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Everything posted by MasterAkrean

  1. Ok, neither of these things worked. I really want this to be fixed cus im playing in a realism unit and I'm missing out
  2. Hey, I assume you mean "Launcher Options" tab and not Launch Options"?
  3. Hey guys. Really cool program and all that but I've got a big problem. Every time I click "Start Game", the program minimizes and the game does not launch. I've looked in task manager to see if the process starts and crashed but nothing comes up there. I tried restarting the application without any progress. Now I can't see what the problem might be. Could it be a problem with the lauchfolder of the game or wot? Please help as fast as possible! <3
  4. MasterAkrean

    Game spy end - what will we do?

    I think that there need to be a fix for the private servers. they are not working at all and that really suck IMO