Not sure if this is the proper place to release such a script, but if not, just move it.
I needed a super simple file to remove whitespace from a string, and google found nothing. So if it exists, it's properly done better than mine.
REGARDLESS! Here is mine in case anyone else needs it! Enjoy! :)
File: REV_fnc_removeWhitespace
Author: Floppy Pancakes
Usage: ["string here"] call REV_fnc_removeWhitespace
Returns: "stringhere"
License: My words. Use freely, leave credit. Simple. :)
private ["_stringToParse"];
_originalString = _this select 0;
_stringToParse = toArray _originalString;
while {32 IN _stringToParse} do {
_index = _stringToParse find 32;
_stringToParse deleteAt _index;
_finalString = toString _stringToParse;