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Posts posted by livrot

  1. Hello, everybody!


    Last August LMC has received Toolbars and a menu. Sorry for not posting about that version here before.

    Last weeks release adds a new hotkey system to LMC which also fixes the hotkey problems that laptop owners have encountered before.

    And LMC now supports the Microsoft Speech Platform 11 - a speech recognizer supporting 26 additional languages.

    That platform can be used without training the recognizer, as it was created for telephone servers - recognition results are very good, too.

    The English manual has been completely rewritten and also got translated into German.

    The last pages of the manual hold more information about the new features and fixes of old bugs.


    Post your livrot.com account user name here and I upgrade you to 'owner' state for free.

    Or use it with temporary licenses - see manual.

    If you like it, you can still buy a license later on or make a video of your ARMA session using LMC for the radio calls.



    Torvil Stegmann


  2. Hello everyone,

    26 languages can now be used for speech recognition in LMC.
    The manual has been completely rewritten and also was translated into German.

    Enter 'asdf' in the license screen for both user and pwd
    to receive a temporary license.

    Or post your Livrot.com registered account user name here
    to be upgraded to 'owner' state for free.

    Torvil Stegmann

  3. Thank you, andersson!



    Gridley's VA profile from here :https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/1786I 87-my-voice-attack-profile-for-ai-control-user-input-wanted/

    has been converted into a LMC profile and should permit for a nice starting point for ArmA users.


    The new SRGS grammar support or at least the $placeholder should permit for even better speech recognition solutions for ArmA now.


    I am not having much time at the moment, but I can come here and check about weekly if someone desires to get a full LMC license for free.


    - register on Livrot.com

    - just PM or post here your user name from Livrot.com 

    - wait about a week and I should have put you through


    or simply check out LMC by using temporary licenses.



    At the moment the Low Level Hotkeys are not working on laptop keyboards - this is being investigated. With a branched in usb keyboard they do work on laptops, too.



    Torvil Stegmann

  4. Gridley,


    if you like to, feel invited to register on livrot.com and PM you account name to me - I give you a full license for free.


    The SRGS grammar options or at least the $placeholder should permit for even better ARMA voice profiles using LMC.


    I took the liberty to convert you profile into a LMC profile (LMC can load basic data of VA profiles) and to upload it in the livrot.com support section.

    You may want to check how the wildcards perform with LMC and other features as well.





    Torvil Stegann

  5. Livrot Mic Command V 1.160220  released.


    async macros,

    full SRGS XML grammar support   (wildcards, garbage items, sematic keys producing semantic values, fully programmable macros making use of returned semantic keys and  values, repeat settings for grammar items, ... )

    new editor with 70 columns, showing every setting of the commands


    and finally a fat .pdf manual with macro programming crash course and many examples.


    check it out for free ... as long as you like with temporary licenses.



  6. Version V1.150503 released:

    new app design created: editor, log, settings now have their own window.

    new command structure: all commands are now macro commands

    - removed 'plain text' commands and 'open file commands'

    ( old profiles will be converted automatically upon loading )

    data system created:

    - local data (named, useable inside of one macro)

    - global data (named, useable inside all macros)

    - constant data (named, unchangeable but read / useable inside all macros)

    - fixed values

    data types created:

    - bool

    - byte

    - int

    - double

    - string

    - file

    - clipboard

    these data types are all nullable - can be assigned / unassigned

    a lot of conversion from one data type to another are possible

    all data contents are saved together with the profile

    all data can have an initial value to be used at program start

    a large range of actions upon these data types has been created, too:

    macro event builder created:

    easily manipulate the data types by building macro events.

    instructions how to build the event are always displayed.

    conditional brackets and loops (if / while) are also be easily created.

    new macro actions created:

    - open file (with argument, working directory as parameters)

    - kill process (name, machine name)

    - restart this macro

    - delay this macro

    - stop this macro

    - stop this macro and start another macro (phrase)

    - ask user (question) result bool

    - change response text for this run

    - compare and manipulate files / directories

    - get system clipboard to a clipboard variable

    - set system clipboard from a clipboard variable

    - data control window created:

    - see and manipulate data while the speech recogniser is running.

    - displays clipboard contents, too (image, text, file drop list)

    - with a simple text editor for text- / file drop list - clipboards


    - columns can now be shown / hidden

    - columns can now be moved to another position

    - columns size and position are now saved with the profile

    - more columns created (confidence / weight / category / name / variables)

    commands category created: just enter a category or choose from existing categorys in the drop down list and sort your commandlist by category

    settings / main: new option: reset data upon loading

    settings / log: save log / save log as button crashed. fixed.

    editor / single: new layout

    editor / multi edit: other columns content can now be inserted in the replacement texts (see 'WITH' questionmark)

    editor / variables: renamed to 'placeholder'

    editor / language: moved into the context menu (right click on the commandlist and choose 'convert character language')

    LMC can now be given a profile as command parameter. Example: Livrot_MicCommand.exe C:\work.xml

    more development speed achieved by dropping the freeware version.

    the app can now be used in three ways:

    - without license (freeware mode)

    - mouse macro output is ignored

    - keyboard CTRL and ALT keys are ignored

    - with a temporary license (enter your username and password from livrot.com before every use to obtain a temporary license from livrot.com)

    - after 30 minutes mouse macro output is ignored

    - after 1 hour keyboard CTRL and ALT keys are ignored

    - with a full license

    - just enter your username and password from livrot.com at first program start and instantly receive a full license for your machine.

  7. hello, I have some good news for you:

    V1.150130 released:

    - New feature: macro editor with many extras

    - New feature: macro testing with breakpoints

    - New feature: macro converter and scaler

    - Simplified update procedure:

    If asked 'Did you make a backup?' just click 'YES' and browse to the license key backup.

    LMC will copy the license to the apps folder for you.

    - Command editor: only the paste hotkey demands a focused item in the command list (if not a message is being shown now)

    all other functions no longer need the focus to be set.

    Previously the cut/copy/paste/delete functions did nothing without a command being focused. Fixed.

    - Synonym show / hide and synonym display now turn on synonym enable automatically but with a message box for the user

    - '?' tooltips rewritten on the 'synonyms' and 'variables' tab

    - Temporary macro recorder: wrong event types have been selected for temp mouse / keyboard recording. Fixed.

    - The 'record' button did record the last mouse click / keypress when recording and clicking on it to stop. Fixed.

    - Loading a profile with macro commands in the free version did not set a command type.

    Changed. Now the macro is translated to plain text.

    - Using 'Load Cmd' did not set the hotkey of the selected command. Fixed.

    - While editing a macro command and clicking 'New' to create a new command showed a plain text comand with macro delay.


    - Tooltip of the delay slider updated.

    Attention: The price is about to rise by 1 euro every week over the next month.

    Thank you for your continued support!


  8. New Version V1.150111 released.

    - selectable voice for artificial audio feedback. (if you happen to have another voice installed as microsoft anna)

    - simplified low level hotkey recording. please read the tooltips.

    Some seem to be unshure if the free version has any use for ArmA3.

    You can send keystrokes into ArmA3 using the free Version. You just need to create 'plain text' commands.

    You can assign hotkeys to these commands or speech phrases.

    This is why LMC is called a macro tool and speech recognizer. You do not have to use speech recognition you can also rely on the hotkeys to trigger commands. (for speed critical comands)

    Of course speech recognition makes a lot of sense for the radio commands to other units etc.

    Plain text commands are restricted to plain text output. So no {Enter} or {Backspace} or other keys can be written as plain text output.

    Except for Shifted keys no key combinations are possible in the free version.

    An output of 'Awd' would be send as 'LShift' + 'a' +'w' + 'd' for example.

    As the controls of ArmA are completely configureable the free Version offers you a feature rich speech recognizer.

    Hope you like it.


  9. Hi,

    this is not a mod and not a Arma specific Addon. But it is an Addon for sure. So I am unsure as well ...

    But the point of this is to speak your radio commands into the microphone instead of hammering around on the keyboard. :)


    ps: any full version owner ... please get the latest version and load your old VAC profile again. The VAC loader has received a serious update and should give you your old profile working without any flaws.

  10. update released 2015/01/15 - V1.141210:

    • Editor: right click selection stopped / delete command fixed / focused element reworked
    • Improved VAC loader for the full version (VAC commands turned into macros taking care of qualifier and extended keys) + scan codes reworked.
    • new option for keyboard output: 'scan code flag' for some games / apps you may have to check this option to receive keyboard output from LMC.
    • full version: macro global delay is now saved correctly as integer.


  11. With each update the license amount is renewed. So with each new version 12 licenses are available for free again - under the mentioned account (4 full versions purchased for this test account).

    But you can keep your old license until I decide to change the key then only the fresh 12 licenses would work.

    If you buy a copy of the full version you get three licenses per update. If you change three hardware components of your system you need a new license.

    So with one purchase you can use the program on up to three machines.

    new version is available now: V1.141112 fixed the new mic modes

    starting to record video tutorials for you now.

    they will be available in three languages: English, German, French

    This task may take a week, though.


  12. New Version. 1.141109 released.

    - fixed: low level hotkeys do not record windows key repeat action anymore

    - two new mic modes created: 'listen while pressed' and 'listen while not pressed'

    - optional speech feedback on mic mode selection created

    - 'toggle' option created for macro commands

    - new macro settings added under settings -> macro (mouse click position, stop hotkey releases all key-/button-presses, allow toggle)

    to get the full version for free (12 licenses provided at the moment) use:

    - login: 'qwer'

    - password: 'qwer'



    P.S. I could use more feedback.

  13. There are tons of screenshots on the website, the website is written in Microsoft Asp.net (no javascript, etc...) and please make sure not to catch a cold this winter grumpy old man.

    The software is a Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5 application not even requiring administrator rights.

    My advice to the fearfull: please check dwvac.com and buy an 8 year old speech recognizer in the beautiful win XP look without any feature for three times the price.

    Is this the ARMA III forum?

  14. I would like to see that, too.

    But such a video exist on the dwvac website. It would be just the same using LMC ( Livrot Mic Command).

    Profiles from VAC can be imported. But in the freeware version they will be transformed to plain text output and might lead to some work before getting it going.

    Using the full version the imported ARMAIII profile gets completely transcripted to macro commands (including toggle commands/extended keys, duration, pause).

    If anyone is experienced with VAC and wants to check the full version of LMC just go to livrot.com and log in as: 'qwer', password: 'qwer'

    I have provided some licenses for the interested users.

    If you provide me some feedback / suggestions I offer you a dozen longterm full accounts for the best supporters and supportive critics !

    Have a nice sunday!
