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Everything posted by freexavier

  1. What language is similar to Arma? I'm planning to learn and get better on how to script better in Arma. I tried searching online on what language, Arma uses, is similar. There were some threads, but not concrete. I don't want to waste learning a language and later find out that Arma is totally different. Also the game I'm aiming on scripting is both Arma 2 and Arma 3. Since I have some friends who only have Arma 2, OA, and don't own Arma 3. And I play with them from time to time. I also made my own simple Arena where 3 teams fight each other.
  2. What should I learn? C or C++? I read somewhere that most people start with C and then learn C++ later on.
  3. I noticed that there is C and C++. What the difference?
  4. Question: Is there a way to make a camera scene to be played by a, and for, single person instead of being played to the entire server? I've seen it been done in a Wasteland server I played a long long time ago. Bellow is a sample of the one I been making. File name is called "CameraScenes.sqf" and I execute it with "player exec '"CameraScenes.sqf"" _camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0] _camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] showcinemaborder false; titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", .5] /// Camera Overview of Statis Airfield _camera camPrepareTarget [-88127.96,-36884.48,8.15]; _camera camPreparePos [2385.62,5627.74,1.42]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; _camera camCommitPrepared 10 ~10 titleCut ["", "BLACK OUT", .5] ~2 player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"] camDestroy _camera titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 5]
  5. The initPlayerLocal.sqf is working perfectly. Only problem with it was that I had to use as follows, bellow to make it work. player exec "CameraScenes.sqf" Also the addaction doesn't seem to work. Maybe because it uses execVM? Since player exec "CameraScenes.sqf" wouldn't work if I made it into player execVM "CameraScenes.sqf" instead. Also what is the difference between using exec and execVM? I tired using as follows: player execVM "camera.sqs" and it hanged Arma 3.
  6. And how do I do that? I'm not a pro in script in Arma. Also I'm planning on making it play when a player enters a server at anytime, but doesn't show on respwan. Also I'll be making it when someone uses an addaction
  7. When are you going to fix it?
  8. I hope you fix it as soon as possible
  9. freexavier

    Niko's Uniforms Mega Packs

    Are you planning on making headgears? If so when do you think you would be able to release it?
  10. Is it possible of making a Uniform standalone pack?