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Posts posted by JackAmphlett

  1. When I use weapons mods from ArmA 2, my arms are all extended and weird. Also, I have to use AiAHQ since if I spawn an ArmA 2 vanilla unit in ArmA 3 then they just spawn with the civilian clothes.

    EDIT: Is there any way of using ports like the Mi-24 port that includes new skins alongside AiA? When I try to I get the class 'burst' error.

  2. Alright' date=' I've created the par file in the ArmA 3 directory and I still get the circular dependency error - this is the par file I'm using, I use the -par=ArmA3.par to point to it.


    Actually I think the .cmd fixed it however now I get a different error - "Include file x\cba\addons\main\script_macros.hpp not found"

    EDIT: Nevermind it was the load order.

    Aaand now it crashes after the ALiVE screen (before the main menu), I think it's because not even the cmd properly loads the addons, I guess I'll just merge them into one big folder, thanks!

    Okay, now I added them all into a big folder and I get the circular dependency again.

