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Everything posted by rikirikibitta

  1. rikirikibitta

    Bornholm, Denmark [Terrain]

    Wow!!! Bornholm is simply amazing,so i want to say a big big big -thank you!- to the creator -EgilSandfeld- for his incredible of work. (and for the people here complaining...mmh...naaah,really nothing to say)
  2. rikirikibitta

    LOSounds2 Release Thread

    ...and after Frank Zappa or Miles Davis from now You guys are my heroes! I m dead :D;):cool:
  3. Ya rhysduk, same problem here (and with every Stem content). In my opinion "Steam Remains the Same"...garbage as ever. Only a question for Lato - your mission man is superb,no doubt - why no updated version on Armaholic ?? Thanks for replay and for your precious work. riki
  4. rikirikibitta

    Steam always a disaster...

    How is it possible that with every scenario content downloaded from Steam savegames don't work ??? (es: Deliverance part1-2, Hunter six, Cold rising I-II ...etc) Arma 3 v1.32 (and tried with mods or without, same result) edit: now work...(boh?!?)
  5. rikirikibitta

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    @commy2 "Can you please be more specific on what actually doesn't work? So that I know what I have o look for." savegames in singleplayer is the problem (like I wrote before) thanks again edit: resolved
  6. rikirikibitta

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    ...and so no solution? Or AGM is only for multiplayer?? I hope no(!) edit: now tested v0.93 and works perfectly
  7. rikirikibitta

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    I restart a mission (all official or users scenarios) and save but then when I have to reload the save doesn't work (also autosaves) Other mods used: CBA' date=' bCombat, JSRS+L_ES (tried disabling BCombat but same result) Thanks for replay and sry bad english
  8. rikirikibitta

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    First thanks for this awesome mod (in particular -ballistics- and -ragdoll- modules changed my game!). Only a question: sp savegames don't work for me (campaigns and missions the same), is it normal?
  9. rikirikibitta

    [SP] In Our Time (Campaign) v1.05

    "In our Time" is of equal in quality to Bohemia campaigns, best scenario I've ever played - simply.