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Everything posted by SniPeZz_Qc

  1. Hi I want to make a mod (US Marines vs infected) when a infected kill a marine the marine (bluefor) auto change side to infected (civilian). I know it was possible 9 months ago but I think bohemia as remove this option.. Did someone have a idea ? Thanks you SnipeZz
  2. okay thank you for your amazing help. Left just to figured out how to send snippet from sqf to the rcon using node adn we good to go for play my little mission !
  3. Can't figured out with "BIS_fnc_MP". thank you for your help SniPeZz
  4. So it will give something like this ? [[localize "STR_InGame_InfectedWin",0,0.7,30,0],"BIS_fnc_dynamicText",true,false,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; thank you again for your help.
  5. Hi guys I'm trying to connect to my BE server for lock the server with a .js. The reality is that i don't know shit about java so my question is that did "https://github.com/Lulz0rz/battle-node" need this for run "http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?178327-Node-js-Extension-for-Arma-3-(sock-sqf-sock-dll-sock-rpc)" because the first one doensn't have a .dll
  6. SniPeZz_Qc

    Lock server with bsttle-node.jss

    Yah it's work but I need the condition to active them (In node.js it's "rpc.register"). Edit : so if I undunstrand we cannot send snippets of sqf with the first one ? this guy (the last comment it..) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?186020-Server-admin-functions-from-multiplayer-server-side-script/page2
  7. Hi I am trying to do a mission and I try to autolock the server when the amount of players to start have reached. (like battleroyal) So I did some research and i found nothing on this and i can't figured out. If someone can help me a little bit on this it would be great. Thank you SniPeZz
  8. SniPeZz_Qc

    Auto server lock with scripting

    If some people want to do the same thing I found what I think is the only way to do like BR : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?186020-Server-admin-functions-from-multiplayer-server-side-script/page2
  9. SniPeZz_Qc

    Auto server lock with scripting

    Thank you your amazing
  10. SniPeZz_Qc

    Change player side

    Ok thank you boy it's very apreciate.
  11. SniPeZz_Qc

    Change player side

    Thank you, now I don't have any error but did is exist a way to change the team and to join de civilian side when you are independent without staying in the independent team ?
  12. SniPeZz_Qc

    Change player side

    I have try that but i have this error: private ["_enemyGroup"]; _enemyGroup = createGroup civilian; switch (playerSide) do { case civilian: { }; case independent: { player joinSilent _enemyGroup; }; }; http://i.imgur.com/bJ7pTyW.jpg
  13. SniPeZz_Qc

    Change player side

    Ok thank you I will check that
  14. SniPeZz_Qc

    Change player side

    Yah that seems a good idea but if I do that I have to make more infected slot (civ) and when the player will join they will go infected (my game mode have to have only 1 infected at the start). I can make a condition that it will end mission for the client with a message that the infected is selected randomnly from the bluefor before the start. Sorry for my english english is not my first language.
  15. SniPeZz_Qc

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    Ohhh... that's sucks because is the better fast rope systeme out there..
  16. SniPeZz_Qc

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    Some probleme in MP... SP : MP: All work in SP but go in MP is do shit..
  17. SniPeZz_Qc

    2017 - Official Announcement!

    Any news about the project ?
  18. Hi everyone i'm trying to get what the player have selected with RscCombo and display it but i can't get it work after hours of trying. .hpp class textRaison : Life_RscCombo { idc = 0896; text = ""; sizeEx = 0.035; x = 0.33; y = 0.29; w = 0.36; h = 0.03; }; class Details1 : Life_RscTitle { idc = 0902; text = ""; sizeEx = 0.035; colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; x = 0.34; y = 0.36; w = 0.36; h = 0.32; }; .sqf #include <macro.h> /* File: fn_wanted_add.sqf Author: snipezz */ private["_display","_units","_type","_raison","_details","_choix"]; disableSerialization; //waitUntil {!isNull findDisplay 2406767}; _display = findDisplay 0898; _units = _display displayCtrl 0894; _raison = _display displayCtrl 0896; _details = _display displayCtrl 0902; _choix = lbData [0896,lbCurSel 0896]; _choix = call compile format["%1",_choix]; _type = ["Meurtre","Echapper de prison","Viole"]; lbClear _units; { if(alive _x) then { _units lbAdd format["%1",_x getVariable["realname",name _x]]; _units lbSetData [(lbSize _units)-1,str(_x)]; }; } foreach playableUnits; lbClear _raison; { _raison lbAdd format [_x]; _raison lbSetData [(lbSize _raison)-1,str(_x)]; } forEach _type; lbClear _details; { _details lbAdd format ["%1",_choix]; _details lbSetData [(lbSize _details)-1,str(_x)]; } forEach _choix; In game error : Thanks you for helping me.
  19. One last question that i can't figured out myself. Why the "" appear in my text: http://i.imgur.com/61qEzia.jpg (511 kB) .sqf #include <macro.h> /* File: fn_wanted_add.sqf Author: snipezz */ private["_display","_units","_type","_raison","_details","_choix","_unit","_details1","_details2","_nom"]; disableSerialization; _display = findDisplay 0898; _units = _display displayCtrl 0894; _raison = _display displayCtrl 0896; _details = _display displayCtrl 0902; _details1 = _display displayCtrl 0903; _details2 = _display displayCtrl 0908; _choix = lbData [0896, lbCurSel 0896]; _unit = lbData [0894, lbCurSel 0894]; _unit = call compile format["%1", _unit]; _type = ["Meurtre" , "Echapper de prison" , "Viole"]; lbClear _units; { if(alive _x) then { _units lbAdd format["%1",_x getVariable["realname",name _x]]; _units lbSetData [(lbSize _units)-1,str(_x)]; }; } foreach playableUnits; lbClear _raison; { _raison lbAdd format [_x]; _raison lbSetData [(lbSize _raison)-1,str(_x)]; } forEach _type; _details ctrlSetText format [_choix]; _details1 ctrlSetText format["%1",_unit getVariable["realname",name _unit]]; switch (_choix) do { case "Meutre": { _details2 ctrlSetText "323"; }; case "Echapper de prison": { _details2 ctrlSetText "3323"; }; case "Viole": { _details2 ctrlSetText "3423"; }; }; .hpp
  20. Thank you for your help
  21. SniPeZz_Qc

    .paa files change color

    Put it in 64x64, 256x256 or 512x 256.
  22. Thank you for your help you are amazing but I can't get it working. Now it display only the first choice and not the one I selected. http://i.imgur.com/cEGCMmq.jpg (524 kB) http://i.imgur.com/2uVshMw.jpg (528 kB) #include <macro.h> /* File: fn_wanted_add.sqf Author: snipezz */ private["_display","_units","_type","_raison","_details","_choix"]; disableSerialization; //waitUntil {!isNull findDisplay 2406767}; _display = findDisplay 0898; _units = _display displayCtrl 0894; _raison = _display displayCtrl 0896; _details = _display displayCtrl 0902; _choix = lbData [0896,0]; //_choix = call compile format["%1",_choix]; _type = ["Meurtre","Echapper de prison","Viole"]; lbClear _units; { if(alive _x) then { _units lbAdd format["%1",_x getVariable["realname",name _x]]; _units lbSetData [(lbSize _units)-1,str(_x)]; }; } foreach playableUnits; lbClear _raison; { _raison lbAdd format [_x]; _raison lbSetData [(lbSize _raison)-1,str(_x)]; } forEach _type; _details ctrlSetText _choix; thank you again