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About Racketen

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  1. Racketen


    So Im not sure this is still relevant but this is what I wrote for the original video: _source = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getPos SELECTED_UNIT; _source setParticleParams [["\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Refract.p3d",1,0,1,0],"","Billboard",1, 1, [0,0,.4],[0,0,1],0,1,1,0,[.25,3,.25,0],[[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1]],[1.5,0.5],0,0,"","",SELECTED_UNIT]; _source setDropInterval .1; However that was just me playing around a bit inside the editor. I made a multiplayer compatible version (however it has CBA as a dependancy), initPlayerLocal.sqf ["MPCloakToggle", { _unit = _this Select 0; _mode = _this Select 1; if (_mode) then { _source = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getPos _unit; _source setParticleParams [["\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Refract.p3d",1,0,1,0],"","Billboard",1, 1, [0,0,.4],[0,0,1],0,1,1,0,[.25,3,.25,0],[[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1]],[1.5,0.5],0,0,"","",_unit]; _source setDropInterval .1; _unit setVariable ["CloakVic", _source]; [_unit] spawn { sleep .4; (_this select 0) hideObjectGlobal true; }; } else { deleteVehicle (_unit getVariable "CloakVic"); [_unit] spawn { sleep .25; (_this select 0) hideObjectGlobal false; }; }; }] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler; initCloak.sqf // callscript with 0 = this execVM "initCloak.sqf" from a units init line if (str player != str _this) exitWith {}; player setVariable ["CloakIsOn", false]; _OffId = player addAction ["Turn off cloak",{player setVariable ["CloakIsOn", false]; player setCaptive false; ["MPCloakToggle",[player, false]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;}, "",1,true,true,"","(player getVariable ""CloakIsOn"")"]; _OnId = player addAction ["Turn on cloak",{player setVariable ["CloakIsOn", true]; player setCaptive false; ["MPCloakToggle",[player, true]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;}, "",1,true,true,"","!(player getVariable ""CloakIsOn"")"]; player setVariable ["CloakOffActionID", _OffId]; player setVariable ["CloakOnfActionID", _OnId]; 0 = [] spawn { while {true} do { waituntil{!alive player}; player removeAction (player getVariable "CloakOffActionID"); player removeAction (player getVariable "CloakOnActionID"); waituntil{alive player}; _OffId = player addAction ["Turn off cloak",{player setVariable ["CloakIsOn", false]; player setCaptive false; ["MPCloakToggle",[player, false]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;}, "",1,true,true,"","(player getVariable ""CloakIsOn"")"]; _OnId = player addAction ["Turn on cloak",{player setVariable ["CloakIsOn", true]; player setCaptive false; ["MPCloakToggle",[player, true]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;}, "",1,true,true,"","!(player getVariable ""CloakIsOn"")"]; player setVariable ["CloakOffActionID", _OffId]; player setVariable ["CloakOnfActionID", _OnId]; }; }; I haven't bugtested it too much but it should get the job done... I know Im kind of late to the party, but maybe this will help someone at some point...