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Everything posted by travhimself

  1. travhimself

    Windows client on linux server, odd behaviour

    I've been seeing this issue for several years, and it's still present as of today (July 2021). Frustrating, but I'm glad it's not only me! I am running first-party DLC only. No other addons. Here was my original setup: _get_locations = [] execVM "init\server\get-locations.sqf"; waitUntil { scriptDone _get_locations; }; diag_log "WR_SYS: INIT: ...get locations done."; _setup_game_objects = [] execVM "init\server\setup-game-objects.sqf"; waitUntil { scriptDone _setup_game_objects; }; diag_log "WR_SYS: INIT: ...setup game objects done."; The first three lines would run fine. The second script (setup-game-objects.sqf) would run, and all its contents would be executed, but the scriptDone statement would never resolve. If setup-game-objects.sqf file were totally empty, it WOULD resolve. (Adding back a single line of code to the file, even a comment, would break it again.) If I removed the first three lines and ran setup-game-objects.sqf on its own, it WOULD resolve. If I flipped the order of the scripts, BOTH scripts WOULD resolve. With these findings -- and judging by the variable name in the original post ("_handle2") -- this issue seems to happen when you try to execute multiple scripts (with waitUntil scriptDone) one after the other. But there must be some other nuance I'm not seeing.
  2. I've been searching high and low, and testing various settings with the new Revive system since its rework this past summer. I'm fairly convinced that the "Basic" damage model does not work as intended. With the following settings (see below), I would expect players to ALWAYS drop into the "incapacitated" state, as long as there are other active players on the server. Instead, I see spotty and inconsistent behavior: players often being killed outright (even when they are NOT in a vehicle), sometimes unable to revive each other, and the bleed out time sometimes ending sooner than expected. In other words, it seems like the Advanced model. There is a small footnote at the bottom of the docs (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Revive) that says: But as we know (and as I'm guilty of myself), documentation can sometimes fall behind the actual state of the software. Can anyone say say with authority whether I should expect Basic to work? Here are my settings in desctiption.ext. Revive is set "off" in the Eden editor. All player units have the "attendant" (medic) trait. // player respawning respawn = "BASE"; respawnDelay = 20; respawnOnStart = 0; respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition"}; // revive system ReviveMode = 1; // enabled for all players ReviveUnconsciousStateMode = 0; // basic; players are always revivable (no insta-death) ReviveRequiredTrait = 1; // medic ("attendant") trait is required (which WR_Remnant_Recon units have) ReviveRequiredItems = 2; // medikit or first aid kit is required to revive someone ReviveRequiredItemsFakConsumed = 1; // first aid kit is consumed in process of reviving ReviveDelay = 10; // time needed to revive someone ReviveMedicSpeedMultiplier = 1; // speed multiplier (for the above time) for medics ReviveForceRespawnDelay = 5; // time needed to force a respawn (as a downed player) ReviveBleedOutDelay = 180; // duration of unconscious state
  3. Thanks for the reply, @claws01. I've been looking at workarounds, and judging by the number of damage event handler scripts I'm seeing, I'm not the first one to encounter this issue. :) Do you know whether BIS has addressed this publicly? Is there a standing thread about the progress or anything? (Just curious where you got your info from.) Thanks again!
  4. I'm using File Bank to bundle my mission into a .pbo. I'm a very verbose code-commenter -- I'd estimate 30-40% of the code is comments. I want to keep file size down as much as possible, so I'm curious what tools people use to strip comments. Can one of the Arma 3 Tools do this for me? Or, does anyone have experience using tools like gulp to run pre-build tasks on a mission directory? Thanks!
  5. I believe the mod installation and setup was a red herring. This seems to have been related to the following command, which can be used to apply a random texture to a vehicle. [vehicleobj, "", []] call bis_fnc_initVehicle; In my experience this works great on ground vehicles. However, I think it's picking up the "base" vehicle class and trying to apply it as a texture, and that ends up throwing errors. I suspect you could pass in specific vehicle skins instead of an empty string for the second param (which represents any/all variations), but my fix was to simply remove this function when spawning in the Huron and Taru.
  6. I'll try to keep it brief. I'm running the latest version of the linux dedicated server. I have a scenario that sometimes spawns helicopters from the Heli DLC pack (namely, the Huron and the Maru). When either of these appear in-game, the server console will spit out a long series of missing cfg errors that look something like this: 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.maxHorizontalRotSpeed'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.maxVerticalRotSpeed'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.soundServo'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.soundElevation'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.animationSourceBody'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.animationSourceGun'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.animationSourceHatch'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.proxyType'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.lockWhenDriverOut'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.lockWhenVehicleSpeed'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.isCopilot'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.gunnerInAction'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.gunnerGetInAction'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.gunnerGetOutAction'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.allowLauncherOut'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.allowLauncherIn'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.gunnerOpticsColor'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 19:22:16 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.gunnerOutOpticsColor'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 19:22:16 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.canEject'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.ViewOptics'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.initFov'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.minFov'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.maxFov'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.ViewGunner'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.initFov'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.minFov'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.maxFov'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.startEngine'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.outGunnerMayFire'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.gunnerOutFireAlsoInInternalCamera'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.inGunnerMayFire'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.gunnerFireAlsoInInternalCamera'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.gunnerForceOptics'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.gunnerOpticsShowCursor'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.gunnerOutForceOptics'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.gunnerOutOpticsShowCursor'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.castGunnerShadow'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.viewGunnerShadow'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.viewGunnerShadowDiff'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.viewGunnerShadowAmb'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.ejectDeadGunner'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.hideWeaponsGunner'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.forceHideGunner'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.canHideGunner'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.viewGunnerInExternal'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.gunnerUsesPilotView'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.stabilizedInAxes'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.gunnerOpticsEffect'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.gunnerOutOpticsEffect'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.turretFollowFreeLook'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.Turrets'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.weapons'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.magazines'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.primaryGunner'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.primaryObserver'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.hasGunner'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_01.commanding'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.maxHorizontalRotSpeed'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.maxVerticalRotSpeed'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.soundServo'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.soundElevation'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.animationSourceBody'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.animationSourceGun'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.animationSourceHatch'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.proxyType'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.lockWhenDriverOut'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.lockWhenVehicleSpeed'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.isCopilot'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.gunnerInAction'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.gunnerGetInAction'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.gunnerGetOutAction'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.allowLauncherOut'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.allowLauncherIn'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.gunnerOpticsColor'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 19:22:16 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.gunnerOutOpticsColor'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 19:22:16 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.canEject'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.ViewOptics'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.initFov'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.minFov'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.maxFov'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.ViewGunner'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.initFov'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.minFov'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry '.maxFov'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.startEngine'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.outGunnerMayFire'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.gunnerOutFireAlsoInInternalCamera'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.inGunnerMayFire'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.gunnerFireAlsoInInternalCamera'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.gunnerForceOptics'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.gunnerOpticsShowCursor'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.gunnerOutForceOptics'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.gunnerOutOpticsShowCursor'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.castGunnerShadow'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.viewGunnerShadow'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.viewGunnerShadowDiff'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.viewGunnerShadowAmb'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.ejectDeadGunner'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.hideWeaponsGunner'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.forceHideGunner'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.canHideGunner'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.viewGunnerInExternal'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.gunnerUsesPilotView'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.stabilizedInAxes'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.gunnerOpticsEffect'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.gunnerOutOpticsEffect'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.turretFollowFreeLook'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.Turrets'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.weapons'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.magazines'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.primaryGunner'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.primaryObserver'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.hasGunner'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 19:22:16 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_base_F/Turrets/CargoTurret_02.commanding'. 19:22:16 Warning Message: '/' is not a value The objects appear to work fine in-game, but the server will continually spit out these errors every 5 seconds as long as the object exists, bloating my logs and creating a lot of noise. I'm also concerned that these errors may be indicative of some other issues that I'm simply not aware of yet. I've confirmed that all the mods are loading (that is, I can see them in the ===== List of Mods ===== that is printed when the server starts). I have used steamcmd's app_update to verify that I have the latest version, and I have also run the validate command. When I connect to the server from my Windows game client, the mods list in the server UI appears red, but I am able to connect and play without issue. (No idea if the red circles are related to this.) Apologies in advance if this question has been asked and answered elsewhere -- I was unable to find any threads detailing this particular issue. Please shout if I can provide any additional info to help troubleshoot.
  7. Yep, you're absolutely right Von Quest. Did a little more experimenting and noticed the same thing myself. Odd that the markers sometimes layer in front, and sometimes behind. But at any rate, case closed. Thanks to those who chimed in with suggestions!
  8. I'm using nearestObjects to find and disable all fuel pumps on Tanoa. The search looks something like this: _pumpclasses = [ "Land_FuelStation_Feed_F", // rusty white pump, altis/stratis "Land_fs_feed_F", // oldschool white pump, altis/stratis "Land_FuelStation_01_pump_F", // modern white/red pump, tanoa "Land_FuelStation_02_pump_F" // oldschool yellow pump, tanoa ]; _fuelpumps = nearestObjects [mapcenter, _pumpclasses, mapradius]; { _x enableSimulation false; } foreach _fuelpumps; However, I've discovered that this only finds about half the existing pumps. I ran some experiments with progressively more liberal searches, and I've confirmed that some pumps will not be picked up at all by nearestObjects. Here is an example: A gas station with four fuel pumps: Map showing four fuel pump markers (one of them is partially obscured): I then ran the following code to find and mark ALL buildings nearby: _places = nearestObjects [player, ["All"], 50]; { _position = getPos _x; _positionx = _position select 0; _positiony = _position select 1; _placesmarkername = format ["places%1", _forEachIndex]; _placesmarker = createMarker [_placesmarkername, [_positionx, _positiony] ]; _placesmarkername setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; _placesmarkername setMarkerType "n_unknown"; } foreach _places; The resulting map shows that only one of the four pumps (the partially obscured one) has been marked. Can anyone take a stab at explaining why this might be happening, and how to work around it?
  9. I've been trying to add an item to a corpse with either onPlayerKilled.sqf or onPlayerRespawn.sqf, both of which have a param that supposedly references the "old unit" (which I take to mean the dead body). onPlayerKilled.sqf _oldunit = _this select 0; _oldunit addItem "G_Aviator"; onPlayerRespawn.sqf _newunit = _this select 0; _oldunit = _this select 1; _oldunit addItem "G_Aviator"; However, neither seems to work. In fact, in onPlayerRespawn.sqf, if I diag_log _newunit and _oldunit, they both seem to point to the same object. Is there an extra step needed to get a handle for the corpse itself? And if so, is it possible to add an item to its inventory? Thanks in advance!
  10. travhimself

    Adding items to a corpse

    Great idea, thanks! Here's what I ended up with. I'm sure there's room for refactoring, but it should at least provide a starting point for anyone else trying to accomplish this: onPlayerKilled.sqf // grab the old unit (corpse) _oldunit = _this select 0; // determine which containers the unit has _uniform = uniformContainer _oldunit; _vest = vestContainer _oldunit; _backpack = backpackContainer _oldunit; _possiblecontainers = [_uniform, _vest, _backpack]; // check each container to see if it a) exists, and b) has space { if ( !(isNull _x) ) then { if ( _x canAdd ["ItemWatch", 1] ) exitWith { _x addItemCargoGlobal ["ItemWatch", 1]; }; }; } foreach _possiblecontainers; As an aside, just wanted to say thanks killzone_kid for all the posts on your blog, the forums, and the wiki -- they've been a tremendous help over the years. Keep up the good work!
  11. For closure: I was never able to get those clips working properly with playSound. In the end I moved them into CfgRadio and now play them over sideRadio.
  12. I have CfgSounds in my description.txt that look something like this: class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {}; class sound_radioin { name = "sound_radioin"; sound[] = {"@a3\dubbing_radio_f\Sfx\in2a.ogg", 2, 1}; titles[] = {1, ""}; }; class sound_radioout { name = "sound_radioout"; sound[] = {"@a3\dubbing_radio_f\Sfx\out2a.ogg", 2, 1}; titles[] = {1, ""}; }; class sound_radionoise { name = "sound_radionoise"; sound[] = {"@a3\dubbing_radio_f\Sfx\radionoise2.ogg", 3, 1}; titles[] = {1, ""}; }; }; When I play sound_radionoise (which is several seconds long) in a mission using... playSound "sound_radionoise" ...it works just as you would expect -- it plays a single time and stops. However, if I try to play either of the other clips, which are very short in duration (less than 1 second), they will repeat several times before stopping. It almost seems as though there is a minimum length to a playSound, and the clip gets looped until that minimum is reached. I've tried adding "duration = .25" to each of the troublesome clips, and this seems to have no effect -- they repeat several times, just as before. Any ideas?
  13. Further discovery: This may only be happening only with .ogg files. Very short clips in .wss format seem to work fine.
  14. I'm trying to use SteamCMD to pull down the latest version of the dedicated server. I ran: app_update 233780 ...and it seemed to download a new version (I saw a bunch of output with progress indicators), but when I run the server it's still showing up as 1.50: 2:47:21 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.207) 2:47:21 Host identity created. [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed. Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 107410 2:47:21 Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303 2:47:21 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303 Arma 3 Console version 1.50 : port 2302 2:47:22 Connected to Steam servers And sure enough, when I attempt to connect with a client on v1.52, I'm kicked due to incorrect client/server version match. A quick sanity check: Steam>app_update 233780 Success! App '233780' already up to date. Does SteamCMD ever fall behind in its knowledge of latest app versions? Am I suffering from caching issues? Any leads would be much appreciate. Thanks in advance!
  15. Admittedly I don't completely understand why this works, but here was the fix: simply use SteamCMD's force_install_dir, and install on top of the existing directory where the A3 server lives. In my case the server lived at: ~/steamcmd/arma3 So I ran: Steam>login <username> Logging in user '<username>' to Steam Public... Using cached credentials. . . Logged in OK Waiting for license info...OK Steam>force_install_dir arma3/ Steam>app_update 233780 This seems to force not only a specific install directory, but a fresh/complete download of the server files. You'll get a bunch of download progress output, and it will take a while longer than doing a standard app_update (which is why I'm conjecturing that it's a clean install). At any rate, I ran the server after doing this, and sure enough it was at 1.52: 13:24:10 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.207) 13:24:10 Host identity created. [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed. Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 107410 13:24:10 Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303 13:24:10 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303 Arma 3 Console version 1.52 : port 2302 13:24:11 Connected to Steam servers Happily, this doesn't wipe any of your mods or config files from your existing install directory.
  16. I'm trying to find a way to programmatically delete a way point placed by a player when shift-clicking on the map. To clarify, I understand that you can hover and press delete -- I'm looking for a script command that will remove the marker. I've messed with deleteWaypoint a bit, but it seems like those types of group movement waypoints are different than the ones you place on the map, as that command has no effect. Any ideas?
  17. travhimself

    Pushing Units.

    I've been battling this same issue, and came up with a couple different solutions. I'm not sure if it's been mentioned here already, but enableSimulationGlobal will effectively freeze a unit. This has the desired effect (disabling collision), but also comes with some side effects: nameplates will not appear, and normal animations will freeze. If you want to try this, just run something like this on the server side: { _x enableSimulationGlobal false; } foreach dudes_to_freeze; The above-mentioned drawbacks weren't really acceptable for me, so I kept tinkering. What I discovered is that applying an animation to a unit has a similar effect to disabling simulation, in that it roots the unit to the spot. However, this comes with its own side effect: units will get rooted to the terrain level. So if you have a guy that's standing on top of a structure, for example, he'll get snapped down to the terrain and may clip through the floor. But there's a simple workaround: just determine his position, then reset him after the animation is applied. Again, on the server side: { // _x enableSimulationGlobal false; _x disableAI "MOVE"; _startingpos = getPosATL _x; [_x, "STAND", "ASIS"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim; _x setPos _startingpos; } foreach dudes_to_freeze; BIS_fnc_ambientAnim is notoriously troublesome in multiplayer, but this seems to work fine with both "STAND" and "GUARD". Hope this helps. I'd go with solution #1 if you can deal with the animation freeze, as it's simpler and more foolproof. But #2 is what I'm using now, and it seems pretty decent in testing.
  18. So let's say I have description.ext that contains the line: loadScreen = "myfancyimage.paa"; It seems as though, if that image is contained in the mission files, it won't be available to connecting users, since the files gets pulled down when the user connects. (It's a cart-before-the-horse issue, as far as I can tell.) However, my mission requires an addon, which all users will have. If I bundle that image with my addon, can I then reference it from the description.ext? And if so, what is the proper path? Eg, something like: loadScreen = "@awesomeaddon\addons\myfancyimage.paa";
  19. Yes, exactly! It's a miracle you were able to understand what the hell I was talking about. :) RemoteExec is just what I needed: a way to execute some code in the context of a specific player. Thanks a bunch for your help, SilentSpike. I owe you a beer. (PS: For others who might need help on this, make sure you whitelist your functions in CfgRemoteExec.)
  20. I have a good general understanding of profileNamespace, and how to set and retrieve variables from it. My question pertains to a detail of how the game determines which player's profileNamespace to act on. If you look at the doc page, it says: Now, it's pretty obvious that if a player calls a script (say, via addAction), and that script sets a variable in the profileNamespace, that player's profile is the "active user profile", and so that's the player that will be acted on. My question is, are there other ways to set the active user profile? Let's say I have a script that runs server-side. I want to pass a "player" object to that script, and have the script act on that player's profileNamespace. Can I do such a thing?
  21. Apologies for the necro. Just want to note that this can be a problem of ownership, even when permissions are correct. For example, if you run your server under a user called "serveruser" but the mod files are owned by "root", they will throw the NOT FOUND error. You can use the chown command to remedy this.
  22. arma3optics.com With the Marksmen DLC having just landed, I decided to spend my Saturday afternoon whipping up a little guide to the various optics available in the game. It's published under Creative Commons, and the source is available on Github if anyone is interested in contributing. If you don't want to contribute code but you DO want to make a suggestion/addition/correction, feel free to post here and I'll do what I can to incorporate your changes.
  23. travhimself

    [Guide] ARMA 3 Optics Visual Guide

    Hmm... just double-checked, and I'm only seeing four modes: "VIS", "NV", and two "TI" modes. Is there one I'm missing? ---------- Post added at 11:23 ---------- Previous post was at 11:20 ---------- Unfortunately you'd have to direct that question to the BI devs -- I'm just going by the data provided in-game. I don't have enough real-life experience shooting with optics to understand exactly how magnification is measured. Again, just going by what you see in the UI. If you equip the scope on a weapon and mouse over it, it says "Magnification: 1x-2x." I think they do this because you can use your visual acuity thing (hold right click) to get a deeper zoom level; and the zoom in/out hotkeys work for the Mk17 just like they do for other scopes. (Although... visual acuity also works for the ACOs, but the ACOs don't have a zoom level listed...) Maybe someone could file a bug report on that.
  24. Okay gang, bear with me while I describe what I'm trying to do. Using the visual editor, I'm able to: 1) Create a group of units. 2) Create a trigger that activates when OPFOR is NOT PRESENT. 3) Use the Synchronize tool to attach the trigger to the group leader. 4) ...Then kill all of the units and watch the trigger fire when the last one dies. In other words, when all the group members are dead. Sample A: http://i.imgur.com/o9yKdKv.jpg (105 kB) Sample B: http://i.imgur.com/zzmf5GK.jpg (108 kB) Now, I'm trying to replicate this programmatically using triggerAttachVehicle. _emptytrigger = createTrigger["EmptyDetector", [0 , 0, 0]]; _emptytrigger setTriggerArea[25000, 25000, 0, false]; _emptytrigger setTriggerActivation["OPFOR", "NOT PRESENT", true]; _emptytrigger setTriggerStatements["this", "hint 'group killed'", "hint 'done'"]; _emptytrigger triggerAttachVehicle [enemy1]; I've created a trigger and set up all the necessary params. I've given each of the OPFOR units a name in the visual editor (enemy1, enemy2, enemy3), so I then attach the trigger to enemy1 (the group's leader). However, this results in a trigger that fires when enemy1 dies -- the other two units are basically disregarded. Is there a way to attach a trigger to a group, and/or the group's leader, in order to mimic the functionality that I'm able to get with the visual editor? I've been fighting with this for a few hours now and not having any luck. The docs page has some notes about setting the source to a "GROUP", but frankly the description is pretty confusing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!