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10 Good

About The-Freeman

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  1. First off, mod has potential. Really liking the map, cool to see a Tibet? area. Also loving the fact that it's a single player survival with some coop. As of right now though there are some issues that make it almost unplayable. some bugs/suggetions 1. Your stats (i.e. fatigue, energy, hunger etc...) seem to be broken at times. On several occasions I've ran outta fatigue and was unable to recover it even after resting for a significant period of time. This lead my hunger and thirst to run low so i couldn't get anywhere without slowly walking. Then i would randomly get sick and within a minute or two i would die from my illness. Would be better to increase the time it takes before needing to eat/drink and the amount you recover when eating/drinking, and greatly increasing the time it takes to get full sickness ( 1 hour maybe? ). 2. loot needs some more balance. Less clothes and slightly more of a chance for ammunition, food, water etc... ( There's almost no ammo on the map ). 3. It says you can go to the river to drink but no option appeared to do so. 4. Maybe a bug? Went to shoot an AI but the bullet spread was ridiculous ( No heavy breathing, was holding breath, crouched, zeroed, and only 100m away ). Don't think I'm that bad of a shot lol as bullets were landing way off target. 5. Vehicles have an issue where they appear fine at first but upon entering the drivers seat, the wheels suddenly sink into the ground and the vehicle can't be driven. May be a host only bug, as another player found the same vehicle i did and was able to drive away in it. 6. Can start with a starting pistol, which well isn't that helpful lol. 7. Loot objects sometimes appear in large groups around houses. If i find more bugs or have more suggestion i'll edit the post. Still great work! really hoping to see how this turns out in a couple of weeks/months.