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Posts posted by srd5090

  1. New SP WLA version (dropbox only currently, see first post in this thread). Added support for RHS Escalation. If you start new game and have both US/Russian content of the mod installed, there is setting automatically enabled to switch into that mod content. Still testing, could be some bugs hiding and some tasks still have some few old CSAT/NATO units.

    Will see with the parked cars toggle, also test that transport chopper in COOP. You should be able normally to click on map to make it move. Arsenal can be accessed more times when commiting tasks in COOP, or there is parameter (button in player role selecting screen) to allow unlimited access.

    SaOk you are my hero! That's awesome you added RHS support, very quickly too! Looking forward to when the tasks are set up for RHS factions.

    Are you going to be adding the same functionality for other popular mods? I would think the same functionality would benefit East vs West.
