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Everything posted by livrot

  1. I would like to see that, too. But such a video exist on the dwvac website. It would be just the same using LMC ( Livrot Mic Command). Profiles from VAC can be imported. But in the freeware version they will be transformed to plain text output and might lead to some work before getting it going. Using the full version the imported ARMAIII profile gets completely transcripted to macro commands (including toggle commands/extended keys, duration, pause). If anyone is experienced with VAC and wants to check the full version of LMC just go to livrot.com and log in as: 'qwer', password: 'qwer' I have provided some licenses for the interested users. If you provide me some feedback / suggestions I offer you a dozen longterm full accounts for the best supporters and supportive critics ! Have a nice sunday!
  2. Hi guys and girls, I would like to bring to your attention this new speech recognizer with immersion staggering features like synonyms, variables and audio feedback programs. It is a capable speech and hotkey controlled macro tool at the same time ( mouse move / click + keyboard ). The freeware version might be quite sufficient with the right ARMA settings. Do not hesitate to ask for features or to criticize what you dislike about it. Looking forward to mutual support from and to the ARMA community. Livrot http://livrot.com/ thread continued over at ARMA 3. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?185400-Livrot-Mic-Command-speech-recognizer-and-macro-tool
  3. Hi guys, I'm new to Arma and looking forward to a long future with this fantastic tactical fighting sim. As a noob I can not open a new thread and not post links, so take this: I have written Livrot Mic Command, a speech recognizer and macro tool: livrot.com It can load old VAC and keyspeech profiles and offers many new features. With the right ARMA settings you may find the freeware version sufficient for your needs. I post this for advertising, yes - but not only: Send me a PM or open a thread if you can and I give this community maximum support / build in new features to your likings. Cheers, Livrot