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Everything posted by everythingisnothing

  1. everythingisnothing

    Installing mods on a rented server via TCAdmin

    Thanks for the information... The game I'm hosting for is Quake 3 Arena, I informed them that they would need to allow my account to access such features in command line manager where they said attempted to do so but noticed that feature wasn't working, they believe it's an error with TCAdmin and said hopefully a future update will fix the problem, until then I can supply them with command line I want and they'll enter it. Not sure if this is true or not, but oh well atleast I can get it changed if need be... lol. Cheers.
  2. everythingisnothing

    Installing mods on a rented server via TCAdmin

    Hi there, I have a question regarding TCAdmin whitch has to do with Commandline Manager, but not nesscicerally as the thread title suggests, but do bare with me :) I have a TVAdmin account with an ISP for a game, I asked them to enable Commandline Manager, which they did, however though I can create a new Commandline entry, I can give it a title but not actually add any settings to it. I told them about the issue but strangely enough they don't know why it's not working, I wondered if anyone here could give me some suggestions to what the ISP would have to enable their side for me to be able add things like +set exec... etc..