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About R6B

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  1. I am so stupid i figured it out had all the ts sounds on mute thats why it didn't worked but i wanna thank you guys for the fast support :)
  2. it says TFR is connected and everytime i try to test it out with friends we are completly mute in the game ,teamspeak keeps working, we get our radio's from the server but no audio cues when u recieve it or when its connected or disconected. i know TS used to mute us unless we talked over the radio, or is that removed?
  3. can anyone help me i cant get the Acre2 to work i put it in my arma addon folder with cba_3 and with the launch parameters and yes i double double checked them they are correct even with play withsix it is not working, i get acre connected in the top right and it never dissapears for me and the keybindings are not working so what am i doing from need some help Greetz Rob
  4. can anyone help me i cant get the TFR to work with the newest version of TS3 or an older one everything is as it should be but not working, My mod folder is in a different location that arma 3 folder it used to work fine Greetz Rob