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Everything posted by Inceptor57

  1. I want to make an amphibious assault with the vehicles, but the AI vehicles refuse to go to the beach I waypointed and instead are diverting off to some other place on the side. How can I make it so the AI will go straight into the beach. I'm using Utes as the map.
  2. Ya, so I have the vehicle driver have a way point set to the beach with "Transport unload", but my squad inside are given a separate waypoint to move to a location. Are you saying I have to use the squad inside the vehicle and select the same place I put the vehicles to unload at a waypoint to "Get out"?
  3. Hello, So I have the paradrop script in for my C-130 from this guy: and I successfully ejected all of the troops. Problem is that my squad leader wants to put everyone back into the C-130 rather than proceed with my move waypoints I set up for him at the beginning.How do I make him follow my movement commands and stop his commands to get back into a flying C-130 we ejected from? Thanks!
  4. A C-130 I assigned to do a round about around Utes with waypoints always ends up landing in the airport in the middle, even if I have waypoints saying to move across, then back to the otherside. It just tends to land. How can I stop this? I'm using the C-130 as a paratroop transport if thats important. Although, I DO want it to land when all hostiles present in an area are no more, how do I code a trigger to make the vehicle perform a landing when hostiles are not present anymore?
  5. Here is the script I used. I named the C130: "War_Thunder" _group = _this select 0; _X action ["Eject",War_Thunder]; unassignWar_Thunder; sleep 1}foreach units _group;
  6. Got a problem with the weapon sounds in the game. So it works fine sometimes, but after several shots, all the game sounds to silent and doesn't come back until I restart the game. Depends though, sometimes it goes silent after 4 shots with a M4 and AK or 1/2 a ammo box of the M249. Is this a common issue currently?