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About Werzion

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  1. Werzion

    Enemy soldiers take too much damage

    True, that is a major part of the things that makes the illusion crack. The example from yesterday was on a Invade and Annex server against AI. So yeah, that one time can suresly be of lag/desync (thats also a quite big problem to the game) I personally don't often have this kind of problems with Arma 3, most of the times I've been playing I've gone for Automatic Rifles and CQB (or half long distance as it often gets to), and there I can live with 2-5 shots in the chest to put down. But since I "switched up" to Marksmen in the Swedish Forces I've started playing as sniper/marksmen in the game lately, and so far, aiming for "one shot, one kill" havent been a single success due to "immortal" AI (sure the go down 2-4 shots later, but it still sucks, the realism gets lost a little). As Jona33 wrote, I can agree with, a major flaw is the visual part, that the just twitch a little and then can with only one round kill you a split second later. I'm not gonna stop playing the game, I do like it alot, but this core feature of the game, does need a fix/remake.
  2. Werzion

    Enemy soldiers take too much damage

    Yeah, just like that video is just one, extremly rare, example of that a helmet can save your life from a bullet, my example is also just one example. I don't claim it from just one piece of anecdotal evidence, I've had this problem since the game released (I just added the example I went through yesterday which made me register and post that post). We all have had, atleast since this post got started. It's not just experience from one snipershot, its from hundreds of hours playing Arma 3. 2-4 bullets in CQB to the chest, alright, let it be so - survive and still stand (still) after two shots with a 7,62x51 NATO round to the face, with visual hit comfirmation through my SOS-scope (and blood), at 300 meters - thats just breaking the illusions of the game. The purpose of a sniper/marksmen is "one shot, one kill" (I'm a part time marksmen in the Swedish Forces). Arma 3 makes that impossible...
  3. Werzion

    Enemy soldiers take too much damage

    And here we are, almost almost one whole year later and we still got this very fundamental problem with a core element of the game :( Like yesterday, played the roll of a sniper on a Invade and Annex-server, got a 7,62x51 NATO ammo and rifle, found a enemy team leader, checked distance with my rangefinder (200 meters), zeroed in my weapon, lined his face (not just his head) onto my sight, pulled the trigger - he twiched and all hell broke loose. I got two shots onto his head (all he did was crouch... easy target) before a split second later the first shot that hit me took me out, DEAD, K.I.A... This is crap and destoying a otherwise totally AWESOME game... How can such a core feature not be fixed and proper made?