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Posts posted by Sanya

  1. Spoiler

    На координационном научном совете было заявлено, что руководство Минобороны решило принять на вооружение как автоматы 6П67, 6П68, так и АК-12, АК-14. Изделия ОАО «Завод имени В.Я. Дегтярёва» имеют лучшие показатели при стрельбе из неустойчивого положения, они рекомендованы для различных спецподразделений. Продукция ОА «Концерн «Калашников» по критерию «простота – надёжность» больше подходит для общевойсковых частей и подразделений.


    AEK is now in service.

  2. 2 hours ago, THS_EagleOne_GER said:

    First at all arma is a simulation so it is good to have a lot of features like it is in real! For those who don’t like simulation: hey there is still battlefield and cod on the market! ;)

    The fact that you can not change seats in an empty room to close the door is not realistic.

  3. On 09.10.2017 at 9:14 PM, Dost Thou Even Joust said:



    I played ARMA 2 a lot, a game type called something like BE Warfare where a single commander on both teams could build bases, defenses, etc and you could order AI controlled troops/vehicles and fight over the island. I'm looking for an active server for whatever that game-type is called in ARMA3. Does anyone have the name of a sever that is well populated for this type of game play? I can't find any. Assuming this game play was ported over to ARMA3, seemed like a fairly popular game-type in ARMA2

