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About ii-winters

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    landscape gardener
  1. Maybe th full moon is not at the same hour, but at the same day (24 hours). The next full moon in Athens is "7. Nov. 0:23". At this page you find exact full moon for other locations all over the world. And when you enter a full moon date in the editor on Altis map there is definitely no full moon. There would be a lot of chaos on earth when full moon in Berlin is today, Athens 3 days later and Washington 5 more days later (like Roland Emmerich#s 2012).
  2. I think the moon calculation is not correct. I use a script that starts my missions with curent server time and date. If I'm correct full moon is all over the worl at the same time. But when in my mission is full moon it's not in the game (Or when the moon ingame is correct, the real moon is wrong :j:).
  3. While testing I had a lot of building positions units can't reach, so the script uses the _timeout. This keeps the skript running but is not so nice. Doing some changes seems to solve the problem. waitUntil {moveToCompleted _unit || moveToFailed _unit || !alive _unit || _timeout < time [b][color="#FF0000"]|| _unit distance (_house buildingPos _currentBuildingPos) <= 2.5[/color][/b]}; The unit still move direct to, or if not possible close to the position, and moves on without using timeout and the setpos after that. I only testet the distance of 2.5 m. Maybe a other distance is better. P.S. Nice script.