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Everything posted by zakiechan

  1. Im trying to find the proper doorName to animate the Taru Transport Pod doors (mainly the rear) ? ("Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_covered_F") I realize it is still tucked away by BIS, but I could have sworn I have seen it animated on a server or two. ( I cant find it in my Mp_missionsCache, I tried searching, but no joy) I appreciate any help
  2. Working on a project to monitor what mods clients have installed vs the server and a whitelist for a un-keysigned server. Want the server to reference a userconfig file to get an easy to change whilelist. Have tried if(isServer) then { #include "\userconfig\modtracker\settings.hpp" }; , in the init.sqf I have the mod pointing to. I end up with clients crashing with an error saying userconfig not found. Also tried: [] call "\userconfig\modtracker\settings.sqf"; however, the server reports an error of the script not being found. Any help is greatly appreciated
  3. Ugly font, too dense/heavy. Causes strain to read, 1680*1050 - tried on various ui size settings.
  4. Hello, I have followed arma 3 dedicated setup wiki, however i do not see the option to revert the server package to the previous stable build with the updater. i assume that "SET A3serverBRANCH=233780 -beta" needs to be changed but unsure what the solution is Thanks ***EDIT*** Have still not found a way to revert using steamcmd. However if you have the steam client installed just copy client files from legacy arma 3 client package. Go to betas in the properties and use beta unlock code Arma3LegacyXYZ, where XYZ = version, ie Arma3Legacy152 Only thing left to do is backup your server folder, delete everything but the mods and config files and overwrite with downloaded package
  5. zakiechan

    VTS Simple weapon resting

    Yes much more flexible, when you deploy on a wall in an offset (non perpendicular) your entire view picture is not offset. Same for slopes... also much more forgiving/realistic on the objects you can steady yourself on. Leaning against walls, off players shoulders, etc... Also it helps to render the appropriate amount of recoil an experienced shooter encounters in a braced position. (Compared to the vanilla recoil exaggerations)
  6. zakiechan

    VTS Simple weapon resting

    Good news with the newest patch VTS should be working again :D
  7. zakiechan

    Briefing Refuses to Format

    The following is an example: initPlayerLocal.sqf [_player] execVM "BBR_Mission\bbrDiary.sqf"; BBR_Mission\bbrDiary.sqf //Most recent entries show up at top of chosen section //Diary denotes that entries will show in "briefing section" //To create a new subject ie initial selection like "Briefing" //player creatediarysubject ["weather","Weather"]; //name in commands, name displayed //create subject before record.. //player createDiaryRecord["weather", ["info", "the weather is nice."]]; waitUntil {time > 2}; _player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Join Us", " Website: http://blackburns-raiders.enjin.com/recruitment "]]; _player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Server Side Scripts", "A list of scripts on the server and how to use them: ...."]]; _player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Secondary Objective", " There are various secondary objectives...."]]; _player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Main Objective", " The Main Objective... blah blah.<br/><br/>The previous makes new lines with extra space"]]; _player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Server Rules", " Disciplinary Policy - The 1st Blackburn Raiders reserves the right........"]]; EDIT** The most likely reason that the names arent showing is that the variables that contain the foreach arrays, ie rank1vehicles, are not defined for the connecting client.Since creatediaryRecord needs to run locally, I am assuming the variables are not defined. You can send the contents dyanmically using publicvariable/publicvariableClient or include the definitions in the init, since that runs before things like initplayerLocal Hope this helps
  8. usually when you spawn something dynamically( ie a crate) from an sqf the command/function will automatically return the object. If you have the items already placed with the editor then whatever name you give them will become the variable and name to reference that object ie in the name field if you call it: myAmmoBox1 then just replace the variable_of_Crate with myAmmoBox1 if you are placing the object in the editor, you can just use the following as an init command to make the box an ammobox from the start this addAction["<t size='1' color='#32D138'>Virtual Ammobox</t>", "VAS\open.sqf", 0, 5]; this addAction["<t size='1' color='#32D138'>BIS Arsenal</t>", {["Open",true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal;}, 0, 5];
  9. function_add_VAS_Arsenal = { _passedObject = this; _passedObject addAction["<t size='1' color='#32D138'>Virtual Ammobox</t>", "VAS\open.sqf", 0, 5]; _passedObject addAction["<t size='1' color='#32D138'>BIS Arsenal</t>", {["Open",true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal;}, 0, 5]; }; [variable_of_Crate, "function_add_VAS_Arsenal" , true, true] call BIS_fnc_MP; where variable_of_Crate is the object thats getting the vas/arsenal, usually the output of functions used to spawn objects. ie// (would create a truck at player, and above code would make the truck have vas/arsenal) variable_of_Crate = "C_Offroad_01_F" createVehicle position player; color='#32D138' makes the text green, remove it for white or use a hex color picker to set the color you want VAS folder should be in the root of the mission file
  10. zakiechan

    private addaction problems

    ///THIS IS JUST AN EXAMPLE //This lets you have an addaction to interact with a sign. I use publicVariable to send the needed info to the clients. The addaction then has the client send the update to remove the addaction for all other players "makeAddAction" addPublicVariableEventHandler { private ["_assetChosen", "_csatFlag", "_passedContent"]; _passedContent = _this select 1; _assetChosen = _passedContent select 0; _csatFlag = _passedContent select 1; addActionID = _csatFlag addAction[format["<t size='1.5' color='#ffff00'>Capture the %1</t>", _assetChosen], { cutText ["Capturing... Standby","PLAIN",1]; playerHitFlag = true; removeAddAction = [_this select 0]; publicVariableServer "playerHitFlag"; publicVariable "removeAddAction"; (_this select 0) removeAction (_this select 2); }, 0, 6]; //systemChat format["Capture addAction CREATED"]; }; "removeAddAction" addPublicVariableEventHandler { private ["_csatFlag", "_passedContent"]; _passedContent = _this select 1; _csatFlag = _passedContent select 0; _csatFlag removeAction addActionID; //systemChat "Capture addAction REMOVED"; }; All your addactions need to be added and removed via addpubliceventhandler and a signal from publicVariable. You probably arent having the appropriate machines remove the addaction when its need. Thus people still get the option to difuse
  11. zakiechan

    private addaction problems

    if BPSA is placed in the editor, in the name field just make sure you call it BPSA and then use the same case sensitive name in the code. Otherwise if you create the object on the fly, whatever you use to spawn it, have the output assigned to BPSA. IE// BPSA = createVehicle etc...
  12. Does the array passed to DZS_fn_addAction contain [_ruinBuild,** THE OBJECT YOU WANT THE ADDACTION TO BE ON**] ?
  13. zakiechan

    private addaction problems

    You run a bit of code to tell all players to create a defuse add action. All code when run by an addaction is local to the client that triggered it. setup an "addPublicVariableEventHandler", and use "publicVariable", to trigger that code block when needed. You can use the conditions if(server) and if(!server) to filter out if clients store the eventhandler or if the server does. In events where only the server needs to get the update you can use publicVariableServer. Likewise you can get the client id of a player and use publicVariableClient to send only them the update. Here is an example that would make a passed object "_sign" have the option for a bis arsenal. //Loaded on each client using the if(!server) condition in the mission init. "makeArsenal" addPublicVariableEventHandler { private ["_sign", "_passedContent"]; _passedContent = _this select 1; //form [signObject] _sign = _passedContent; _sign addAction["<t size='1.2' color='#32D138'>BIS Arsenal</t>", "VA.sqf", 0, 5]; }; //Code that runs on the server (tweaked to use your object, assuming bpsa is already defined) globalVariableToSendToTheEventHandler = bpsa; publicVariable "globalVariableToSendToTheEventHandler"; Same principles for removing the action if needed. One thing to keep in mind if a client is triggering the publicvariable to update others, the code in the eventhandler wont fire for that single client because of the way publicVariable command works
  14. controls[] = {}; //Items that the user can interact with controlsBackground[] = {background, frame, textbox, picture}; //background things that can’t be interacted with **FURTHEST BACK FIRST IN LIST** In the above example picture is the top most layer, background would be the back/lower most layer The names listed above are as defined in your .hpp file ie class background: Box { idc = 1800; x = 4 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = 0 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 30.5 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 26.5 * GUI_GRID_H; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0.75}; }; class frame: RscFrame { idc = 1801; x = 4.5 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = 2 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 29.5 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 24 * GUI_GRID_H; }; //etc...
  15. //You have colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; //colorBackground[] = {R, G, B, %}; all from 0-1 scale, where % is 0 for transparent, 1 for opaque //to convert from standard color picker divide by 255 for Red, Green, Blue values //try the following for a black, opaque background on the elements, you will need to update each item class accordingly colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; Just realized the date on this... i feel very dirty
  16. zakiechan

    1st Blackburn Raiders Recruitment

    A little over a year later, we once again have roster slots open for ~ 4-6 recruits. The 1st BBR is not your standard Arma 3 group. We refuse to role play existing military units out of respect for their members ability, sacrifices, and those of their families. We focus on the pure application of military tactics in a way that recognizes Arma 3 is still a game. Expect in depth instruction/reminding of fire & maneuver, CQC, MOUT, etc. without the "hollywood-isms" groups with lesser knowledge fall victim to. Our membership consists of a healthy mix of civilians and current/former service members. Training is presented with the aid of in-house created training scenarios. Topics are presented in an engaging manner through a learn as you execute approach with minimal lecture time. Training currently takes place Mondays & Tuesdays @ 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific. If our core beliefs and mindset mesh with what you would like from a community and Arma 3, feel free to visit our Website You may also add me directly on steam, if you have any questions/concerns: Zakie_Chan
  17. Having issues with some code im working on. I want to be able to wipe all map markers, except for a few I have white-listed during various points in the mission. All code is run on the dedicated server, using the deletemarker command I cannot delete any user placed markers that are not in global channel. I am assuming my problem is locality. If anyone has ideas or prior experience with such an issue your help would be greatly appreciated!
  18. Goal of script is to spawn units based on a few random selections (position and classname), then set their behaviour for a MOUT/CQC lane initToUseOnTargets = { _this setUnitPos "UP"; _this forceSpeed 0; _this removeMagazine "SmokeShell"; }; for "_i" from 1 to _numberOfEnemiesToSpawn do { _chosenLocation = workingAiLocations call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; sleep 0.2; _classNameToSpawn = listOfClassnamesThatCanSpawn call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; sleep 0.2; _location = _chosenLocation select 0; _direction = _chosenLocation select 1; _unitSpawned = (createGroup EAST) createUnit [_classNameToSpawn, _location, [], 0, "NONE"]; _unitSpawned setFormDir _direction; _unitSpawned setDir _direction; [_unitSpawned, "initToUseOnTargets", false, false] call BIS_fnc_MP; sleep 0.2; _index = workingAiLocations find _chosenLocation; workingAiLocations set [_index, -1]; workingAiLocations = workingAiLocations - [-1]; }; Despite sleeps, players are still experiencing lag (red chain) during the spawning of units. Especially as number of connected players increase. I suspect its a BIS_fnc_MP issue, is there a better way to set the remote behaviour of created units? Any tips regarding optimization are appreciated!
  19. That makes sense thanks to all ! We have a session planned tonight. I'll update if I'm still seeing issues
  20. So it would seem I dont have to have those commands executed though BIS_fnc_MP everything is working fine with simply executing the code on the server. My initial understanding was that BIS_fnc_MP was used to set inits on objects via script, since setVehcleInit is no longer used in multiplayer. Could anyone give a brief explanation of when I would require BIS_fnc_MP to be used?
  21. zakiechan

    Marksmen DLC Weapon Feedback

    Noticed a bug with the DMS sight revision. Zeroing the sight, then switching back to the reflex mounted on top, the entire package will auto re-zero to 200m. Ideally both sights should zero independently, zero setting remaining at user set level would be acceptable as well
  22. @ALL As far as I know the only way to set the behaviour of the AI post creation is to use bis_fnc_MP, due to setVehicleInit being diabled in multiplayer. If there is a better way please let me know! The goal of the initial outlined script, is to set the AI in a given position and orientation and keep them from moving (other than rotating) and throwing smoke. This keeps them in predefined danger areas. Live targets are more desirable than popups due to the ability to return fire and punish players that make mistakes (ie not clearing danger areas/ Flowing in a tight stack upon dynamic entry) The overall execution is slightly convoluted. Add actions are given to players on a sign via publicVariableEventHandler, upon activation a variable is "publicVariableServer" which then fires the appropriate sqf. This was thrown together using some previous code I had written, ignore extraneous comments (especially in the eventhandlers) Did a quick listing of the relevant script flow through the mission. During the "add" minimal issues are observed, however another script will function the exact same way except pass "reset", which spawns 15-45 enemies. This can cause a noticeable amount of desync and certain players with higher ping/ weaker internet get disconnected from the server.. CODE:: I appreciate everyones help <3
  23. Code is run on server only using "spawn". Above code is used to create roughly 45 enemies (8 possible classnames) from an array of ~ 400 predetermined locations. Through my experimentation I have isolated the issue to the above codeblock. If possible I'd like to avoid increasing the sleep time to keep an acceptable execution time.
  24. Spirit, Thanks to you and your team for all the work done to improve MCC! My group has experimented with a combination of MCC(GAIA AI) and VCOM AI, In the big picture it seems to work well together. MCC handles largescale flanking/troop movement while VCOM tweaks unit level movement to use better cover and concealment while increasing the level of aggressive pursuit on blufor (enemy). There seems to be a natural synergy between both mods and an official support(collaboration), I feel, would greatly enhance the GAIA system Thanks again!