/20 - V1.150130 released:[list]
    [*] New feature: macro editor with many extras
    [*] New feature: macro testing with breakpoints
    [*] New feature: macro converter and scaler
    [*] Simplified update procedure:
            If asked 'Did you make a backup?' just click 'YES' and browse to the license key backup.
            LMC will copy the license to the apps folder for you.
    [*] Command editor: only the paste hotkey demands a focused item in the command list (if not a message is being shown now)
            all other functions no longer need the focus to be set.
            Previously the cut/copy/paste/delete functions did nothing without a command being focused. Fixed.
    [*] Synonym show / hide and synonym display now turn on synonym enable automatically but with a message box for the user
    [*] '?' tooltips rewritten on the 'synonyms' and 'variables' tab
    [*] Temporary macro recorder: wrong event types have been selected for temp mouse / keyboard recording. Fixed.
    [*] The 'record' button did record the last mouse click / keypress when recording and clicking on it to stop. Fixed.
    [*] Loading a profile with macro commands in the free version did not set a command type.
             Changed. Now the macro is translated to plain text.
    [*]  Using 'Load Cmd' did not set the hotkey of the selected command. Fixed.
    [*] While editing a macro command and clicking 'New' to create a new command showed a plain text comand with macro delay.
    [*] Tooltip of the delay slider updated.
    EDIT 2015/02/07 - V1.150121:
    [*] macro recorder records keypresses again - this got broken some versions ago.
    [*] low level hotkey recording simplifications no longer record left and right mouse buttons. (see tooltips) 
    EDIT 2015/02/06 - V1.150120:
    [*] synonym display will no longer be turned on for auto-load profiles. It is only needed for editing and large profiles (3000 + commands) are ready 2 seconds earlier now.
    [*] color schemes reviewed
    [*] crash for too short text input under settings / colour (colour hexadecimal input) fixed.
    [*] VAC profile converter: BREAK key is now translated as {Pause} - before: {Cancel}
    EDIT 2015/02/05 - V1.150115:
    [*] 'use profile settings' is no longer saved to or loaded from profiles. Makes no sense anymore after the changed functionality.
    [*] 'enable' checkbox under settings / macro / ' temporary macro speech phrases' restarts the speech recognizer if changed.
    [*] part 3 of the manual rewritten.
    [*] Low Level Hotkey color changed for better readability on dark color themes
    EDIT 2015/02/05 - V1.150112:
    [*] manual rewritten and updated
    [*] some tooltips rewritten
    [*] settings / log - created new slider for the amount of messages shown
    EDIT 2015/02/03 - V1.150111:
    [*] new low level hotkey simplification options. please read the tooltips for more information.
    [*] selectable voice for artificial voice feedback. Created to permit the use the artificial voice of another culture.
    EDIT 2015/01/25 - V1.150107:
    [*] new settings:  titlebar can now be selected to sit on top of the window and the logo fade out can be suppressed now
    [*] the website is updated with new texts and screenshots to reflect the actual state of the full version.
    EDIT 2015/01/24 - V1.150106:
    [*] the converted VAC profiles have been displayed wrong. The output data is correct. Now the output is displayed correct in the commandlist. Also Oem Keys are now shown as characters.
    [*] corrections on the new sound settings panel
    EDIT 2015/01/24 - V1.150104:
    new settings tab: sound - artificial voice feedback for temp macro recording / hotkeys / commands selectable
    EDIT 2015/01/21 - V1.150101:
    massive improvements for temporary macro recording inside of 3D games using speech commands
    EDIT 2015/01/16 - V1.141212:
    VAC loader improved again for the freeware and payware version: category gets loaded into text2 now, extended keys loading reworked for the full version (auto macro production)
    EDIT 2015/01/15 - V1.141210:
    [*] Editor: right click selection stopped / delete command fixed / focused element reworked
    [*] Improved VAC loader for the full version (VAC commands turned into macros taking care of qualifier and extended keys) + scan codes reworked.
    [*] new option for keyboard output: 'scan code flag' for some games / apps you may have to check this option to receive keyboard output from LMC.
    [*] full version: macro global delay is now saved correctly as integer. 
    Video Tutorials are now ready on YT in English, German and French.   -> [url]https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBXCnI15q4Y4Yn1lud5RSiQ/playlists[/url]
    latest version change logs:
    EDIT 2014/12/10 - V1.141128:
    [*] focus for the commandlist, editor right click command hotkeys do work now (set the focus on the commandlist first)
    [*] delay time is now shown in the commandlist
    [*] macros unbugged - removed a pile of garbage
    [*] new option to disable the auto stop delay timer for macro / hotkey recording
    EDIT 2014/11/30 -  V1.141127:
    new feature:     [b]macro keypress conversion from one input language to another[/b] - finally wingedsky's profile can be converted to english (follow the tooltips under editor / language)
    Thrustmaster Cougar sometimes was not recognized as a joystick (it exists as mouse and keyboard device in the device list, too) fixed that finally. Thanks to Silver for pointing me on this issue.
    while recording the tutorials I have encountered and removed these errors:
    [*] LMC settings 'Low Level' hotkeys (mic, mic mode, ...) showed message 'bad hotkey device number' when loading a profile without any hotkey devices in it and were erased afterwards. Fixed.
    [*] 'Low Level' hotkey triggering did not recognize the sequence 'train' in 'trtrain' or 'tratrain' or the likes. Fixed.
    [*] 'Low Level' hotkey recording: holding down any key and a DX button until recording stops did let the first key repeat event through. Fixed.
    [*] editor single - audio feedback / response:   #10 up to #99 jump didn't work (double digits). fixed.
    [*] editor pop up  menu  command added:      placeholders     raw / replaced      Ctrl - P
    [*] the text numbers of the commandlist's comment texts was decreased upon reload. fixed.
    [*] plaint text output now put on a stack off 100 outputs maximum - before only 1 at a time.
    [indent]--> response calls to other commands (#a..) now do work right   AND   windows system hotkeys now can trigger the plain text output[/indent]
    EDIT 2014/11/20 -  V1.141113:  mic mode 'listen once' works again. rearranged settings -> main and settings -> global.
    EDIT 2014/11/19 -  V1.141112:  fix for the new mic modes
    EDIT 2014/11/17 -  V1.141109:
    [*]  2 new mic modes added: 'listen while pressed' and 'listen while not pressed'
    [*]  fixed: windows key repeat action is no longer recorded when recording low level hotkeys
    [*]  full version: 'toggle' macro option introduced - new settings added to settings -> macro

  2. Hi guys and girls,

    I would like to bring to your attention this new speech recognizer with immersion staggering features like synonyms, variables and audio feedback programs.

    It is a capable speech and hotkey controlled macro tool at the same time ( mouse move / click + keyboard ).

    The freeware version might be quite sufficient with the right ARMA settings.

    Do not hesitate to ask for features or to criticize what you dislike about it.

    Looking forward to mutual support from and to the ARMA community.



    thread continued over at ARMA 3. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?185400-Livrot-Mic-Command-speech-recognizer-and-macro-tool

  3. Hi guys,

    I'm new to Arma and looking forward to a long future with this fantastic tactical fighting sim.

    As a noob I can not open a new thread and not post links, so take this:

    I have written Livrot Mic Command, a speech recognizer and macro tool:


    It can load old VAC and keyspeech profiles and offers many new features.

    With the right ARMA settings you may find the freeware version sufficient for your needs.

    I post this for advertising, yes - but not only:

    Send me a PM or open a thread if you can and I give this community maximum support / build in new features to your likings.

    Cheers, Livrot
