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Everything posted by drepanon

  1. Hi guys, I've been running a repository for my team since 2014 and was quite happy with it. It has worked flawlessly since then. However, since my buddies updated to 1.6, the repo doesn't work for them anymore: Generated by ArmA3Sync 1.6.92 12 juin 2017 20:28:57 Check for Addons finished with errors for repository name: 09th WTAC Griffons An unexpected error has occured. StackTrace: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(Unknown Source) at java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source) at fr.soe.a3s.service.connection.FtpService.determineFilesCompletion(FtpService.java:246) at fr.soe.a3s.service.synchronization.FilesCompletionProcessor.run(FilesCompletionProcessor.java:75) at fr.soe.a3s.ui.repository.workers.AddonsChecker.run(AddonsChecker.java:110) Players running A3S 1.58 are still able to use the repo, though. Any ideas? For now my official recommendation is to stick to 1.58... Thank you!
  2. Thanks for the heads-up, much appreciated. I got the angle wrong about the CQB radar, I used to believe the total viewing angle was twice the amount specified in the config file. My bad, 208° seems pretty good. I understand your philosophy about movement being a priority over fire (I myself support aggressive movement tactics). Yesterday's tests where very good, except for a few instances where the AI simply did not engage an unthreatening enemy at close range. The enemy was definitely spotted, was not moving (neither was the good guy) and was oblivious to the presence of the good guy. See here: http://imgur.com/a/QlFlr What could explain this behavior? Another suggestion: could we improve the AI's behavior at long ranges? ArmA (vanilla / modded) has always been really shitty about this, AIs can be sniped at high ranges (let's say 500 m) and they do little more than falling to the ground. Is it normal that the usual "move to cover / flank" behavior goes out the window at higher ranges? Thanks again for your fantastic work.
  3. I'm just back from tonight's ArmA session. We finally decided to give this mod a go. We didn't test it before since it wasn't expected to work in MP. The point is, it does! Up until tonight we were using ASR AI3 + FFIS. We were kinda fed up with the AI standing up in obviously stupid cover under fire and basically being extremely static. With bCombat, we were very pleased to see dynamic AI movement from cover to cover, real suppressive fire and generally very human-like behavior. To my mind, some points are worth improving: CQB radar: I think the AI has a very narrow field of view and sometimes misses very obvious enemies because they're a bit too far on their flanks (while they'd be perfectly able to see them if they kept their head on a swivel). Should I play with bcombat_cqb_radar_params to improve this? More grenade throws! Even when the enemy is known and near, I think the AI still misses a lot of opportunities to throw them 'nades We had a slight problem with an AI group packing around a telephone pole because it was the only available cover... Could we get a status whether this should or shouldn't be used in MP and why? With that in mind, this mod is truly a joy to use. We got a much, much increased challenge tonight. Thanks!
  4. Hi, I recently tried to enable script debug in ArmA to understand where my FPS losses were coming from when hosting a MP game. I launched a campaign and played for 2 hours straight without any problem, but then this happened (and repeated itself in an infinite loop): 23:26:29 File mcc_sandbox_mod\gaia\functions\control\fn_getDistanceToClosestZone.sqf, line 29 23:26:29 Error in expression < then { _initValue = 1e9; _sortCode = {_x < _selectedValue}; } else { _initValu> 23:26:29 Error position: <_x < _selectedValue}; } else { _initValu> 23:26:29 Error Undefined variable in expression: _x 23:26:29 File A3\functions_f\Arrays\fn_sortBy.sqf, line 106 23:26:29 Error in expression < _sortedArray set [count _sortedArray,_selectedItem]; _sortedValues set [count> 23:26:29 Error position: <_selectedItem]; _sortedValues set [count> 23:26:29 Error Undefined variable in expression: _selecteditem 23:26:29 File A3\functions_f\Arrays\fn_sortBy.sqf, line 131 23:26:29 Error in expression < then { _initValue = 1e9; _sortCode = {_x < _selectedValue}; } else { _initValu> 23:26:29 Error position: <_x < _selectedValue}; } else { _initValu> 23:26:29 Error Undefined variable in expression: _x 23:26:29 File A3\functions_f\Arrays\fn_sortBy.sqf, line 106 23:26:29 Error in expression < _sortedArray set [count _sortedArray,_selectedItem]; _sortedValues set [count> 23:26:29 Error position: <_selectedItem]; _sortedValues set [count> 23:26:29 Error Undefined variable in expression: _selecteditem 23:26:29 File A3\functions_f\Arrays\fn_sortBy.sqf, line 131 23:26:29 Error in expression < then { _initValue = 1e9; _sortCode = {_x < _selectedValue}; } else { _initValu> This was correlated with huge FPS losses on both the server and the clients. Any idea where this might be coming from? Thank you!
  5. drepanon

    Helvantis Terrain

    Helvantis still requires AiA TP. Would it be possible to make it CUP Terrains-compatible? So far I'm getting this error with CUP Terrains: Addon 'anim_helvantis_v2' requires addon 'Chernarus' Thank you!
  6. Hi, Small issue when using CUP Terrains in conjunction with the VTS mission creation tool: the font that is used in the shop changed :blink: The new font is far less readable (see pic). It's not a big issue by itself, but it makes me wonder where the link between the two is. Any idea? Thank you!
  7. How long does it take, in average, for a gun to be operational again? I've asked for 5-round fire missions with one gun, the first shell arrives quickly but the other ones never arrive (the gun stays red). Too bad we only have one virtual gun by default, we used to have 5, if I'm not mistaken. I've also seen another bug/missing feature: the briefings used to give locations for the objectives as hyperlinks, now the text is still here (e.g. "the target is in this location") but it's not clickable anymore. Thanks anyway :) Edit: tried to increase the number of available guns by setting HW_Arti_CannonNumber to something else than 1. Indeed, more guns appear in the MCC Commander Console, but still, only ONE shell arrives!
  8. drepanon


    Tried your mod this evening with a few friends. It's brilliant! We actually spent a few minutes at the begining just looking at meteors falling down from the skies. Then we died :) However, there was some kind of bug during tornadoes: because of them, clients were desynchronized during the whole event.